Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Disney on Ice - Toy Story 2
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 06:55:36 -0800 (PST)


What do you think about getting tickets for this? It is the Saturday after spring break. I bet Matthew would love it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bassani, Margaret M SOPC
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 7:12 AM
To: 'Lyne Martin'
Subject: FW: Disney on Ice - Toy Story 2

We will NOT be going to this one as we have a girl scout function at Camp
Misty Meadows-Hugs and Kisses, the girls work with the horses. I haven't
told Krista about this conflict.
You can use our 3 tickets at the SEC Club price and order additional at the
guest price. Please let me know, so I can turn it in ASAP for the better
< -----Original Message-----
< Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:51 PM
< Subject: Disney on Ice - Toy Story 2
< Disney on Ice
< presents
< <<...OLE_Obj...<< <<...OLE_Obj...<<
< Saturday, March 23, 2002
< 11:30 AM
< Lower Prom Ticket Prices
< Regular Price: $21.00
< Group Price: $17.50
< SEC Price: $15.00
< All orders accompanied with payment must be into SEC by this time and date
< including mail orders. No phone or email orders please. Checks payable
< to SEC and mail to Julie Montgomery SMT 2308D or hand carry to the OSP or
< SMT ticket window.
< --------------------------------------------------------------------------
< ---------------------
< Disney on Ice
< All orders accompanied with payment must be into SEC-Julie Montgomery by
< this time and date including mail orders. No phone or email orders
< please. Checks payable to SEC, SMT 2308D. Tickets will be purchased
< after the deadline. No late orders please.
< Name: __________________________________
< Bldg.: _______________ Room: _____________ Phone:
< ________________________
< __________ # of guest tickets @ $17.50 each = $
< ______________
< __________ # of member tickets @ $15.00 each = $
< ______________
< ______________
< MEMBER and GUEST TICKET PRICES - SEC members and their immediate family
< members (spouse/domestic partner and children) are considered members and,
< as a result, the employee may purchase a corresponding number of tickets
< at member prices. Please note that single employees are allowed to
< purchase one additional event ticket at member prices. Grandchildren,
< nieces and nephews are NOT considered eligible for member prices.
< Make check payable to SEC or Shell Employees Club
< Members will pickup their tickets at the OSP or SMT ticket window
< depending on their work location once tickets have been received. If you
< wish to have the tickets mailed directly to your home, please attach a
< self addressed stamped envelope for mailing. If you wish to have your
< tickets interoffice mailed to your work location please sign and include
< this form with your order:
< "I request that the Shell Employees Club located in the Central Business
< District of Houston, Texas (the "Club") send my tickets for (Disney on
< Ice) to me through Interoffice Mail (including, but not limited to the
< Interoffice Mail located at One Shell Plaza, Two Shell Plaza, Texaco
< Heritage Plaza, Eleven Hundred Louisiana, and Northborough). In making
< such request, I acknowledge that the Club does not have any control over
< the Interoffice Mail and I agree to hold harmless the Club, its Board of
< Directors, Executive Officers, volunteers, members, and staff from any
< damages, losses, costs, expenses, and causes of action arising out of the
< failure to receive tickets through Interoffice Mail, or the failure of the
< Club to receive my money through Interoffice Mail. Furthermore, I assume
< full responsibility for the delay or loss of my money or tickets and I
< release the Club of any and all responsibility for such money or tickets."
< (Signed)__________________________________________Date____________________
< _
< Shell Employees Club
< 713-241-4985 Office
< 713-241-4638 OSP Ticket Window, 10D OSP
< 713-241-8969 SMT Ticket Window, 3754 SMT