Enron Mail

Subject:Joint agency as reseller of power
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 15:30:00 -0700 (PDT)

I've recopied below Miss. Code Ann. Sec. 77-5-727. Subsection (u) appears t=
o answer your question, at least as to purchases of electric power. I'm not=
aware of anything under the joint action agancy law that empowers the enti=
ty to buy gas on behalf of its members.

Section 77-5-729 provides authority for the member utility to contract with=
the joint agency to purchase power. It's recopied below as well.

? 77-5-725. Powers of joint agencies
Current through End of 2000 3rd Ex. Sess.
References Annotations
Each joint agency shall have all of the rights and powers necessary or conv=
enient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this arti=
cle, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the r=
ights and powers:
(a) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of the affairs and the conduct of it=
s business, and to prescribe rules, regulations and policies in connection =
with the performance of its functions and duties;
(b) To adopt an official seal and alter the same at pleasure;
© To maintain an office at such place or places as it may determine;
(d) To sue and be sued in its own name, and to plead and be impleaded;
(e) To receive, administer and comply with the conditions and requirements =
respecting any gift, grant or donation of any property or money;
(f) To acquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, or to obtain options =
for the acquisition of, any property, real or personal, improved or unimpro=
ved, including an interest in land less than the fee thereof;
(g) To sell, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or to grant=
options for any such purposes with respect to, any real or personal proper=
ty or interest therein;
(h) To pledge or assign any money, rents, charges or other revenues and any=
proceeds derived by the joint agency from the sales of property, insurance=
or condemnation awards;
(i) To issue bonds of the joint agency for the purpose of providing funds f=
or any of its corporate purposes;
(j) To study, plan, finance, construct, reconstruct, acquire, improve, enla=
rge, extend, better, own, operate and maintain, one or more projects, eithe=
r individually or jointly, with one or more municipalities in this state or=
any other state owning electric distribution facilities or with any politi=
cal subdivision, agencies or instrumentalities of any state, or with any on=
e or more joint agencies created pursuant to this article, or any person, f=
irm, association or corporation, public or private, engaged in the generati=
on, transmission or distribution of electric power and energy within this s=
tate or any other state, and to pay all or any part of the costs thereof fr=
om the proceeds of bonds of the joint agency or from any other funds made a=
vailable to the joint agency;
(k) To authorize the construction, operation or maintenance of any project =
or projects by any person, firm or corporation, including political subdivi=
sions and agencies of any state, or of the United States;
(l) To acquire by lease, purchase or otherwise an existing project or a pro=
ject under construction, or any interest therein, or portion thereof;
(m) With the unanimous consent of the member municipalities, to sell or oth=
erwise dispose of any project or projects, or any interest therein or porti=
on thereof. The member municipalities may enter into an agreement with the=
joint agency whereby certain types of property may be traded or otherwise =
disposed of without unanimous consent of the member municipalities;
(n) To fix, charge and collect rents, rates, fees and charges for electric =
power or energy and other services, facilities and commodities sold, furnis=
hed or supplied through any project;
(o) To generate, produce, transmit, deliver, exchange, purchase or sell for=
resale only, electric power or energy, and to enter into contracts for any=
or all such purposes;
(p) To negotiate and enter into contracts for the purchase, sale, exchange,=
interchange, wheeling, pooling, transmission or use of electric power and =
energy with any municipality in this state or any other state owning electr=
ic distribution facilities, or with any political subdivisions, agencies or=
instrumentalities of any other state or with other joint agencies created =
pursuant to this article, any electric power association, any public or pri=
vate utility, and any state, federal or municipal agency which owns electri=
c generation, transmission or distribution facilities in this state or any =
other state;
(q) To make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or conven=
ient in the exercise of the powers and functions of the joint agency under =
this article, including contracts with persons, firms, corporations and oth=
(r) To apply to the appropriate agencies of the state, the United States or=
any state thereof, and to any other proper agency for such permits, licens=
es, certificates or approvals as may be necessary, and to construct, mainta=
in and operate projects in accordance with, and to obtain, hold and use, su=
ch licenses, permits, certificates or approvals in the same manner as any o=
ther person or operating unit of any other person; provided, however, noth=
ing herein contained shall be construed to require the joint agency to obta=
in any permit, license, certificate or approval from the Public Service Com=
mission of Mississippi;
(s) To employ engineers, architects, attorneys, real estate counselors, app=
raisers, financial advisors and such other consultants and employees as may=
be required in the judgment of the joint agency and to fix and pay their c=
ompensation from funds available to the joint agency therefor;
(t) To purchase all kinds of insurance including, but not limited to, insur=
ance against business interruption, and/or risks of damage to property;
(u) To purchase power and energy and related services from any source on be=
half of its members and other customers and to sell the same to its members=
and other customers in such amounts, with such characteristics, for such p=
eriods of time and under such terms and conditions as the board of commissi=
oners shall determine; and
(v) To do all acts and things necessary, convenient or desirable to carry o=
ut the purposes, and to exercise the powers granted to the joint agency her=

