Enron Mail

Subject:RE: LV Cogen ABB Agreement
Cc:don.hammond@enron.com, bill.williams@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com,dale.rasmussen@enron.com, tconstan@llgm.com
Bcc:don.hammond@enron.com, bill.williams@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com,dale.rasmussen@enron.com, tconstan@llgm.com
Date:Thu, 26 Apr 2001 09:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI, Dale has the lead on this one.



"Thompson, Peter J." <pthompson@akllp.com< on 04/26/2001 01:18:30 PM
To: <Don.Hammond@enron.com<, <Bill.Williams@enron.com<, "Kay Mann (E-mail)"
<kay.mann@enron.com<, "Dale Rasmussen (E-mail)" <Dale.Rasmussen@enron.com<

Subject: RE: LV Cogen ABB Agreement

I have not circulated a copy of the LV Cogen/ABB Agreement since January
8, 2001. I have not seen a 3/27/01 version. I had previously sent an
e-mail to Dale indicating that the contractor's comments to the ABB
Agreement were not made to the Exhibit B-1 of the LV Cogen/ABB Agreement
that I have. What I currently have as Exhibit B-1 is what Dale had sent
to me on January 5, 2001 as incorporating Don Hammond's comments. The
current contractor comments contain many discrepancies (in addition to
those that are shown as a redline). Please let me know if I should
only incorporate the contractor's redlined changes, or should I conform
Exhibit B-1 to mirror what is in the contractor's comments? Perhaps if I
could go through the contractor's comments with one of you, we could
resolve what should and should not be in Exhibit B-1 of the agreement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Don.Hammond@enron.com [mailto:Don.Hammond@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:30 PM
To: Bill.Williams@enron.com
Cc: THOMAS CONSTANTINE; Thompson, Peter J.
Subject: Re: LV Cogen ABB Agreement

Exhibit A of the ABB breakout agreement does not need to be revised to
losses. Losses are specified in Exhibit B-1, Section 10.0. These are the
latest revised loss values as provided by ABB.

I have a draft of that agreement dated 3/27/01. That draft contains the
revisions proposed by MCS. As I indicated to you earlier, I don't have
issue with those changes. My only other comment in looking through the
agreement one more time is that the final two pages in Exhibit B-1 (in
copy pages 44 and 45) are performance specification sheets from ABB for
earlier design. The ratings, loss values, and dimensions on these sheets
are not current. I suggest these pages be removed.

To: Don Hammond/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: LV Cogen ABB Agreement

This also is an issue I need your help on. Please review and respond to
Peter, copy Tom Constantine. (or copy me and I will forward to Tom.)
---------------------- Forwarded by Bill Williams/PDX/ECT on 04/25/2001
08:23 AM ---------------------------

(Embedded Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
image moved
to file: From: "Thompson, Peter J."
pic28301.pcx) <pthompson@akllp.com<
04/25/2001 06:24 AM

To: "Kay Mann (E-mail)" <kay.mann@enron.com<, "Dale Rasmussen
<Dale.Rasmussen@enron.com<, "Bill Williams (E-mail)"
Subject: LV Cogen ABB Agreement

As I indicated in my January 8, 2001 e-mail containing the first
draft of the LV Cogen/ABB Transformer Agreement, to complete the
agreement we will need to amend Exhibit A to show the electrical losses
guarantee as well as the base load for the units. In prior deals we had
one of the technical folks look at this. In addition, please let me
know which of the contractor's changes, if any, I should make to the
agreement. As I had mentioned in my earlier e-mail, it appears that the
contractor's comments were made on an Exhibit B-1 other than the Exhibit
B-1 attached to the LV Cogen Agreement as many of the numbers do not
match up.