Enron Mail

Subject:GE- World Hunger
Cc:sheila.tweed@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com,david.marshall@enron.com
Bcc:sheila.tweed@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, scott.dieball@enron.com,david.marshall@enron.com
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 08:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have reviewed the insurance article and would not mind recommending a few=
minor changes but respect your wishes not to. However, I did find a couple =
places where it is definitely needed.

After speaking with a few marine experts at Wortham I have found our Hull &=
P&I wording to be deficient [did this on another project]. I believe Clause=
19.1.4 should be changed to the following recommended wording. You are=20
welcome to change the limit [$10 million] but I think the wording is more=
appropriate for all agreements going forward.

Hull & Machinery and Protection and Indemnity Insurance. Seller shall ensur=
that if any owned or non-owned watercraft of any kind is used for performan=
of the Work, Hull & Machinery and Protection and Indemnity insurance shall =
provided for the vessels in the amounts as follows:

Hull & Machinery:
Full current market value of the watercraft.

Protection &Indemnity including excess collision liability [unless otherwis=
provided by the hull coverage]:
$10,000,000 each occurrence or the full current market value of the vessel,=
whichever is greater.

Such insurance may be provided by the vessel operator or by Seller as Selle=
deems appropriate.

The aircraft clause needs a couple of changes:

In Clause 19.1.6 insert =01&aircraft=018 after =01&non-owned=018 in the thi=
rd line.

Such insurance may be provided by the aircraft operator or by Seller as=20
Seller deems appropriate.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rigby, John =20
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:07 AM
To: Marshall, David; Parrish, Paul E.
Cc: Tweed, Sheila; Mann, Kay; Dieball, Scott
Subject: GE- World Hunger

David and Paul:

As you are aware Sheila Tweed has been championing achieving a standardized=
turbine purchase agreement with GE for domestic applications. Attached is=
the current draft of such document. Please review the insurance provisions=
to see if there are any changes needed. I believe the current drafting is=
what we have used in the past. =20

Given the technology issues of late do we need to make any changes. This=
would be for 7FA and LM6000 applications which I believe the market views a=
proven technology so I assume we will not need to shift collateral damage t=
GE and expose GE to insurer subrogation.

Scott Dieball and I are in London- Enron House. Today Tuesday our telephon=
number is 44-207-783-0517. Please call at your earliest convenience so w=
can discuss conceptually.

I would prefer not to make drafting changes for the sake of style at this=

<< File: GE Agreement - Version 4(jr).DOC <<