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Marvin,=20 The exhibit on the Incentive Fee Calculation I just received is essentially= the same as we have seen before, and I still have the same overall comment= . Unless I have some misunderstanding, it seems to me that in a Back-to-Ba= ck Transaction you could easily have a situation in which EPMI is making a = profit from a transaction on which the Cities are losing money. The "Savin= gs per hour" on which EPMI's profit sharing is based is only the difference= between the Market Price (what the purchaser agreed to pay) and the Cities= ' Target Production Cost (incremental fuel cost and variable O&M). The "Sa= vings per hour" ignores all of the other costs that the Cities may be oblig= ated to pay under a Back-to-Back Transaction such as transmission, ancillar= y service, imbalance, congestion, etc. (see the definition of Costs below).= For example, if the Target Production cost is $40/MWh, the Market Price $= 43/MWh, and transmission is $4/MWh, the Cities would be paying EPMI a profi= t sharing incentive fee of $1.20/MWh, while losing $2.20/MWh on the sale tr= ansaction. As I have noted before, the "Savings" on a transaction should b= e as follows: Savings =3D Revenues from the Transaction - Production Cost (base on the Ta= rget Production Cost and MWhs) - Costs associated with the Transaction incu= rred by EPMI or the Cities (where Costs include the items defined in Articl= e 1 of the EMSA) We will get back to you later with comments on the other documents. - - Al= =20 Definition of Costs in the ESMA:=20 "Costs" means, when applicable to any Transaction, all costs, liabilities, = fees and expenses incurred by EPMI (excluding EPMI's internal costs and al= located overhead) in connection with the purchase, sale, replacement, sched= uling, transmission and delivery of Products and balancing services, entere= d into between MDEA, EPMI, and third parties. Costs shall include but shall= not be limited to: (i) energy and fuel costs, (ii) transmission costs and = losses, (iii) congestion costs, (iv) scheduling fees, (v) penalties, inadve= rtent energy flow charges, or imbalance charges that are exclusive of MDEA'= s Ancillary Service charges (vi) taxes (other than income taxes); (vii) fee= s, penalties, or charges imposed by the SPP, SERC, ISO or RTO, Federal Ener= gy Regulatory Commission (FERC), or other similar authorities; (viii) broke= r fees; (ix) communication costs (x) other associated costs incurred by EPM= I. =20 Al Malmsjo=20 R. W. Beck=20 (407) 648-3521 - Office=20 (407) 421-5402 - Cell