Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Wednesday
Date:Wed, 4 Apr 2001 02:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

Warren helped a little yesterday, and Theresa has offered to do my expense
account. I'll limp by miserably until your return.


suzanneadams@att.net on 04/04/2001 09:11:09 AM
To: Kay.Mann@enron.com

Subject: Re: Wednesday

I wasn't up that early, but I was up about 7am. Girl,
you are putting in the hours. Is Warren helping you at
all or is there anything he can do.

We are on for lunch on Monday aren't we? Still miss you
too! I wish I was there to help you!!!!
< I'm swamped. I got up at 430 to work this am. Got here at 7 yesterday so
< I could go to the game.
< Those young uns recover quickly, don't they?
< Still missing you,
< Kay
< suzanneadams@att.net on 04/04/2001 08:44:16 AM
< To: dan.lyons@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, dina.snow@enron.com
< cc:
< Subject: Wednesday
< How are you guys doing? Nothing new here, I'm just
< hanging out recuperating. I was up all day yesterday
< and didn't feel too tired. Of course the real test will
< be when I have to walk a lot! My incision is still
< pretty tender, but I'm sure that's to be expected. My
< waistline has gone down about 2 inches though since I've
< lose all that swelling from the infected gallbladder.
< You guys won't recognize me when I return (ha)!
< Ruthie is recovering from her surgery a whole lot faster
< than I am. She's not yelping any more when she gets off
< the bed.
< That's about all of my news. What's going on over there?