Enron Mail

To:heather.kroll@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, stephen.plauche@enron.com,scott.healy@enron.com
Subject:RE: purchase contract markup
Cc:hnock@fce.com, cbentley@fce.com, tleo@fce.com
Bcc:hnock@fce.com, cbentley@fce.com, tleo@fce.com
Date:Thu, 19 Oct 2000 04:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

Per our meeting yesterday, here is the clean version of the redline I sent
to you on Monday. This doesn't incorporate any of the changes we discussed
yesterday. If you have any questions, please call.
<<Enron Purchase Agreement v.2 Clean.doc<<
Ross Levine

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Levine, Ross
< Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 6:58 PM
< To: 'Heather.Kroll@enron.com'; 'Kay.Mann@enron.com';
< 'Stephen.Plauche@enron.com'; 'Scott.Healy@enron.com'
< Cc: Nock, Herb; Bentley, Chris; Leitman, Jerry; Leo, Tony; Mahler,
< Joseph
< Subject: purchase contract markup
< Heather, Scott, Kay, Stephen:
< The attached file is a redlined markup of your draft purchase contract
< prepared by our outside counsel, with a few added comments from our group.
< Please note these comments are intended to be preliminary and non-binding,
< for discussion only. Most of these comments don't address the scope of our
< meeting today, but are more detail oriented. Please call me if you have
< any questions before we meet Wednesday.
< << File: RMLredline version 2.doc <<
< Ross M. Levine, Esq.
< Director of Contracts and Contracts Counsel
< FuelCell Energy, Inc.
< 3 Great Pasture Rd.
< Danbury, CT 06813
< (203) 825-6057
< (203) 798-2945 (fax)
< rlevine@fce.com (email)
< This transmittal and its attached files (if any) may contain proprietary
< or confidential information belonging to FuelCell Energy, Inc. If you are
< not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received
< this transmittal in error. Any review, disclosure, use, dissemination,
< distribution or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you
< suspect that you have received this communication in error, please notify
< us immediately by telephone at 1-(203) 825-6000, or e-mail at
< jryan@fce.com and immediately delete this message and all its attachments.

- Enron Purchase Agreement v.2 Clean.doc