Enron Mail

To:fred.mitro@enron.com, rusty.stevens@enron.com
Subject:Livingston County Tour of Lincoln Energy Center
Date:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 11:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi guys,

I want to make sure that you are comfortable with whatever services are being
provided by Piper Rudnick, so that there won't be any surprises when the bill
comes in. Could you give me a brief outline of their scope?



---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 08/14/2000 06:31
PM ---------------------------

"Gershon, Mark A. - CHI" <Mark.Gershon@piperrudnick.com< on 08/09/2000
05:48:44 PM
To: "Fred J. Mitro (E-mail)" <fred.mitro@enron.com<, "Rusty Stevens (E-mail)"
<rsteven@enron.com<, "Susan M. Landwehr (E-mail)" <slandweh@ees.enron.com<,
"Kay Mann (E-mail)" <kay.mann@enron.com<, "Jim Murphy (E-mail)"
cc: "Townsend, Christopher J. - CHI" <chris.townsend@piperrudnick.com<,
"Novak, Theodore J. - CHI" <Theodore.Novak@piperrudnick.com<, "Shindler,
Donald A. - CHI" <Donald.Shindler@piperrudnick.com<, "Way, Karen S. - CHI"

Subject: Livingston County Tour of Lincoln Energy Center

Mason Hall, Livingston County Coordinator, has confirmed that the County
Agriculture and Zoning Committee, other key County officials and staff would
like to join us for a tour of the Lincoln Energy Center on August 22, 2000.
Current plan is for a bus to pick up participants in Pontiac at 10 a.m. and
to return by approximately 2:30 to 3:00. Lunch will be served at the site.
Mason anticipates approximately 15 to 20 participants. We are also planning
to invite certain Township and City of Pontiac officials and should consider
other potential invitees including neighbors and other politicians.

Mark A. Gershon
Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
Phone: (312) 368-2127
Fax: (312) 630-5338
The e-mail address and domain name of the sender changed on November 1,
1999. Please update your records.

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Thank you.

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