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Please notice the updated format. Simply click on the titles for detailed=
=20 information. On Friday, January 26, 2001, an earthquake rocked the western region of=20 India. The earthquake reportedly had a magnitude of 7.9 and was centered i= n=20 the state of Gujarat. Initial reports indicate the death toll to be at lea= st=20 15,000. Most of the damage was reported in Ahmedabad, the state's commercia= l=20 center. Enron has a significant business presence in India. It has E&P interests of= f=20 the Gujarat coast and is the majority owner of the Dabhol Power project,=20 ultimately a 2,184 MW (net) generating plant, serving consumers in the stat= e=20 of Maharashtra, which borders Gujarat to the south. Consequently, Enron Oil= =20 and Gas India Limited (EOGIL), Enron India and DPC have mobilized staff and= =20 resources in India to tangibly assist the relief effort (e.g. contributing= =20 emergency medical supplies). =20 Enron employees are encouraged to donate to relief efforts and to take=20 advantage of our Matching Gift Program to double the impact of your=20 donation. Enron will match, dollar for dollar, every donation that you mak= e,=20 up to $15,000 annually per employee. Listed below are a multitude of=20 organizations that are offering aid to the victims of this earthquake. To= =20 print a Matching Gift form, please click here << File:=20 http://home.enron.com/cr/ << and then click on gifts, grants and giving. = =20 Please fill out the form and send it with your check to 3AC-1409. We will= =20 send the money collected, along with a check from Enron for the same amount= ,=20 to each of the organizations. Please make sure to write "India" in the mem= o=20 area on your check. =20 If you have any questions, please contact Vanessa Bob via email. Thank you, in advance, for your support! =20 Organizations aiding victims of the Earthquake in India: Adventist Development and Relief Agency American Friends Service Committee American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Jewish World Service American Red Cross Baptist World Aid BAPS Earthquake Relief Fund B'nai B'rith International Brothers' Brother Foundation CARE Catholic Medical Mission Board Catholic Relief Services Childreach/PLAN International Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Church World Service Concern America Concern Worldwide Direct Relief International Doctors Without Borders International Aid International Relief Teams Lutheran World Relief MAP International Mercy Corps International Operation USA Oxfam America Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Project Concern International Salvation Army World Service Save the Children Share Foundation United Methodist Committee on Relief US Fund for UNICEF World Relief, Department 3 World Vision=20 Pictures from the following events will be available in 49C1on Thursday,=20 February 8th from 3 PM - 5 PM. Corporate Holiday Party at the Museum of Natural Science (Dec. 9) Holiday Open House on the 50th Floor (Dec 19) Stop by and pick-up your complimentary pictures. INTERNAL CONTACT: Jessica Nunez at x31918. From September 6th through November 7th, Houston will serve as an urban=20 pasture to more than 300 painted and costumed fiberglass cow sculptures. = =20 This public=20 art exhibition has been wildly successful in Chicago and New York and at th= e=20 conclusion of the display the cows will be auctioned off with proceeds=20 benefiting the=20 Building for Children Capitol Campaign at Texas Children's Cancer Center. What does all this mean for you? You are invited to make history and be an= =20 artist to use one of these cows as your canvas. CowParade Houston 2001 is= =20 currently accepting applications and you can find out more information by= =20 calling (832) 824-2481 and select option 2, or by visiting the official=20 CowParade website at cowparadehouston.com.