Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Message from Gisele Rankin following Commission Agenda
Date:Tue, 1 Aug 2000 01:27:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: kay.mann@enron.com, ozzie.pagan@enron.com, jeffrey.keenan@enron.com
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Bcc: kay.mann@enron.com, ozzie.pagan@enron.com, jeffrey.keenan@enron.com
X-From: Heather Kroll
X-To: "Duncan, Allyson" <aduncan@kilstock.com< @ ENRON
X-cc: Kay Mann, Ozzie Pagan, Jeffrey Keenan
X-Folder: \Kay_Mann_June2001_4\Notes Folders\Vepco
X-Origin: MANN-K
X-FileName: kmann.nsf


We'd like to keep CPL/NCNG out of the middle for as long as possible. I'm
sure they already know what we are up to, but I'd rather not lay it out for
them. So I'd prefer if Gisele Rankin did not discuss our plans to purchase
gas from Rocky Mount. If she happens to run into the CPL lawyer and he asks
her again about this, tell her to say Enron is still working on fuel supply

We should start the process of annexing the land hopefully very soon. Once
Rocky Mount has the property annexed, they have a much stronger argument for
serving the load and NCNG won't be able to hold us hostage to their
uncompetitive rates.

Thanks for the heads up.



"Duncan, Allyson" <aduncan@kilstock.com< on 07/31/2000 02:27:42 PM
To: "'Keenan Jeffrey'" <Jeffrey.M.Keenan@enron.com<, "'Mann Kay'"
<Kay.Mann@enron.com<, "'Mellencamp Lisa'" <lisa.mellencamp@enron.com<,
"'Kroll Heather'" <Heather.Kroll@enron.com<, "'Chapman Tom'"
cc: "Fine, Jonathan" <JFine@kilstock.com<
Subject: Message from Gisele Rankin following Commission Agenda Conference

The Commission order should issue tomorrow. The commission approved the
proposed schedule. As I told Jeffrey a few moments ago, after the hearing,
Len Anthony, attorney for CP & L, talked to Gisele Rankin. She e:mailed me
the following message:

Len Anthony called and said CP&L of course is interested in Enron's
certificate application, doesn't plan to oppose it, but is curious
because no one has contacted NCNG about this site and plant when you'd
think that would be an important part of Enron's bid preparation. Do
you mind if I tell him that you plan to buy from Rocky Mt.? Would you
rather I didn't? He didn't ask me to call him back, but I could run
into him or talk to him about something else, at which time he might ask
me about this. I therefore would like to know how much I should say..