Enron Mail

To:chris.booth@enron.com, ben.jacoby@enron.com
Subject:Comments to Turbine Purchase Documents
Date:Mon, 9 Apr 2001 12:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

What is wrong with these people? Who faxes?
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/09/2001 07:52=
PM ---------------------------

"DeBerry, Jeremiah A." <JeremiahDeberry@paulhastings.com< on 04/09/2001=20
07:42:46 PM
To: "'Kay.Mann@Enron.com'" <Kay.Mann@Enron.com<, "'JKeffer@KSlaw.com'"=20
cc: "'Michael.Young@NorthWestern.com'" <Michael.Young@NorthWestern.com<,=20
"Kahn, Marguerite R." <MargueriteKahn@paulhastings.com<=20

Subject: Comments to Turbine Purchase Documents

We have forwarded to you via facsimile our comments to the Letter Agreement=
and the LLC Agreement. The majority of our comments, as you will note, are=
intended to clarify the understanding of the parties with respect to the=20
various matters set forth in such documents and are not intended to "change=
the deal". Except that, upon the advise of our tax counsel, we have adjuste=
the amounts of the promissory notes to be issued in connection with the=20
transaction in order to maximize the LLC=01,s basis in the Turbines. We bel=
this is consistent with your initial draft of the Letter Agreement.
Also, please note that we have included additional language in Section 6 of=
the Letter Agreement which provides NorthWestern with the opportunity to=20
consult with GE on matters relating to the Turbines. This reflects our=20
understanding of an agreement that had been reached among the parties.
With respect to the LLC Agreement, we would like to discuss with you the=20
following: (i) the timing of the exercise of the Call Right and (ii) the=20
intent of your proposed language in Section 7 relating to the rights of eac=
Member to act in its own best interests with respect to the Call and Put=20
Rights. To that end, we propose scheduling a conference call on Tuesday=20
afternoon, April 11, 2001. Please contact me as soon as possible with a ti=
that is convenient for your team.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Note: We will forward to you shortly, revised drafts of the documents for=
which we have drafting responsibility.=20
Jeremiah A. DeBerry, Esq.
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP
399 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Phone: (212) 318-6458
Fax: (212) 319-4090
"paulhastings.com" made the following annotations on 04/09/01 20:42:52

We have changed our e-mail address. Our new domain name is paulhastings.com=
In most cases, our address is composed of conventional first name and last=
name plus @paulhastings.com. Here are two examples:=20
janesmith@paulhastings.com and danjones@paulhastings.com. If you have any=
questions, please contact us at noc@paulhastings.com.

"The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to=
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged=20
material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or=20
taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or=20
entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received=
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from all=
