Enron Mail |
Pursuant to your request, attached please find a draft of the
most recent version of the GE Form Agreement (the third document below), as well as a blackline (second document below) showing changes made from the Coyote Springs Agreement that was used a the basis for the Agreement. In addition, please find the exhibits to the Form Agreement (fourth document below), as well as a blackline showing changes to the Coyote Springs Exhibits (first document below). These drafts do not contain all of my revisions. I will be providing completed drafts by end of business. <<CRO- Exhibits to Enron Form Turbine Agreement.DOC<< <<CRO- GE Agreement Versions 1 to 2.DOC<< <<GE Agreement.DOC<< <<Exhibits to Enron Turbine Form Agreement.DOC<< - CRO- Exhibits to Enron Form Turbine Agreement.DOC - CRO- GE Agreement Versions 1 to 2.DOC - GE Agreement.DOC - Exhibits to Enron Turbine Form Agreement.DOC