Enron Mail

To:gregg.penman@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com
Subject:PGL/enovate Master Contract
Date:Wed, 18 Oct 2000 07:05:00 -0700 (PDT)


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A draft of testimony which would be filed at the ICC with the Master Sales
Agreement Petition is attached to the accompanying memo from Jerry Fox. As
you may recall, we suggested that the draft Petition prepared by Peoples
several weeks ago be revised to better explain the transactions which would
occur under the Master Agreement and provide a basis for the ICC to
conclude that approval of the agreement is in the public interest. At the
time, Jerry said he generally agreed with the comments, but had to get more
information from his client to finalize the Petition. His intent was to
obtain the information in the form of draft testimony, which he has now
done. My preliminary review indicates that the testimony, which would
accompanying the Petition, is adequate. It explains the nature of the
expected transactions, explains how Peoples' customers benefit from the
transactions (i.e., why approval is in the public interest) and supports
the compensation mechanism. Although the testimony is somewhat sketchy, it
should be sufficient to initiate the review. The ICC Staff can ask for
whatever additional information it wishes to consider. When I speak to
Jerry, I plan to ask whether the initial draft Petition would be modified
to discuss some of the information he now has. (I believe this could be
easily done.) In any event, the basic information needed to support the
filing seems to be there. Let me know of any comments. I will wait until I
hear back before talking to Jerry Fox. (Am I correct that the new name,
Enovate (which I hadn't seen before), should be capitalized, despite the
testimony's use of small case?)
---------------------- Forwarded by Boyd J. Springer/JonesDay on 10/18/2000
01:47 PM ---------------------------

g.fox@pecorp.com on 10/18/2000 11:51:13 AM

To: bjspringer@jonesday.com
Subject: PGL/enovate Master Contract


Attached, for the review and comments of you and your clients, is a
final draft of Dave Wear's direct testimony, which would be appended to the
petition seeking approval of the Master Contract between Gas Light and

Jerry Fox

<<Docket 00-0000 Dir. Test. David Wear.doc.doc<<

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(See attached file: Docket 00-0000 Dir. Test. David Wear.doc.doc)

- Docket 00-0000 Dir. Test. David Wear.doc.doc