Enron Mail

To:mark.davis@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com, w.duran@enron.com,tom.may@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, jim.meyn@enron.com, nick.hiemstra@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, howard.fromer@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 06:33:00 -0700 (PDT)


Attached for your records is a copy of the final version of the proposal
letter that went out to NiMo last week.

Also attached below is a first set of clarification questions I receved from
Navigant regarding our proposal. Responses to these questions are due no
later than Weds 5/16 and we will be working to respond to these in an
appropriate fashion. You will see that the questions are rather shallow and
do not really provide any sense as to their reaction to our proposal. I have
left msgs with the folks at Navigant so that I may speak with them in an
attempt to cut to the chase and discern what NiMO's true intentions are at
this point. I do not want to waste time answering these questions and
marking up the proposed contracts if they ultimately will decide to take
another course of action. My hope is to get a mtg with NiMO ASAP and
short-circuit the RFP process as soon as possible.

Please provide any comments on the attached questions by Monday so that we
can decide our form of response by Wednesday. Kay - you will note they
requested markups of the Transacton Docs -- let's continue holding off until
I can get a better read if it will be worth the effort. Ed/Paul - note the
questions on how much credit requirements we have assumed. I don't know how
much more clearly we can state the fact that we require a claim on ALL of
NiMOs assets, but any appropriate elaboration on this would be appreciated.


---------------------- Forwarded by John Llodra/Corp/Enron on 05/11/2001
02:22 PM ---------------------------

PMcCormick@rcgroup.com on 05/10/2001 02:01:44 PM
To: john.llodra@enron.com
cc: lmq@rcgroup.com, DRyan@Navigantconsulting.com, rhevert@rcgroup.com,

Subject: NMPC Questions

Hi John,

It was great to see you the other day -- here are the questions that Lisa
promised you.


(See attached file: Enron - Cover Letter.doc)(See attached file: Enron.doc)
- Enron - Cover Letter.doc
- Enron.doc