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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Kay Mann X-To: Carlos Sole X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_2\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: MANN-K X-FileName: kmann.nsf Nope. Christi Nicolay (a lawyer in the Reg Affairs) is the authority on interconnection as far as I'm concerned. Kay From: Carlos Sole on 04/24/2001 09:42 AM To: kay.mann@enron.com cc: Subject: Re Millenium: Electric & Gas system - Precedent & Cost Reimbursement Agreement FYI, have you handled any of this before? Carlos Sole' Senior Counsel Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street Houston, Texas 77002-7361 (713) 345-8191 (phone) 713 646-3393 (fax) ----- Forwarded by Carlos Sole/NA/Enron on 04/24/2001 09:42 AM ----- Rick Whitaker Sent by: Rick Whitaker 04/24/2001 09:24 AM To: Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Re Millenium: Electric & Gas system - Precedent & Cost Reimbursement Agreement Carlos - The documents attached to the ConEd message here are their draft Electric & Gas Cost Reimbursement Agreements. They cover the costs of grid interconnection for any site we might develop in ConEd's territory. Apparently, Gary Keevil of East Coast Power has been handling discussions with ConEd to this point, but with East Coast Power out of the picture, I'm picking it up. Kathleen has coached me on questions about these documents. First, do we have a Confidentiality Agreement with ConEd that covers these power development project discussions? She's going to ask Stephen Plauche of Origination about this, but I'm betting we don't have one. Second, are these agreements "Turbo Park" compliant, and have we set up an LLC to deal with New York development projects yet? I understand Herman Manus is the expert on this topic. Finally, what are the legal sticking points in these documents? ConEd has called an informational meeting for next Tuesday, May 1st, for these documents. I'm planning to attend. I'd like to know by then what we like and don't like about them, and how to approach possible changes. I'll call you later this morning so we can discuss how to proceed. Rick ----- Forwarded by Rick Whitaker/NA/Enron on 04/24/2001 09:05 AM ----- Charles Ward 04/20/2001 12:40 PM To: Rick Whitaker/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re Millenium: Electric & Gas system - Precedent & Cost Reimbursement Agreement Thoung this should be to you. Chuck ---------------------- Forwarded by Charles Ward/Corp/Enron on 04/20/2001 12:41 PM --------------------------- "Chan, Peter K." <ChanP@coned.com< on 04/19/2001 12:16:46 PM To: "'wortham@1stRochdale.net'" <wortham@1stRochdale.net<, "'wzoha@prescientenergy.com'" <wzoha@prescientenergy.com<, "'pkessler@kudmanlaw.com'" <pkessler@kudmanlaw.com<, "'steven.smith@useve.mail.abb.com'" <steven.smith@useve.mail.abb.com<, "'GMarchmont@anpower.com'" <GMarchmont@anpower.com<, "'bmay@scsenergyllc.com'" <bmay@scsenergyllc.com<, "'cougar150@aol.com'" <cougar150@aol.com<, "'gary.keevill@enron.com'" <gary.keevill@enron.com<, "'mccabebt@keyspanenergy.com'" <mccabebt@keyspanenergy.com<, "'tkain@worldnet.att.net'" <tkain@worldnet.att.net<, "'dean.robinson@nrgenergy.com'" <dean.robinson@nrgenergy.com<, "'tim.foxen@nrgenergy.com'" <tim.foxen@nrgenergy.com<, "'liam.baker@orionpowerny.com'" <liam.baker@orionpowerny.com<, "'mary.lynch@orionpower.com'" <mary.lynch@orionpower.com<, "'j.c.hall@worldnet.att.net'" <j.c.hall@worldnet.att.net<, "'mcella@sithe.com'" <mcella@sithe.com<, "'eddie.dorsett@mirant.com'" <eddie.dorsett@mirant.com<, "'ecs@dps.state.ny.us'" <ecs@dps.state.ny.us<, "'daniel_downs@dps.state.ny.us'" <daniel_downs@dps.state.ny.us<, "Sanoulis, Constantine" <SANOULISC@coned.com<, "'ralph.rufrano@nypa.gov'" <ralph.rufrano@nypa.gov<, "'doug.kerr@nypa.gov'" <doug.kerr@nypa.gov<, "'charles.ward@enron.com'" <charles.ward@enron.com< cc: "Stauber, Donald J." <STAUBERD@coned.com<, "Turkin, Raymond S." <TURKINR@coned.com<, "Carnavos, Peter" <CarnavosPE@coned.com<, "McNiff, Christopher" <MCNIFFC@coned.com<, "Villalba, Carlos" <VILLALBAC@coned.com<, "Dang, Ly" <DangL@coned.com<, "Baldi, Tom" <BaldiT@coned.com< Subject: Electric & Gas system - Precedent & Cost Reimbursement Agreement < ====================================== < < Attached, for your review & comment, are a revised "Electric < System < Precedent & Cost Reimbursement Agreement" and "Gas System Precedent & Cost < Reimbursement Agreement". Please note that these < draft documents < conceptually reflect the arrangements we previously < discussed with the < generator developers. We would like to meet with all < developers to < discuss these documents. < Please advise, by close-of-business 4/23, as to < your availability < on 5/1 and 5/3 (alternate). < < This will be a joint meeting including all developers of proposed < generation projects in the Con Edison service area. If you have any < comments on the subject proposed agreements, we would appreciate your < comments prior to the meeting. < < If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to call. < < < <<Electric - Precedent & Reimbursement (Glbl-Fix-1v4).doc<< <<Generator < - Commitment.doc<< <<Notice - Commencement of Work.doc<< <<Cost < Alocation of Mitigation Plan Rev 2.xls<< < < <<Gas - Precedent & Reimbursement (PrecdntAgree-1a).doc<< < < Peter Chan conEdison Phone: (212) 460-3300 Fax: (212) 529-7182 Chanp@coned.com - Electric - Precedent & Reimbursement (Glbl-Fix-1v4).doc - Generator - Commitment.doc - Notice - Commencement of Work.doc - Cost Alocation of Mitigation Plan Rev 2.xls - Gas - Precedent & Reimbursement (PrecdntAgree-1a).doc