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Subject:Reel Ranks the Best of 2001! Plus, Annual Movie Sale Savings!
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 04:54:51 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] February 5 through February 18, 2002 =
Releases [IMAGE]For Sale: DVD [IMAGE]For Sale: VHS [IMAGE]For Rent =
[IMAGE]In Theaters [IMAGE] Rental Guide [IMAGE] Shop [IMAGE] DVD =
Reviews [IMAGE] Features [IMAGE] News [IMAGE] TOP 10 LISTS [=
IMAGE] Top DVD Sellers [IMAGE] 1. Kiss of the Dragon 2. American Pi=
e 2 3. The Fast and the Furious Top VHS Sellers [IMAGE] 1. Ocean's =
Eleven 2. The Thorn Birds 3. Delicatessen Top DVD Rentals [IMAGE] =
1. American Pie 2 2. Atlantis: The Lost Empire 3. Rock Star Top VHS=
Rentals [IMAGE] 1. Rat Race 2. Kiss of the Dragon 3. American Pie 2=
Top Game Rentals [IMAGE] 1. Final Fantasy X (PS2) 2. Metal Gear S=
olid 2 (PS2) 3. Bond: Agent Under Fire (PS2) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reel's Best and Worst Picks With the year coming t=
o such a traumatic close in real life, entertainment proved to be not only =
a way to pass the time, but a necessary diversion. Thankfully, we were serv=
ed a selection of cinematic gems with the power to move, amuse, and otherwi=
se captivate us. From the one film that ruled them all to the torturous Tom=
cats, check out our picks for the highlights (and low blows) of 2001. [I=
MAGE] Sure, the Best Actors, Actresses, and Pictures get their due with a=
ll manner of prestigious and respectable awards, but every year many other =
dubious and delicious cinematic achievements never get proper recognition. =
Reel recognizes the past 12 months of notorious deeds. [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] 25% Off Movies at the Annual Movie Sale The Annual Movie Sale is g=
oing on now at Hollywood Video! You'll save 25% on all previously viewed mo=
vies $7.99 and up, including the hottest titles shown! Plus, find great sav=
ings on previously viewed DVDs!* [IMAGE]The Animal PG-13 / Comedy [IMAG=
E]Pearl Harbor PG-13 / Action [IMAGE]Rush Hour 2 PG-13 / Comedy *25% savi=
ngs applied to previously viewed VHS movies $7.99 and up. DVDs priced separ=
ately. At participating locations; offers and title selection may vary by s=
tore. Savings exclude Games. Offers may not be combined. Sale ends March 4.=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Captain Corelli's Mandolin February 5 / R / Dra=
ma Also on DVD [IMAGE] Ghost World February 5 / R / Drama Also on DVD =
[IMAGE] Hearts in Atlantis February 12 / PG-13 / Drama Also on DVD =
More New Release Rentals [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Beverly Hills Cop - Specia=
l Edition R / Comedy [IMAGE] Groundhog Day - Special Edition PG-13 / C=
omedy [IMAGE] The Princess and the Warrior R / Foreign More DVDs For S=
ale [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Enemy at the Gates - Special Edition R / Acti=
on New Low Price! [IMAGE] Muhammad Ali: Through the Eyes of the World N=
R / Documentary [IMAGE] Evolution: The Animated Movie NR / Comedy Mor=
e VHS Movies For Sale NewsReel Subscription Management If you wish to =
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ur profile or change your e-mail address, click here . If you have any que=
stions or problems concerning this newsletter, please do not reply to this=
newsletter. For questions, contact newsreel@hollywoodvideo.com . If you=
have any questions about Reel.com's Online Privacy Policy or HollywoodVid=
eo.com's Privacy Policy , please check out our websites. ? 1998-2002 Holl=
ywood Management Company . All Rights Reserved. Contents may not be reprin=
ted without permission. =09