Enron Mail

To:reagan.rorschach@enron.com, david.fairley@enron.com, heather.kroll@enron.com,tom.may@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com
Subject:comparison of definitions - 1st in each pair is from letter
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 04:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Kay Mann
X-To: Reagan Rorschach, David Fairley, Heather Kroll, Tom May, Kayne Coulter
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_3\Notes Folders\Sent
X-Origin: MANN-K
X-FileName: kmann.nsf

1. =01&Ancillary Services=018 or =01&AS=018 means those services required b=
y Entergy=01,s=20
interconnection agreement with MDEA or Entergy=01,s tariff.
=01&Ancillary Services=018 or =01&AS=018 means those services recognized by=
interconnect agreement with MDEA or Entergy=01,s tariff.
2.=01&Available Energy=018 means Energy that is available for sale on any g=
iven day=20
that is in excess of MDEA=01,s Native Load.
=01&Available Energy=018 means Energy that is available for sale on any giv=
en day=20
that is in excess of (i) MDEA=01,s Native Load, and (ii) the Energy require=
d to=20
be sold under any Existing Transactions, up to the total amount of Energy o=
any day that can be produced from the Facilities.=20
3.=01&Available Energy=018 means Energy that is available for sale on any g=
iven day=20
that is in excess of MDEA=01,s Native Load.
=01&Available Energy=018 means Energy that is available for sale on any giv=
en day=20
that is in excess of (i) MDEA=01,s Native Load, and (ii) the Energy require=
d to=20
be sold under any Existing Transactions, up to the total amount of Energy o=
any day that can be produced from the Facilities.=20
4.=01&Confirmation=018 means a confirmation of a transaction or transaction=
=01&Confirmation=018 means the document provided for under the MPPSA or the=
and with the corresponding third party under a Back-to-Back Transaction or=
with EPMI which specifies the Product being bought or sold, the duration of=
the Transaction and the other terms, including price. A daily report of all=
hourly (or similarly short term) purchases and sales will be provided to th=
Customer and shall serve as a Confirmation for those transactions under the=
5.=01&Delivery Point=018 means the busbar of the respective Facilities loca=
ted at=20
the interconnection between CPUC=01,s and YCPSC=01,s respective transmissio=
systems at the 115 kV switching station at the respective interconnections=
with the Entergy transmission system.
=01&Delivery Point=018 =01&Point of Delivery=018 or =01&POD=018 means (a) f=
or power (i) the=20
interfaces located at the interconnection between Clarksdale and Yazoo Cit=
transmission systems at the Entergy system, or (ii) the point specified in=
any Back-to-Back Transaction, EPMI Transaction or Structured Transaction at=
which Products are to be tendered under a Confirmation; (b) for natural gas=
(i) for Clarksdale, the point of interconnection between Texas Gas and=20
Clarksdale (ii) for Yazoo City, the interconnection between Southern Natura=
Gas (Sonat) and Mississippi Valley Gas for the Yazoo City Power Plant (the=
Sonat Delivery Point) (iii) the interconnection between Mississippi Valley=
Gas (MVG) and the Yazoo City Power Plant (MVG Delivery Point), (iv) any poi=
where fuel is delivered as specified in a Fuel Transaction.
6.=01&Incentive Fee=018 means forty percent (40%) of the Savings and of the=
profit from external sales of the Cities=01, natural gas resources and the=
purchase of on-peak Energy, as calculated in accordance with Article III of=
this ILA.
=01&Incentive Fee=018 means the fee described in [Section].
7.=01&Market Price=018 is the price agreed by the parties to be paid by EPM=
I in any=20
EPMI Transaction for the sale of Energy to third parties, or the amount to =
paid to EPMI for the sale of Energy to the Cities and/or MDEA.
=01&Market Price=018 is the price agreed to (i) by any third party for the =
sale or=20
purchase to or from EPMI or MDEA in a Back-to-Back Transaction, (ii) the=20
price paid by EPMI in any EPMI Transaction or (iii) by any third party=20
pursuant to any Structured Transaction.=20
8. =01&Protocols=018 shall mean the SPP Protocols duly adopted by SPP, incl=
any attachments or exhibits referenced thereby, as amended from time to tim=
containing the scheduling, operating, planning, reliability, and settlement=
(including customer registration) policies, rules, guidelines, procedures,=
standards, and criteria of SPP. For the purposes of determining=20
responsibilities and rights at a given time, the Protocols, as amended in=
accordance with the change procedure(s) described in the Protocols, in effe=
at the time of the performance or non-performance of an action, shall gover=
with respect to that action.
=01&Protocols=018 shall mean the Protocols duly adopted by SPP, SERC, NERC,=
Entergy, including any attachments or exhibits referenced thereby, as amend=
from time to time, containing the scheduling, operating, planning,=20
reliability, and settlement (including customer registration) policies,=20
rules, guidelines, procedures, standards, and operations criteria. For the=
purposes of determining responsibilities and rights at a given time, the=20
Protocols, as amended in accordance with the change procedure(s) described =
the Protocols, in effect at the time of the performance or non-performance =
an action, shall govern with respect to that action. =20
9.=01&Savings=018 shall mean the difference between 1) the total costs to M=
and/or the Cities of a Transaction, and 2) the total costs of MDEA and/or t=
Cities avoided or displaced by the Transaction, which difference shall be=
calculated as described in Article III of this ILA.
not defined in rev 23 definitions