Enron Mail

To:kay.mann@enron.com, sheila.tweed@enron.com
Subject:LM6000 Title Transfer Question
Date:Wed, 20 Sep 2000 11:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI, see below.
---------------------- Forwarded by Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000 06:43 PM

09/20/2000 06:13 PM
To: Ben F Jacoby@ECT
Subject: LM6000 Title Transfer Question


Does ENA wish to accept Title of 14 LM6000's on September 26, 2000, or accept
Title of these Units after each has been issued an Inspection Acceptance
Certificate from EECC QA/QC department?

The following is a summary of the LM6000 Title Transfer Question:

Mike Storm, GE/SSEP Project Manager, requested from me, on 9/19/00, to accept
title of 14 LM6000's no later 9/26/00. I informed him I was not authorized
to make this decision and that I would contact the Owner to make the
decision. I further informed Mike Storm that our Owner would not accept
those terms and a compromise must be worked out.
Contract Reference 15.2.1 of contract 24-LM6K-2-99 states: title transfers
when equipment is ready to ship to the delivery point and seller notifies
purchaser of such event.
Delivery Point is defined as the SSEP storage yard.
SSEP has notified us that Units #1-14 are "Ready to Ship".
Contract Reference 10.2.3 of contract 24-LM6K-2-99 states: purchaser has the
right to inspect the equipment for "completeness prior to loading on
transport to delivery point".
We have inspected the first eleven Units and have informed SSEP that Units
#1-14 ARE NOT COMPLETE and therefore are NOT at the Delivery Point.
FACT: Units # 1-11 are at the delivery point. #12-14 are at SSEP.
FACT: If we sent a truck to SSEP tomorrow, NONE of the UNITS would be "Ready
to Ship" to a project site.
FACT: SSEP QA/QC has 15 Non Conformance Reports on these 14 turbines which
need to be corrected before they are "Ready to Ship".
It is in the best interests for both companies to correct the Non
Conformance's prior to shipment to the delivery point or project site.
RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that we DO NOT accept Title until the Units are
actually ready to be shipped to a project site. The problem is that NONE OF
THE UNITS ARE READY TO SHIP! SSEP has to work off punchlist items which
their QA/QC department has listed on Non Conformance Reports. At this
juncture, no money can be withheld from SSEP. To ensure they will be fixed,
Title should transfer after our QA/QC inspectors give written notice that
each Unit is complete and ready to ship. This will protect ENA on the
quality of the machines, as well as, ensure that little or no "re-work" is
performed in the field.

If you require further information or any assistance in this matter, please
feel free to contact me at 713-646-8258.

Matthew Tezyk
Project Manager