Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Format - Enron Draft MOU
Cc:lisa.bills@enron.com, mike.miller@enron.com
Bcc:lisa.bills@enron.com, mike.miller@enron.com
Date:Mon, 8 Jan 2001 07:11:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron on 01/08/2001 03:11 PM -----

Lisa Bills/ENRON@enronXgate
01/08/2001 10:50 AM

To: Mike J Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ozzie
Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT
cc: Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Catherine Clark/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: RE: Format - Enron Draft MOU

Below are my comments to the attached MOU. I will let Rose Engeldorf correct
my comments, add her own after she reads this.

1. As we told GE when we transferred the existing equipment from WestLB to
TurboPark, TurboPark is the vehicle we will be using to acquire most if not
all future equipment orders.

2. Cover: Turbine Purchase Agreement between E-Next Generation LLC Acting
through its Agent Enron North America Corp. and General Electric Company for
Four ...... - this is the standard we have used with GE under the WestLB
structure. It remains the same except that the Purchaser/Buyer is now E-Next
Generation LLC.

3. Pg 2, first para: Buyer is "E-Next Generation LLC", a Delaware limited
liability company with a principal place of business at Rodney Square North,
1100 North Market Street, Wilmington, DE 1989-0001, Attention: Corporate
Trust Administration. Not sure this is necessary - see 4. below.

4. Pg 2, first para: To match our other existing turbine contracts: "This
Turbine Purchase Agreement ..... is entered into as of the ...... by and
between GE....("Seller") and E-Next Generation LLC ("Buyer"), acting through
its agent Enron North America Corp., a corporation incorporated under the
laws of the state of Delaware, with offices located at 1400 smith Street,
P.O. Box 1188, Houston, TX 77251-1188 ("Agent").

5. Pg 2, second Whereas: For accuracy and only if needed since not in
existing contracts: Replace "Buyer" with "Agent".

6. Pg 2, new Whereas: To clarify relationship between Buyer and Agent,
conforms to existing contracts: "Whereas Buyer has assigned and delegated
certain of its rights, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement
to Agent and Agent has accepted same assignment and delegations as set forth
in this Agreement."

7. Clause 1, first full para: On last line, please delete "Max" after Dog,
before Projects and delete everything after Projects.

8. Clause 1, © - (e): Need to clarify that Agent, on behalf of Buyer,
will be party responsible for negotiating these points with GE.

9. Clause 3 (a): in (2) and (3) need to insert "than" after later.

10. Clause 3(a): in last sentence, (b) and © need to be changed to (2)
and (3).

11. Clause 5(b): Cleanup: insert "or" after ";" at end of (2). Insert
"to" after "Parties" in (3). Insert "on" at beginning of (4). In full para.
need to change reference to clause "7" to clause "5". In last full line of
para, "Proposal" is not a defined term and doesn't seem to fit in this
document since this Agreement in clause 8 is all that is to be effective.

12. Signature Line: ENA, as Agent for E-Next Generation LLC.

13. If we are successful, we will need the payment schedules, amounts and
cancellation schedules, amounts for TurboPark allocation.

Please call with any comments.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Mike
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2001 2:57 PM
To: Bills, Lisa; Jacoby, Ben; Pagan, Ozzie; Calger, Christopher
Subject: Format - Enron Draft MOU

Attached below is the standard form GE Term Sheet. Certain items have been
left blank, including price and shipment dates. GE told me that the
$39,970,000 per turbine set number is still the notional price based on the
GenPower Dell scope. This aforementioned scope means that we will need to
purchase an extra static starter ($900,000) and a water wash skid ($150,000)
to take two sets of two turbines and split them up intop three projects
(Longview, Ft Pierce, Fla Peaker). As usual, things like dual fuel ($2 MM),
peaker stacks ($1.5-2MM) and inlet cooling options are scope additions and
are not included in the MSRP. Please get me your comments as soon as
possible to keep the process moving. We can use this term sheet with
business points discussed with GE to get the DASh process moving. Shipment
dates are still uncertain. GE will try and accomadate us with turbines that
will work for combined cycle as well as peakers for summer 2003 start dates.
We will not know what (if any) turbines that we will get until GE goes into
their DASH process next week.


Mike J Miller
---------------------- Forwarded by Mike J Miller/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2001 02:39
PM ---------------------------

john.schroeder@ps.ge.com on 01/05/2001 01:01:05 PM
To: Mike.J.Miller@enron.com
cc: scott.terhune@ps.ge.com
Subject: Format - Enron Draft MOU

Dear Mike
Here the format of an MOU for units, however this is not an offer to sell.

The potential ready to ship dates and pricing have been deleted.

Best Regards
John H Schroeder, Jr.
GE Power Systems Account Mgr.
2707 North Loop West, 9th Floor
Houston, Texas 77008
(713) 803-0525
Fax - 0567

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Swift, Stephen L (PS, CommOps)
< Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 10:37 AM
< To: Schroeder, John H Jr (PS, Sales)
< Subject: Enron Draft MOU
< John,
< Attached is a typical MOU that we would use with Enron. We are not
< authorized to make any offers to customers until after Tuesday 1/9/01 if
< any units are made available to us. We can circulate this for Enron to
< begin a preliminary review with the understanding this is not an offer to
< sell.
< Let me know if you have any questions.
< Steve Swift
< <<TPA Rev Draft.doc<<

- TPA Rev Draft.doc << File: TPA Rev Draft.doc <<