Enron Mail

Subject:RE: New Organisation for maximising ENA positions
Date:Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:05:23 -0800 (PST)

Interesting stuff

-----Original Message-----
From: Tweed, Sheila
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 12:02 PM
To: Mann, Kay
Subject: FW: New Organisation for maximising ENA positions

-----Original Message-----
From: Kitchen, Louise
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:28 AM
To: Allen, Phillip K.; Arnold, John; Arora, Harry; Baughman, Edward D.; Belden, Tim; Black, Don; Breslau, Craig; Calger, Christopher F.; Davies, Derek; Davis, Mark Dana; Devries, Paul; Duran, W. David; Forster, David; Foster, Chris H.; Grigsby, Mike; Herndon, Rogers; Josey, Scott; Kitagawa, Kyle; Lagrasta, Fred; Luce, Laura; Thomas, Martin; McMichael Jr., Ed; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Milnthorp, Rob; Neal, Scott; Presto, Kevin M.; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Tricoli, Carl; Vickers, Frank; Tycholiz, Barry; Neal, Scott; Presto, Kevin M.; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Tricoli, Carl; Vickers, Frank; Tycholiz, Barry; Haedicke, Mark E.; Aronowitz, Alan; Tweed, Sheila; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec; Gorte, David; Bradford, William S.; Douglas, Stephen H.; Perlman, Beth; Beck, Sally; Irvin, Steve; Schield, Elaine; Colwell, Wes; Brackett, Debbie R.; Buy, Rick; Port, David
Cc: Whalley, Greg; Lavorato, John; Fallon, Jim; Delainey, David W.; Leff, Dan; Dietrich, Janet
Subject: New Organisation for maximising ENA positions

We now have a structure in place dealing with Enron Americas estate and ensuring that we best maximize all of our contractual and asset positions. This team will be headed by Don Miller going forward please help him and the team as this is our highest priority.

Some areas of this organization remain blank and will be completed by Don and the head of the appropriate business unit. There are some areas which will also be dual tasking for a period.

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