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Subject:Yahoo! Finance Story - Yahoo - Enron CEO uses vulgarity in attack
Date:Wed, 18 Apr 2001 03:04:00 -0700 (PDT)

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For those who don't think we are balance sheet sensitive...
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Yahoo - Enron CEO uses vulgarity in attack on fund manager

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Tuesday April 17, 7:29 pm Eastern Time
Enron CEO uses vulgarity in attack on fund manager
(UPDATE: Adds share price, paragraph 15)
By C. Bryson Hull
HOUSTON, April 17 (Reuters) - Enron Corp.'s (NYSE:ENE - news) top executive=
on Tuesday publicly fired off the same vulgarity that brought President=20
George W. Bush embarrassing headlines when he unwittingly uttered it in fro=
of an open microphone last fall.

But unlike Bush, Enron President and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Skilling=
says he knew the microphone was on when he called a fund manager an=20
``asshole'' during a conference call to discuss first-quarter earnings with=
Bush made headlines on the campaign trail last year when he remarked to Vic=
President Dick Cheney that a New York Times reporter was a ``major-league=
asshole,'' not knowing that a microphone had picked up his remark.
Skilling laid down the insult after an exchange with Richard Grubman,=20
managing director of Highfields Capital Management in Boston, who asked to=
see Enron's balance sheet and was told it would not be available until its=
inclusion in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing later this month.
``You're the only financial institution that can't come up with balance she=
or cash flow statement after earnings,'' Grubman grumbled.
``Well, thank you very much, we appreciate that. Asshole,'' Skilling=20
responded with a laugh.
Skilling, whose candor frequently gives his public relations staff fits, to=
Reuters in a telephone interview that he knew the microphone was on.
``The specific fellow that I was not real happy with is a shortseller in th=
market. I don't think it is fair to our shareholders to give someone a=20
platform like that they are using for some personal vested interest related=
to their stock position,'' Skilling told Reuters in an interview.
``I get a little exasperated with that sort of thing, and I want people to=
know I am exasperated,'' he said.
Grubman said he felt ``pretty thin-skinned'' about the remark.
He disputed Enron's assertion the balance sheets and cash flow statements=
were not ready yet, particularly in light of Skilling's mention during the=
call that Enron reconciles its credit risks and trading book daily.
``I'm sort of at a loss as to why that was such an objectionable question,'=
Grubman said, adding:
"He's got some nerve. He and his management team sold 7 million shares into=
the market last year, so he's plugged the market for a half a billion dolla=
worth of stock valued in the $70s and $80s.
``Now the stock is the high $50s-low $60s and I'm an asshole because I ask=
about the balance sheet?''
Enron's shares closed at $60, up 56 cents, on the New York Stock Exchange o=
Tuesday, after reporting better-than-expected first-quarter earnings.=20
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