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=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09Monday February 4, 2002=09iOTC =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 RIGZONE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | = market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past= 7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More = Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World= wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I= ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Kuwait Oil Fire Leaves Four Wo= rkers Dead A fire and an explosion at an oil facility in northern Kuwait h= ave left four workers dead and at least 16 injured. Norwegian Pilot Strike= Ends CHC Helicopter Corporation has reached an agreement with the leaders= hip of the union representing CHC pilots in Norway. All striking pilots wil= l report back to work starting Feb.! 2, 2002. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] adverti= sement Welcome to the world of Thuraya, where communication knows no bound= aries. Thuraya provides mobile satellite telephony to 99 countries througho= ut Europe, North and Central Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and the = Indian Sub-continent. With a combination of cellular and satellite phone ca= pabilities bolstered by GPS and data features, Thuraya provides the total c= ommunications solution you've been looking for. Click for more... = Exploration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ONGC May Make BG a Partne= r ONGC may make British Gas a technical partner for operating Panna-Mukta = and Tapti fields - despite rejecting the company's claim as operator of the= field when BG purchases Enron's equity. Morocco Protests Offshore Explora= tion Licenses The Moroccan government is protesting a decision made late l= ast year by Spain to grant Repsol-YPF nine oil exploration concessions in t= he Atlantic between Morocco and the Canary Islands. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = Production [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Russia Keeps Within Export= Limits No additional quotas for shipments of Russian crude oil were issue= d in January and exports were within limits agreed with OPEC as part of a d= eal to support prices, according to official sources. ! Kerr-McGee Turns O= n the Tap at Nansen Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas announced that the Nansen field, = in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, achieved first production on Jan. 28, 2002= from the first of three subsea wells. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company &= Financial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Marathon To Spend $1.8 Bi= llion in 2002 Marathon Oil Corporation announced that it has approved a bu= dget of $1.8 billion for its 2002 capital, investment and exploration progr= ams. Rowan Completes Acquisition Rowan Companies, Inc. announced that Row= an Electric, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, has completed the purchase of= certain assets of Oilfield-Electric-Marine, Inc. and Industrial Logic Syst= ems, Inc., for ! a price of approximately $8 million in Rowan common stock.= Varco Revenue Up 46% Varco's net income in 2001 more than doubled that o= f 2000. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] advertisement Mark your calender! On Wedne= sday, February 6th, access to Rigzone's premium Gulf of Mexico Drilling Pe= rmit and Plans database will be open to all rigzone members and website vis= itors. Additionally, HR managers and Industry recruiters will have unlimit= ed free access to the Rigzone Career Center. Take a test drive, we think y= ou will like what you find. Last 7 Days Top Stories [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] BP Could Cut Jobs in the North Sea BP is considering = cutting some of its 3,600 Aberdeen-based workforce in a bid to control risi= ng costs. AEC and PanCanadian Confirms Merger Plans Alberta Energy Compan= y and PanCanadian join forces in a "merger of equals" that will create one = of North America's largest independent energy companies. Amerada Hess Hits= Offshore Equatorial Guinea Amerada Hess Corporation reported that it has = made another significant oil discovery offshore Equatorial Guinea in the Ri= o Muni Basin. Anadarko Plans to Spend $2 Billion in 2002 Anadarko Petrole= um Corporation said that its board of directors has approved an initial cap= ital spending budget of $2 billion for 2002 this is down from the $3.3 bill= i! on approved for 2001. Technip Coflexip Lands Brunei Development Project= Technip-Coflexip has recently been awarded a contract by Brunei Shell Pet= roleum Co. for its Egret Phase 1 Gas Development Project, offshore Brunei. = OPEC Expects To Increase Market Domination OPEC's oil production and its = domination of the oil market are expected to increase gradually over the ne= xt two decades, with the group's output rising to more than 50% of global o= il demand by 2020, a recent OPEC study says. Woodside Hits with Enfield-4 = Appraisal Well Woodside Petroleum Ltd said its Enfield-4 appraisal well o= ffshore Western Australia had found oil. Petro-Canada Acquires Veba Assets= Petro-Canada announ! ced that it has agreed to acquire the international = oil and gas operations of Veba Oil & Gas Gmbh from Veba and BP p.l.c. for a= price of Cdn $3.2 billion in cash. Honeywell Lands Belanak Contract Hon= eywell Industry Solutions has been selected as the automation supplier for = the Belanak oil field development project in Indonesia. McMoRan Successfu= l at Mound Point #2 Well This well confirms McMoRan's exploration concept = for the Mound Point area which is one of the largest geologic structures in= the shallow waters offshore Louisiana. Venezuelan Field Falls Short of Ex= pectations The consortium operating Venezuela's LL-652 field large fourth-= quarter write-downs as the block continues to fall short of expectations. = Pertamina Bidding for Devon Indonesia Assets Pertamina is ready to submit = a bid to acquire Devon Energy's local assets. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Up= coming Oil & Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Feb. 6 = Torch Mid-Winter Energy Conference New York Feb. 7 Marine Construct= ion 2002 Houston Feb. 10 2002 SPE Internation! al Petroleum Conference = & Exhibition in Mexico Villahermosa Feb. 26 2002 IADC/SPE Drilling Conf= erence and Exhibition Dallas Feb. 26 Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Semin= ars Aberdeen Feb. 27 Human Resources in Oil & Gas Aberdeen Ma! r. 10 = AAPG Annual Meeting Houston Mar. 17 Oil Field Chemistry Symposium - 1= 3th International Geilo Mar. 20 LNG North America Houston Apr. 9 2= 002 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition Houston list your c= onference view upcoming events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] Click here to go to Baker Hughes AADE HoverDril [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] promote your company [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] OGJ 200/100 Intern= ational on Diskette [IMAGE] [IMAGE] International Oil Company Financial M= anagement in Nontechnical Language [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Oilwell Fishing Operat= ions: Tools and Techniques, 2nd Ed. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more prod= ucts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured equipment: National 110 M [I= MAGE] Ideco DIR 805 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more equipment [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] featured jobs: - Sales Engineer - Project Manager- Drilli= ng - Emergency Response Coordinator/Deepwater more hot jobs << feature= d candidates: - Willing To Travel and Live Abroad - Company Representativ= e - Cost Control Specialist search for candidates << [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': ! 50.0% (7/14) +5000': 96= .0% (24/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 69.9% (51/73) 3rd Gen: 86.0% (43/50) 4= th Gen: 97.4% (37/3! 8) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To 200': 53.= 7% (36/67) 200' MC: 58.3% (14/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 3! 00' IC: 8= 8.5% (85/96) +300' IC: 92.6% (50/54) Severe Env.: 90.5% (19/21) [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] view complete utilization ! report [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ligh= t Crude Oil: $20.38/BBL (2.52%) Brent Crude Oil: $19.98/BBL (4.17%) Nat= ural Gas: $2.13/MMBtu (-1.39%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.60/gal (9.09%) pri= ces from: 2/1/2002 change since: 1/31/2002 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = =09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09 Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor, feature your job ope= ning or, advertise your upcoming industry conference. Click here for mor= e information, send your press release to info@rigzone.com or call us at = 281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsl= etter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone an= d updating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML= or Text) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. = Click here to log in . =09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09