Enron Mail

To:sheila.tweed@enron.com, dale.rasmussen@enron.com
Subject:Re: Revised letter of Sept 29
Date:Fri, 13 Oct 2000 08:06:00 -0700 (PDT)


Ben wants Chris to sign this change order. I believe it is in essentially
the same form as when I sent it before. Please advise is there are any
changes you want made.


---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 10/13/2000 03:03
PM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Kay Mann 10/13/2000 02:58 PM

To: lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com
cc: michael.storm@ss.ps.ge.com, kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com,
ben.f.jacoby@enron.com, chris.booth@enron.com, Kathleen

Subject: Re: Revised letter of Sept 29


Your changes to the letter look fine to me.

I'm attaching the latest version I have on change order #2. Are we ready to
go with this one?

We would like to close out #3 and #4 soon. I believe GE prepared #4. Could
you send me a copy of the latest draft of #4, as it was inadvertently deleted
from my computer. Meanwhile, I'll work to get you a draft of #3.



lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com on 10/13/2000 08:03:49 AM
To: kay.mann@enron.com
cc: michael.storm@ss.ps.ge.com, kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com,
ben.f.jacoby@enron.com, chris.booth@enron.com

Subject: Revised letter of Sept 29

<<SSlttrsept29rev1.doc<< <<SSlttrsept29rev2.doc<<


Attached is a redline version of Sept 29 letter, and clean copy for
sign/send. The change involves reference to the contract paragraphs that
deal with corrections, enabling Enron and GE to reach agreement on timing of
performance of corrective work, if we both agreed to a schedule other than
prior to delivery to site. We recognize that if any of this work has an
impact on your EPC contractor's site work schedule, there maybe other
consequences/remedies, as provided in the contract.

I'll sign and fax. Hope you all have no objections.



- SSlttrsept29rev1.doc
- SSlttrsept29rev2.doc