Enron Mail

Subject:FW: CSA Draft for Review / Hessler
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 03:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. It appears things are getting better as to information flow and

-----Original Message-----
From: Hearn III, Ed
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 10:27 AM
To: Manis, Herman
Cc: Engeldorf, Roseann; Clark, Barton; Bills, Lisa; Tweed, Sheila; Jones,
Karen E.; Rasmussen, Dale; Clydesdale, Bill
Subject: RE: CSA Draft for Review / Hessler
Importance: High


Running all development documents past you prior to execution won't be a
problem. I think we all understand the involved risks, as well as the need
for absolutely correct documentation. For thoroughness, I'll run every doc
past Lisa, too. It just occured to me that a cover sheet showing a
document's approval status could help eliminate some confusion. As for
review order, I will follow this sequence: Development attorney, Rose,
Herman and Lisa.


To all:

Please have your assistants put me on your out-of-office notification list.
I know this request is an intrusion, but it will help me manage various
expectations imposed by the development teams. On the topic of developer
expectations, please take every opportunity to reinforce our document
approval process.

Thanks, again,

From: Herman Manis/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/10/2001 05:16 PM
To: Ed B Hearn III/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Bills/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: Roseann Engeldorf/ENRON@enronXgate, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, John
Subject: RE: CSA Draft for Review / Hessler

Thanks for the note. From an accounting perspective, I may not underwrite
the accounting risk in any document that I have not reviewed. We have
certain rules of engagement in transaction support that preclude me from
doing so. I will be glad to review any and all documents that come your
way. If they are in good shape, it should not take that long from a timing

-----Original Message-----
From: Hearn III, Ed
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 4:22 PM
To: Bills, Lisa
Cc: Engeldorf, Roseann; Manis, Herman; Clark, Barton; Garrison, John
Subject: Re: CSA Draft for Review / Hessler


Your request regarding review of the Hessler Agreement is timely.

In response to the attached string, I need to drop this post to you to fill
you in on the process we've followed since our discovery of certain possible
issues in consulting services agreements. I have pending deadlines, so
please excuse my tendency to hack and ramble when I'm in a hurry.

I'm sure you recall that you, Rose, Sheila and Herman recently signed off on
a consulting services agreement for TurboPark compliance, I think the
company's name was Universal Project Management ("UPM"). Rose asked me to
scrub down the UPM agreement as a starting place or form for our future
consulting services agreement requests, nothing set in stone just a good
starting place (Hessler is the first consulting agreement under this

Per Rose and Bart, Rose and a project development attorney will review all
future consulting services agreements prior to execution. Due to the
pending volume of work, Rose does not want to bother either you or Herman
needlessly, so, if the revisions are insignificant Rose will not ask me to
send the agreement to accounting and finance for review; however, significant
deviations from the form will have to pass back through the full finance,
accounting and legal approval process on a case by case basis.

This process really fell out of four or five of our collective conversations
over the last two or three days, so any comments, suggestions or objections
are more than welcome. At this point, we're hoping to decrease the time
required to generate a consulting agreement for our developers. Hopefully,
we will enjoy a subsequent decrease in the interruptions, email and telephone
traffic required for each consulting agreement.

I may be reached at extension 31592.


05/10/2001 01:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSA Draft for Review / Hessler

Lisa Bills would like the final form George Hessler reviewed. Can
you accommodate her. See e-mail below.

----- Forwarded by John Garrison/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 05/10/2001 01:05 PM

Rusty Stevens@ENRON 05/10/2001 09:44 AM To: Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa
Bills/Enron@EnronXGate, Robert P Virgo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey
Subject: Re: CSA Draft for Review

Hows that for fast !

George has no problem with our contract form except for the disconnect on
payment frequency noted. Lisa is good to go on this form.

John: Please make sure Lisa has the final form that George just reviewed.

---------------------- Forwarded by Rusty Stevens/Corp/Enron on 05/10/2001
09:42 AM ---------------------------

"gfhhai" <gfhhai@email.msn.com< on 05/10/2001 09:33:52 AM
To: <John.Garrison@enron.com<
cc: "Rusty Stevens" <rusty.stevens@enron.com<

Subject: Re: CSA Draft for Review

John: Hessler Associates has no problems with the attached draft agreement.
For clarification, paragraph 3.3 calls for bi-monthly invoices, whereas
Exhibit B indicates monthly invoices are acceptable. Our practice is to
submit monthly invoices on lengthly projects, and at job completion for
short term duties.

----- Original Message -----
From: <John.Garrison@enron.com<
To: <gfhhai@msn.com<
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 12:39 PM
Subject: CSA Draft for Review

< George,
< The attached file from our legal person is a draft of the
< agreement which I will be sending you today or tomorrow. Please
< take a look at it and let me know if you have any concerns.
< Thank you.
< Regards,
< John
< ----- Forwarded by John Garrison/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 05/08/2001 11:34 AM
< -----
< Ed B Hearn
< III@ECT To: john.garrison@enron.com
< cc:
< 05/01/2001 Subject: CSA
< 07:08 PM
< John:
< Throughout the day's confusion, I think I've managed to scrub down the
< Universal CSA to create a form.
< Please fill it out for Hessler as you deem necessary, but keep a careful
< eye out for detail I may have missed.
< Let me know if you have any questions. Let me know when you're ready for
< review by Legal. We'll turn it around for you as quickly as possible.
< Thanks,
< Ed
< (See attached file: A Form TurboPark CSA 2001.doc)