? 77-5-729. Contracts by members to buy power from joint agencies
Current through End of 2000 3rd Ex. Sess.
Any municipality which is a member of the joint agency may contract to buy =
from the joint agency power and energy required for its present or future r=
equirements, including the capacity and output of one or more specified pro=
jects. As the creation of a joint agency is an alternative method whereby =
a municipality may obtain the benefits and assume the responsibilities of o=
wnership in a project, any such contract may provide that the municipality =
so contracting shall be obligated to make the payments required by the cont=
ract whether or not a project is completed, operable, operating, retired or=
decommissioned and notwithstanding the suspension, interruption, interfere=
nce, reduction, curtailment or termination of the output of a project or th=
e power and energy contracted for, and that such payments under the contrac=
t shall not be subject to any reduction whether by offset or otherwise, and=
shall not be conditioned upon the performance or nonperformance of the joi=
nt agency or any other member of the joint agency under the contract or any=
other instrument. Any contract with respect to the sale or purchase of ca=
pacity or output of a project entered into between a joint agency and its m=
ember municipalities may also provide that if one or more of such municipal=
ities shall default in the payment of its or their obligations, with respec=
t to the purchase of said capacity or output, then in that event the remain=
ing member municipalities which are purchasing capacity and output under th=
e contract shall be required to accept and pay for and shall be entitled pr=
oportionately to and may use or otherwise dispose of the capacity or output=
which was to be purchased by the defaulting municipality.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, any such c=
ontracts with respect to the sale or purchase of capacity, output, power or=
energy from a project may extend for a period not exceeding fifty (50) yea=
rs from the date a project is estimated to be placed in normal continuous o=
peration; and the execution and effectiveness thereof shall not be subject=
to any authorizations or approvals by the state or any agency, commission =
or instrumentality or political subdivision thereof except as in this artic=
le specifically required and provided.
Payments by a municipality under any contract for the purchase of capacity =
and output from a joint agency shall be made solely from the revenues deriv=
ed from the ownership and operation of the electric system of said municipa=
lity and any obligation under such contract shall not constitute a legal or=
equitable pledge, charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the mun=
icipality or upon any of its income, receipts or revenues, except the reven=
ues of its electric system, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing=
power of the municipality are, or may be, pledged for the payment of any o=
bligation under any such contract. A municipality shall be obligated to fi=
x, charge and collect rents, rates, fees and charges for electric power and=
energy and other services, facilities and commodities, sold, furnished or =
supplied through its electric system sufficient to provide revenues adequat=
e to meet its obligations under any such contract and to pay any and all ot=
her amounts payable from or constituting a charge and lien upon such revenu=
es, including amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on bo=
nds heretofore or hereafter issued by the municipality for purposes related=
to its electric system.
Any municipality which is a member of a joint agency may furnish the joint =
agency with money derived solely from the ownership and operation of its el=
ectric system or facilities and may make available for the use of the joint=
agency any personnel, equipment and property, both real and personal, whic=
h is a part of its electric system or facilities.
Any member of a joint agency may contract for, advance or contribute funds =
derived solely from the ownership and operation of its electric system or f=
acilities to a joint agency as may be agreed upon by the joint agency and t=
he member, and the joint agency shall repay such advances or contributions =
from proceeds of bonds, from operating revenues or from any other funds of =
the joint agency, together with interest thereon as may be agreed upon by t=
he member and the joint agency.