Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Confidentiaility Agreements regarding enovate
Date:Thu, 8 Feb 2001 06:42:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi John,

The enovate version looks fine. I suggest this change to the Peoples versi=

iv) is required to be disclosed to comply with any applicable law, order,=
regulation or ruling or to enforce enovate=01,s or PMW=01,s rights in court=
or in=20
an arbitration proceeding in connection with the Limited Liability Company=
Agreement of envoate dated April 26, 2000, as amended, modified, and=20
supplemented from time to time (the =01&LLC Agreement=018). If PEC is reque=
sted or=20
required (by oral question, interrogatories, requests for information or=20
documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to=20
disclose any Confidential Information, PEC will promptly notify ENA of such=
request or requirement so that ENA may seek an appropriate protective order=
or waiver in compliance with provisions of this Agreement. If PEC and ENA=
are both parties to the proceeding, PEC will agree to an appropriate=20
protective order.

