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Enron Mail |
Cc: carlos.sole@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bcc: carlos.sole@enron.com X-From: Kay Mann X-To: John Schwartzenburg X-cc: Carlos Sole X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_3\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: MANN-K X-FileName: kmann.nsf Hi John, Sounds like we are now reunited in the same legal group, EWS. True? =20 Kay ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/19/2001 07:09= =20 AM --------------------------- =20 =09 =09 =09From: Mark Frevert & Dave Delainey 03/16/2001= =20 08:55 PM =09 Sent by: Enron Announcements To: All Enron Worldwide cc: =20 Subject: Organizational Announcement - Introducing Enron Engineering and=20 Operational Services In order to better align our engineering and operations capabilities with t= he=20 commercial businesses they support, we are pleased to announce the followin= g=20 organizational change will be effective immediately. A new business unit,= =20 Enron Engineering and Operational Services (EEOS), is being formed which wi= ll=20 include our existing operations in Enron Engineering and Construction Compa= ny=20 (EE&CC), Operational Energy Corporation (OEC), and National Energy Producti= on=20 Corporation (NEPCO). Brian Stanley, as President and Chief Executive Officer, and Keith Dodson, = as=20 Chief Operating Officer will provide the leadership for this new=20 organization, reporting to the Office of the Chairman of Enron Wholesale=20 Services. NEPCO will continue to operate as a stand-alone business under= =20 John Gillis, President. With the majority of EE&CC and OEC=01,s activities focused on assets and=20 projects which are in Wholesale Services, this will better align the effort= s=20 of EEOS with the commercial businesses it supports. While EEOS will be a= =20 stand-alone unit within Enron Wholesale Services it will work very closely= =20 with and have direct accountability to the business units it supports. This realignment also centralizes our engineering and operations capabiliti= es=20 in a single business segment and should ensure that innovation and best=20 practices are shared and implemented across our many operations and will al= so=20 allow for better identification of priorities and more effective allocation= =20 of resources to these projects. Consistent with this approach, Development= =20 Engineering will have dual reporting to both EEOS and the business units=20 which they support. =20 With an extensive and varied portfolio of assets around the world and a wid= e=20 variety of new development opportunities available to Enron, it is critical= =20 that we continue to maintain the best in class capability to design,=20 construct, commission, and effectively manage and operate Enron=01,s assets= on a=20 global basis. This new global business unit should insure that we will continue to enhanc= e=20 these demonstrated capabilities and provide us with a sustainable advantage= =20 as we advance our business strategy around the world. Please join us in congratulating Brian and Keith on their new assignments. Mark Frevert & Dave Delainey