=20 Corporate Corps is a one-season, non-renewable membership - a great=20 introduction to Ballet! =20 Members of Corporate Corps can enjoy all of Houston Ballet's magnificent=20 productions (excluding The Nutcracker) for a fraction of the customary pric= e.=20 Members also receive a one-year subscription to Houston Ballet's quarterly= =20 newsletter, a personal membership card, and a pocket calendar detailing the Houston Ballet season. =20 Membership can be purchased for only $25 each by calling William Tayar at= =20 (713) 535-3235. What: Classical Encounters for Singles presents "Meet, Mingle,= =20 Match and Music" & Pre-Concert Party =20 Hosted by: Houston Symphony, Sambuca Jazz Cafe, citysearch.com and match.c= om When: Saturday, February 10, 2001=20 Time: 6PM-7:30 PM Where: Sambuca Jazz Cafe, 909 Texas Avenue, Downtown Followed by: 8 PM Houston Symphony performance at Jones Hall, 615=20 Louisiana Join us for Meet, Mingle, Match and Music, a Houston Symphony concert and= =20 mixer for Houston area singles. The pre-concert party is at Sambuca Jazz=20 Cafe followed by a Houston Symphony concert at Jones Hall. Yakov Kreizberg returns to Houston with a program of Russian masters.=20 Rachmaninoff's beloved Rhapsody is performed by pianist Jeffrey Kahane and = =20 Shostakovich's breathtaking Symphony No. 11, The Year 1905 will sweep you o= ff=20 your feet. Tickets are $35 and include: reserved concert seating, the pre-concert=20 party at Sambuca which features complimentary hors d'oeuvres, live jazz by the Blue Monks, door prizes and a cash bar. Pre-paid reservation are required, space is limited, singles only, please= =20 call 713.238.1477 or make your reservation on-line at=20 www.houstonsymphony.org Classical Encounters for Singles series is a party/concert package availab= le=20 to Houston-area singles. The party/concert package includes a pre-concert= =20 party=20 in the balcony lobby, complete with hors d'oeuvres, live Jazz by the Blue= =20 Monks and a cash bar. Guest Speakers, wine tasting demonstrations, dessert= =20 cooking=20 demonstrations and more are all part of this exciting singles package. Aft= er=20 the party subscribers to Classical Encounters for Singles enjoy reserved=20 concert seating for a Houston Symphony concert. When you purchase pens of chickens from the Houston Livestock Show and Rode= o=20 (HLS&R) all proceeds will go into the HLS&R General Scholarship Fund=20 benefiting Texas youth. Pens are $50 each and contain six broiler chickens= ,=20 commercially packaged and frozen. The chickens can either be donated to The= =20 Houston Food Bank or picked up at a later date for your own use. To=20 participate please contact Tom Murphy at 3-9514 or Ruby Kinsfather at 3-386= 9.=20 Because this is a tax deductible contribution, Enron will match your=20 donation dollar for dollar. Click here to print out the Matching Gift form= . You are not just buying a pig; you are buying a brighter future for the you= th=20 of Texas. When you purchase a pig from the Houston Livestock Show and Rode= o=20 (HLS&R), Junior Swine Auction Committee, all proceeds will go into the HLS&= R=20 Scholarship Fund benefiting Texas youth. Pigs are $600 each and are=20 approximately 225 lb. gross weight. The pigs can either be donated to The= =20 Houston Food Bank or delivered to a processor for your personal use. To= =20 participate please contact Jessie Jewell at 5-4983. Because this is a=20 tax-deductible contribution, Enron will match your donation dollar for=20 dollar. Click here to print out the Matching Gift form. =20 Individuals donating $600 or more are eligible for an invitation for two to= =20 the Whole Hog Cookers BBQ Tent at the Championship BBQ Cook-off held Februa= ry=20 9 and 10. Individuals donating $600 or more can also receive an invitation= =20 for two to the Swine Auction Breakfast and Swine Auction on February 28. = =20 Cash contributions of any amount are gladly accepted. For tickets contact any of the following Carnival Ticket Committee Members= =20 through Friday, February 9th.: ? Debbie Yates EB 1354 (713)853-5305 ? Lisa Schandua EB 4024B (713)853-0563 ? Sarah Brown EB 2412B (713)853-3417 ? Margaret Doucette EB 3851A (713)345-7892 ? Tara Rafter EB 1762 (713)345-8362 $10 BOOK =01) (A $20 Value) ? 