Enron Mail

Subject:Turbines Galore
Date:Tue, 15 Aug 2000 04:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 08/15/2000 11:27
AM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Kay Mann 08/14/2000 12:31 PM

To: Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Turbines Galore

---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 08/14/2000 12:24
PM ---------------------------

Roseann Engeldorf
08/14/2000 11:23 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Turbines Galore

Rob made some changes in the e-mail I sent last Friday. He put the info
about the Assignment and Assumption Agreement in para. 2 and used more
defined terms from the ADA.

I think we can use the same A&A agreement to notify WestLB of our intent to
assign the P.O. and give notice as to the closing date. However, the current
form of A&A agreement has sig. blocks for only ENA and WestLB. Seems like
you need a sig. for the assuming party! Particularly since that party is
purporting to give notice to WestLB of its intent to pay the purchase price!


To effectuate the movement of turbines out of the WestLB LM6000 structures
the following needs to take place:

1) ADA - Assignment of the Purchase Option. On at least 5 (five) days notice
to WestLB, ENA will assign the Purchase Option for the subject equipment and
ancillary agreement to the purchasing entity. This assignment (the
"Assignment") must release the Lessor (WestLB) from all its obligations
under the Turbine Purchase Agreement with respect to the subject equipment
and ancillary agreements. This means that GE Packaged Power (a division of
GE) and other vendors must release WestLB from its obligations with respect
to the subject equipment and contracts. (Kay - Could this be done by an
amendment to the scheduled equipment under the various agreements between
WestLB and the various vendors? Rose - I believe so, along with entering into
the new contracts reference in 3))

The assignment agreement to effect this is explained below and can be
prepared by Kay, Rose or Rob.

2) ADA - Closing of the Purchase Option. WestLB requires at least 5 (five)
days written notice of the exercise of the purchase option and this notice
can be included in the Assignment and Assumption Agreement. The purchase
price for the subject equipment and agreements will be the "Termination
Amount" as defined in the ADA, as allocable to the subject equipment and
contracts. This amount is equal to the sum of i) the aggregate outstanding
amount of the Advances, plus ii) any Transaction Expenses then due and owing.
plus iii) all accrued amounts due on any Lessor Yield or Facility Fee, plus
iv) any amounts owed for any costs reasonably incurred by the Lessor with
respect to the subject equipment and contracts. The particular amounts of
the foregoing costs and fees allocable to the subject equipment and contracts
should be determined in coordination with Lisa Bills and Humberto Cubillos.

The Assignment and Assumption Agreement used to consummate the Purchase
Option is attached as Exhibit G to the ADA and can be prepared by Kay, Rose
or Rob. It needs to be executed by ENA, ENA's Designee as assignee and
WestLB. A detailed list of the equipment and contracts being assigned must
be prepared by the assignee and attached to the assignment.

3) Assignment under the Turbine Purchase Agreement. The Purchaser (WestLB)
under the Turbine Purchase Agreement (the "Turbine Contract") may assign a
portion of its rights and obligations under the Turbine Contract to an
affiliate of ENA without the Seller's consent. Kay has structured the
Turbine Contract to allow the assignee to enter into separate purchase
agreements with GE Packaged Power for the equipment being assigned. The
documents to transfer title of the equipment from WestLB (in the case of
equipment that is already fabricated) and to replace ENA with another
business unit on the purchase agreement should be prepared by the business
unit attorneys involved in the transfer, based on a form of contract which is
very similiar to the Master Purchase Agreement. (Rose - the assignee/new
owner needs to step into the turbine contract even if title has passed to
WestLB, as there are lots of rights (warranty, indemnity) the new owner needs
to have. It seems to me that you would transfer title in the assignment,
then step into the remainder of the other rights in the new contract - a/k/a
facility agreement. Then you delete the assigned equipment from the Master

The tax specialists from both ENA and the acquiring business units should be
advised as to the planned date of title transfer.

Same generally holds true for the ABB transformers, except that the
assignment to an Enron SPV may require a form of security.