Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Delta Call
Date:Fri, 16 Mar 2001 04:54:00 -0800 (PST)

Sounds like a good match with Ruthie and Murphy.

My old dog, Kaley, is really sounding bad. She has a cough that just won't
quit, which has gotten worse over the last couple of years. I think it is
her heart. She's 11 years old, and moves slowly.

Rosco owns the familiy now. He is so quiet, but friendly. Just likes to
hang around close to everyone. I'll miss him when I'm in FW.


From: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 03/16/2001 12:24 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Delta Call

Are you having fun yet!!!!!!

The vet said Murphy has an ear infection so that's probably why he's been
scratching. Otherwise, he's in great shape. 31.5 pounds and he also thinks
Murphy is less than one year old. He said Murphy is a wire terrier cross. I
looked that up, and it's an ugly dog! He definitely doesn't have that face,
it looks more like a Jack Russell. You should have seen him running behind
Ruthie this morning. All four legs were off the ground - he definitely has
kangaroo in him! He must have had a rough day though because Ruthie was
wanting to mess with him, and he snapped at her. He's like Ric, you can only
push him so far! I'll try and take some pictures this weekend. Just thought
I'd update you on the kids!

Do you need something for lunch?

Kay Mann@ENRON
03/16/2001 11:56 AM

To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Delta Call

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/16/2001 11:56
AM ---------------------------

Stephen Thome@ECT
03/16/2001 11:54 AM
To: Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron,
ccampbell@kslaw.com, Jake Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Delta Call

We are scheduled to have a call with Delta at 2:30 Houston time. They will
have their in-house counsel present to go over the letter agreement. Delta
will call Carlos's number.
