Enron Mail

To:ann.white@enron.com, roseann.engeldorf@enron.com, lisa.bills@enron.com,william.fleenor@enron.com
Subject:RE: Redraft of Pompano Beach Memorandum of Agreement
Cc:kay.mann@enron.com, ben.jacoby@enron.com, steven.krimsky@enron.com
Bcc:kay.mann@enron.com, ben.jacoby@enron.com, steven.krimsky@enron.com
Date:Tue, 17 Apr 2001 01:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have included a mark up below with my comments and recommended changes as
we discussed yesterday. See comments therein.

Give me a call and we may discuss.

-----Original Message-----
From: White, Ann Elizabeth
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 5:49 PM
To: Engeldorf, Roseann; Bills, Lisa; Manis, Herman; Fleenor, William
Cc: Barbara Gray@ENRON; Mann, Kay
Subject: Redraft of Pompano Beach Memorandum of Agreement

Per my meeting with Rose, Lisa, Herman and Billy this afternoon, here is
another draft for review and approval by finance and accounting. I'm
attaching a redline (from the outside counsel's last draft) and a clean copy.

<< File: Pompano Dev Agreement (4-16-01) Clean.DOC << << File: Pompano Dev
Agreement (4-16-01) Redline.DOC <<