24 Carnival Ride Tickets=20 ? Two 2-for-1 Food Coupons (food coupons include small drink and popcorn) $50 BOOK =01) (A $110 Value) ? 125 Carnival Ride Tickets ? One Free Ride on the Hurricane (Family Ride) ? Twelve 2-for-1 Food Coupons=20 (food coupons include any size drink, cotton candy, popcorn, french fries,= =20 ice cream) LIVESTOCK SHOW TICKETS - The livestock show ticket will allow you to visit= =20 the livestock and horse shows, carnival and all other exhibits=01*everythin= g =20 except the rodeo.=20 ? Age 13 & over $6.00 Each ? Age 6 - 12 $3.00 Each ? Age 0 - 5 Free ? Carnival coupons are good during the HLSR BBQ Cookoff February 8-10 and= =20 during the HLSR February 13 - March 4.=20 ? A rodeo ticket (good date of ticket only) or livestock show ticket is=20 required for admission to the carnival. ? BUY YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE TO AVOID LINES AT THE LIVESTOCK SHOW AND=20 CARNIVAL!!!!=20 ? No Parking on the Rodeo Grounds=01*Ride METRO for Free. Click here for m= ore=20 rodeo parking information. Want to do more for youth and education? Become a Member of the Houston=20 Livestock Show & Rodeo! $50 for an Annual membership and $500 for a Lifeti= me=20 membership ($450 for current annual members). Benefits of being a member o= f=20 HLS&R include the eligibility to apply for a Committeeman position (no=20 guarantees) and the eligibility for Corral Club membership. Already a Life= =20 Member of HLS&R? Buy a Life Member plaque for $45 to show your commitment = to=20 HLS&R. All proceeds will go into the HLS&R General Scholarship Fund, and,= =20 since this is a tax deductible contribution, Enron will match your donation= =20 dollar for dollar. =20 For more information on membership to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo,= =20 please contact Krysti Knight at 5-6278. If there is a student in your household who is preparing for college, you= =20 don't want to miss Enron Federal Credit Union's 2001 Student Loan Workshop.= =20 Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation (TGSLC) Representative, Cynthia= =20 Mayberry, will be on hand to explain the student loan process, the best tim= e=20 to apply for a student loan, how to get as much money as possible, answer= =20 questions, and more. Join us: Friday, February 9 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Enron Building - 5C2 Refreshments will be served. =20 Reserve your seat by sending an e-mail to kim.foley@enron.com. Rev =01+Em Up Enron! EFCU is bringing you a Private Auto Show! =01=07 Wednesday, February 7 =01=07 11 AM - 2:00 AM =01=07 Antioch Park Houston area Mercedes - Lexus - BMW - Cadillac - Acura - Chevrolet -=20 Toyota - Ford - Lincoln - Chrysler - Volvo dealerships will showcase the mo= st=20 popular SUV=01,s, sedans, and sports vehicles on the market today! Get beh= ind=20 the wheel of your favorite vehicle while enjoying music, complimentary=20 refreshments, cool give-aways and register to win one of these great door= =20 prizes: - Emergency Road Side Kit=20 - Mister Car Wash Gift Certificates - Oil Change Gift Certificates - Car Detail Gift Certificate - $50 Pappas Gift Certificate - $100 Gift Certificate to the Galleria Plus, during our Auto Loan Promotion, February 1 - March 15, we have reduce= d=20 our auto loan rates by .50% Annual Percentage Rate (APR), for extra savings= . =20 Representatives from our Auto Connection Service will be also be on hand to= =20 help you find just the right vehicle. So, if you are in the market for a n= ew=20 car, now=01,s the time! Planning is underway to celebrate the week of Valentine's Day at the Stone= =20 Soup Food Pantry, a program managed by AIDS Foundation Houston (AFH). Brin= g=20 