Enron Mail

Subject:Re: City of Austin Agreement and Exhibits
Cc:jeffrey.keenan@enron.com, eric.booth@enron.com, theresa.vos@enron.com,kay.mann@enron.com
Bcc:jeffrey.keenan@enron.com, eric.booth@enron.com, theresa.vos@enron.com,kay.mann@enron.com
Date:Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:31:00 -0800 (PST)

Section 6.7.2
Invoices should be addressed to:

Enron North America
1400 Smith St
Houston, TX 77002
ATTN: Theresa Vos (713-345-8173)

Eric Boyt@ENRON
12/18/2000 11:20 AM
To: Jeffrey Keenan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric
cc: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: City of Austin Agreement and Exhibits

Attached in the latest draft of the GE-ENA breakout contract. The lawyers
need a few more items to complete before execution. Please send to Kay Mann
and copy me on responses.

Jeff/Eric - Please take a look at the e-mail below and help out on the
accurate description of facitliy-pg 1
questions regarding the exhibits
Address for Section 25.1 and 25.3

Jody/Theresa - Please provide the appropriate address for Section 6.7.2

Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for your assistance!



---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Boyt/Corp/Enron on 12/18/2000 11:16
AM ---------------------------

Kay Mann
12/15/2000 07:55 AM
To: Eric Boyt/Corp/Enron@Enron, stuart.zisman@enron.com, Billy

Subject: City of Austin Agreement and Exhibits

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/15/2000 07:55
AM ---------------------------

"Thompson, Peter J." <peterthompson@akllp.com< on 12/14/2000 06:35:27 PM
To: "Kay Mann (E-mail)" <kay.mann@enron.com<
cc: "Lee. Johnson (E-mail)" <lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com<, "Kent. Shoemaker
(E-mail)" <kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com<, "Roseann Engeldorf (E-mail)"
<roseann.engeldorf@enron.com<, "Cheryl. Lipshutz (E-mail)"
<Cheryl.Lipshutz@enron.com<, "Brett. R. Wiggs (E-mail)"
<Brett.R.Wiggs@enron.com<, "Ben. Jacoby (E-mail)" <Ben.Jacoby@enron.com<,
"Pipitone, Paul" <paulpipitone@akllp.com<, "Cobb, Chris"

Subject: City of Austin Agreement and Exhibits

Attached please find clean copies of the most recent versions of
the City of Austin Agreement and Exhibits, as well as blacklines showing
changes from the last version circulated.

To complete the agreement, we need to include the following:

1. The description of the facility on page 1.

2. The addresses and contacts for sections 7.7.2, 25.1 and 25.3.

To complete the exhibits, we need to include the following:

1. Exhibits H-2 and R need to be added.

2. Do we need to add language to section B of Exhibit A-1?
<<Comparison of Exhibits to City of Austin Agt. Form to V. 1.DOC<<
<<Comparison of City of Austin Agreement - Versions 2 to 3.DOC<< <<City
of Austin Exhibits.DOC<< <<Gas Turbine Agreement Draft of
- Comparison of Exhibits to City of Austin Agt. Form to V. 1.DOC
- Comparison of City of Austin Agreement - Versions 2 to 3.DOC
- City of Austin Exhibits.DOC
- 00.DOC