Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Hello!
Date:Mon, 17 Jul 2000 01:49:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mom was asking my about cake, and I don't know what is on the menu for
dessert. Guess we can ask for cake. Neil thought we should have cake at the
PH. Guess that makes sense, too.

You want to coordinate on when to get there? That may be too out of character
for all of us, but we can aspire to organization.

It is hot here, too. The wind in the afternoon is really oppressive. Dry
heat - HA! It is still darn hot.

I cringe at the thought of Six Flags. I'm sure Paige can be bought. She
went recently and had a big time.

Hope your week is quiet.

Love/hugs, etc, to all,


"Lisa Clarke" <lisa@casa-de-clarke.com< on 07/16/2000 09:54:56 PM
To: Kay Mann <Kay.Mann@enron.com<

Subject: Hello!


We are back from Six Flags. I don't know what it is about us, but we always
seem to end up in Theme Parks when the temperature is over 103. We call that
Crowd Bustin' Temps! We had a great time and we are completely exhausted.
The girls are getting ready for bed without even complaining. It was fun to
go, but if I were you I would hire Paige to take Michael there! It has
changed since we were kids, but it is really a teenage heaven -- I think
there are like 8 HUGE roller coasters. Did you know that it isn't fun
getting nauseated anymore?? Pink Things still taste great and the Gunslinger
Show is still funny!

We didn't really see much of mom and dad until today. It was nice chatting
with them. I can tell that Mama is getting a little bit of cabin fever.
Tomorrow she starts her exercise class and she's going out for lunch. When I
called her when we got home she said that Daddy's leg was feeling much
better. I could tell that the knee incident on Friday really upset them
both. I think they were afraid that it wouldn't get better. But, it seems
like it is better now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Mother is really looking forward to the surprise birthday. We gave dad a
copy of the movie My Dog Skip for his present while we were there, complete
with his birthday card. (Just to muddy the water a bit!)

Now, let me see if I can remember the things Mama wanted me to tell you. I
know that she wanted me to tell you that she won't be able to stock up on
soft drinks, juice or other things like that since it would make Daddy
suspicious. I'll probably bring Pop Tarts for the kids breakfast on Sunday.
Plus drinks and juice. Also, do you know if we will be having birthday cake
for desert? If not, let me know and I can always bring one. I'll bring Bud
and wine and kid drinks. Anything else?

I can't believe we were able to go and visit and not spill the beans. That's
pretty good for us!

I wish we were still on "vacation", but I guess you have to come back to the
real world sometime. When we got home we had phone messages from Bobby's
sister and aunt and a note from his dad. I think I'll wait and talk to them
tomorrow. They take a lot of energy you know!

Tell your family hello for me. We are all looking forward to seeing you guys
at the pink house!

Love you!