a donation, recruit helping hands, or simply volunteer! If you wish to tak= e=20 a leadership role, please join us on Tuesday, February 6th in EB49C1 from= =20 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM to discuss preparations - this will be our only=20 meeting. Check out the details below: Volunteer Opportunities Available! Activities will include decorating for Valentine's Day, serving cookies &= =20 punch, and offering heart-shaped boxes of chocolates to clients visiting th= e=20 food assistance program. The Stone Soup Food Pantry is located at 608=20 Westheimer (lower end) and is only minutes from the Enron Building. =20 Between four to six volunteers will be needed for each shift - bring a frie= nd=20 or family member! Available times are listed below - excluding decoration= =20 activities, each shift begins with a 30-minute orientation to brief you on= =20 HIV confidentiality issues and also includes a tour of the facility: 2/12 Monday 3:00pm - 4:30pm (Put Up Decorations!) 2/12 Monday 5:15pm - 7:15pm=20 2/13 Tuesday 5:15pm - 7:15pm 2/14 Wednesday 12:00pm to 1:30pm and 1:30pm to 3:15pm 2/15 Thursday 5:15pm - 7:15pm 2/16 Friday CLOSED 2/17 Saturday 9:15am - 11:45am 2/17 Saturday 11:45am - 12:15am (Take Down Decorations!) 2/18 Sunday CLOSED To reserve your shift, call Jessica @ x31918. Donations Needed If you plan to donate an item to Stone Soup Food Pantry, please keep in min= d=20 that their current wish list includes personal hygiene items such as laundr= y=20 detergent, shaving cream, toothpaste, bar soap, baby diapers, feminine=20 hygiene items, shampoo, razors, and deodorant. Please bring your donation = to=20 3AC1418 during the week of Valentine's Day and our volunteers will coordina= te=20 having the items delivered. =20 Take advantage of this opportunity to be someone's Valentine who would=20 appreciate the special attention during this celebration of love. To learn= =20 more about Stone Soup, click here: =20 http://www.aidshelp.org/cs/stone/index.html. To learn more about AIDS=20 Foundation Houston (AFH), click here: http://www.aidshelp.org. =20 INTERNAL CONTACT: Jessica Nunez x31398 Make plans to attend the KidVenture Summer Camp Open House from 11am - 2pm,= =20 February 6-7 in the Enron Building Lobby (near the HR Kiosk). KidVenture= =20 representatives will be on hand to answer your questions. A maximum of 10= 0=20 slots are available for the summer camp.=20 Flu Shots are still available at the Enron Health Center Monday-Friday from= =20 8:00am-3:30pm. Flu season lasts through March, so it's not too late for=20 immunization. For those employee groups who find it difficult to be away= =20 from their desks, arrangements can be made for the Health Center nurse to= =20 come to your floor to administer the flu shots. Contact the Health Center = at=20 ext. 3-6100 for more information. Certification classes for CPR and First Aid will be conducted on Thursday,= =20 February 15, from 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM in the Body Shop. Cost is $10 for Enro= n=20 employees and $15 for contractors. Call the Health Center at ext. 3-6100 t= o=20 register. =20 Enron's first Blood Drive of 2001 will be held on Thursday, February 22, fr= om=20 7am - 4 pm in EB-5C2. Call the Health Center at ext. 3-6100 to schedule an= =20 appointment. Walk-ins welcome! DID YOU KNOW that since the Blood Donor=20 Program's inception in May of 1996 Enron employees and contractors have=20 donated nearly 1,700 pints of blood? Your generosity has enabled Enron to= =20 release 877 units to assist Enron families in need. Let's continue the=20 spirit of giving! REMEMBER -- If you or a loved one is in need of blood=20 donations, contact the Wellness Department at ext. 3-5609 for assistance. Have News to Share? To post news or events in Enron In Action, please e-mail your information t= o=20 Greg Grissom (ext. 58741)=20 no later than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday=01,s mailing= .