Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Exhibits to Enron South America Gas Turbine Purchase Agreement
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 01:42:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: brett.r.wiggs@enron.com
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Bcc: brett.r.wiggs@enron.com
X-From: Kay Mann
X-To: John R Ayres
X-cc: Brett.R.Wiggs@enron.com
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_3\Notes Folders\Sent
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I wasn't clear if the new B-1 is supposed to supplement or replace the old
B-1. It is up to you as to which specifications you think are pertinent.
That gets a bit more technical than what I'm capable of judging. You might
want to give the old stuff the once over to make sure there isn't anything
which in a worse case scenario you might miss having in there.


To: Kay.Mann@enron.com
cc: Brett.R.Wiggs@enron.com

Subject: RE: Exhibits to Enron South America Gas Turbine Purchase Agreement t

Kay you can use the spec (B-1) as sent by Lee to you yesterday. It is very
generic and the specifics of the Electrobolt project as far as performance,
guarantees, gas quality, etc have been addressed elsewhere.
---------------------- Forwarded by John R Ayres/NA/Enron on 12/12/2000 08:53
AM ---------------------------

lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com on 12/11/2000 05:15:51 PM
To: Kay.Mann@enron.com, lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com
cc: peterthompson@akllp.com, john.r.ayres@enron.com,
kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com, Cheryl.Lipshutz@enron.com,
roseann.engeldorf@enron.com, Brett.R.Wiggs@enron.com, Ben.Jacoby@enron.com,
paulpipitone@akllp.com, robtaylor@akllp.com, chriscobb@akllp.com,

Subject: RE: Exhibits to Enron South America Gas Turbine Purchase Agreemen t

- SS_Final Exhibit B-1(rev 4)_ENRONCOMMENTS_R2.doc