Enron Mail

Subject:Organizational Announcement
Date:Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:43:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/19/2000 07:43=
AM ---------------------------
Enron Global Markets LLC - Office of the Chairman

From: Enron Global Markets LLC - Office of the Chairman on 12/18/2000 09:21=
Sent by: Enron Announcements
To: Enron Wholesale Services
cc: =20
Subject: Organizational Announcement

Enron Global Markets (EGM) has made numerous organizational changes as its=
businesses continue to grow and expand around the world. We are pleased to=
announce the following changes within EGM.

Financial Trading=20
The Convertible Arbitrage desk has moved from EnronCredit.com to the=20
Financial Trading group under Gary Hickerson. Mike Bradley will manage the=
desk. =20

Billy Lemmons has joined Gary Hickerson's group from EIM. He is exploring=
the agriculture value chain and origination opportunities.

Transportation and Shipping
Dan Reck will be transitioning out of the coal group and will be exploring=
our rail and trucking initiatives. These markets together represent=20
approximately $105 billion notionally, and we believe there are many=20
synergies between our energy, coal, and freight trading businesses. =20

Enron is currently trading dry-freight through EOL and is a leading market=
maker in this new product. The shipping business is growing very quickly. =
have asked Pierre Aury and Scott Montcrief to co-lead our worldwide vessel=
trading businesses. Scott will be responsible for all liquids vessel=20
businesses and Pierre will manage all dry vessel businesses. The LNG vesse=
business currently managed by Wayne Perry will remain in the LNG group, but=
will also report to and coordinate with Pierre and Scott.

Our worldwide weather operations will continue to report to Mark Tawney in=
Houston. This business, which includes trading weather products in 10=20
countries and 40 states in the U.S., is also rapidly expanding. Mark will=
have all V@R allocation responsibility between Sydney, Tokyo, Oslo, and=20
Houston. In addition we will be forming a weather-marketing desk in London=
. =20

Crude and Products
Bill White will be coming over from EBS and will have responsibility for al=
U.S. financial crude trading. Don Schroeder will continue to have oversigh=
and lead our physical crude business. Mario De La Ossa has joined EGM from=
Equiva and will manage our product options book.=20

Doug Leach will be expanding his fuel management and origination role. He=
will report directly to John Nowlan.

Finance and Structuring
Andrew Makk has joined the finance team from the Middle East group. Most=
recently he has been working on the Gaza project.

Jim Lewis has also joined this team. His last assignment was leading the=20
structuring group for CALME.

Both Andrew and Jim will report to Larry Lawyer.
Corporate Development
Mark Wadlington has joined the EGM team and will be managing this activity=
and co-ordinating with all Enron Corp. He reports to Tim Detmering with=20
accountability to the office of the chairman of EGM.

Operations and Accounting
Todd Hall has expanded his role as Business Controller and will have=20
responsibility for coal and weather.

Mike Perun has joined Enron from the banking industry and is responsible fo=
Controls & Standards. He will focus on EGM=01,s operational and accounting=
processes on a global basis. He reports to Brent Price.

The Ecoelectrica power plant in Puerto Rico will move reporting=20
responsibility into the Enron Global Assets group. Greg Curran, who is=20
responsible for all the activities in Puerto Rico, will report to that grou=
on all Ecoelectrica business and to Enron Global Markets on the remaining=

Please join us in congratulating everyone in their new roles.