Enron Mail

To:kathleen.carnahan@enron.com, roger.balog@enron.com
Subject:Illinois Projects Update
Date:Wed, 10 Jan 2001 00:49:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 01/10/2001 08:49
AM ---------------------------

"Townsend, Christopher J. - CHI" <chris.townsend@piperrudnick.com< on
01/09/2001 06:11:55 PM
To: "'Kay Mann (E-mail)'" <kay.mann@enron.com<
cc: "Elam, Michael H. - CHI" <Michael.Elam@piperrudnick.com<, "Shindler,
Donald A. - CHI" <Donald.Shindler@piperrudnick.com<, "Gershon, Mark A. - CHI"
<Mark.Gershon@piperrudnick.com<, "Nooney, Kathleen L. - CHI"
<Kathleen.Nooney@piperrudnick.com<, "Fein, David I. - CHI"
<david.fein@piperrudnick.com<, "Nora, Mark J. - CHI"
<Mark.Nora@piperrudnick.com<, "Way, Karen S. - CHI"

Subject: Illinois Projects Update

Kay --

Happy New Year!

< Attached please find the update regarding ENA's Illinois projects.
As you may be aware, since our last report to you, the Illinois Pollution
Control Board has issued a report following hearings it conducted this
summer and fall concerning peaker power plants in Illinois. The report
contains a number of recommendations to the Governor, including suggestions
that rules be adopted to require air quality studies and public hearings as
part of the permitting process, and that additional measures be taken as
part of the permitting process to insure compliance with Illinois' noise
regulations. PMRW continues to monitor these developments.

< Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments
< regarding the status of the various projects. Thank you.
< Christopher J. Townsend
< Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
< 203 N. LaSalle Street
< Chicago, IL 60601
< (312) 368-4039 (direct line)
< (312) 630-6300 (direct fax)
< christopher.townsend@piperrudnick.com

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