Enron Mail

Subject:CRRA Request to Reopen
Date:Mon, 13 Nov 2000 01:42:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 09:42
AM ---------------------------

"Cheryl Levick" <clevick@murthalaw.com< on 11/09/2000 01:28:52 PM
To: <pcorey@brfg.com<, <daniel.allegretti@enron.com<,
<heather.kroll@enron.com<, <jader@enron.com<
cc: "Paul McCary" <pmccary@murthalaw.com<, "Sandra Fischer"
Subject: CRRA Request to Reopen

Attached you will find a redlined version reflecting changes made since the
last version we provided you all. Also attached are a "clean" version
incorporating the changes, a motion for protective order, exhibits and
pre-filed testimony.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandra at 240-6071.

Cheryl L. Levick
Murtha Cullina LLP
185 Asylum Street, 29th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 240-6000 x2072

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