Enron Mail

Subject:What's New for Blue from American Express?
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:50:57 -0700 (PDT)

=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What's New for Blue from American Express [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] October 2001 =09=09
[IMAGE]=09 Dear Antonio Martinez, [IMAGE] American Express Cards Blue fr=
om American ExpressSM hopes this e-mail finds you safe and well. We send th=
is e-mail once a month to help you get the most out of Blue from American E=
xpress. If you do not wish to receive these e-mails, please refer to our Cu=
stomer Service information below. Don't forget to visit the Blue Web site =
at americanexpress.com/igotblue . [IMAGE] Coming Soon?A Special Holiday Off=
er from Virgin Megastores! What?s Up in this E-mail? [IMAGE] ? Barg=
ain Basement at oldnavy.com! ? We?ve Got $75 With Your Name On It! =
? Call to Receive Your Year-End Summary! ? Earn Up To 10,000 Bonus =
From Delta! ? Check and Pay Your Bill Online [IMAGE] CoolBlueOff=
ers [IMAGE] logo Bargain Basement at oldnavy.com! [IMAGE] Shop oldnavy.com=
with Blue from American Express and get $10 off a purchase of $75 or more!=
[IMAGE] Visit oldnavy.com now to find a magnificent mix of winter fashions=
, including super-cool outerwear and sweaters. And as for great prices... t=
hey don't get much greater than the ones you'll find now in our Bargain Bas=
ement. With new items just added, you'll get more of what you love, at supe=
r-low prices! [IMAGE] Click here to take advantage of this offer . Check o=
ut more CoolBlueOffers from merchants such as Sharper Image, Costco, BlueL=
ight.com, gap.com, CVS.com and Origins. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo =
We?ve Got $75 With Your Name On It! [IMAGE] You spoke; we listened?Now it?=
s even easier to find the investment tools and information you need to help=
plan your future with Brokerage for Blue. Plus, put your new financial pla=
n into action with American Express Brokerage and tap into 100 years of inv=
estment experience, world-class 24-hour customer service*, and access to in=
-person advice from a financial advisor.** $75 Bonus[IMAGE] Open and fund y=
our new account online by November 15th and you?ll receive a $75 new accoun=
t bonus! (Use promotion code: BLUE) [IMAGE] Click here to learn more . [IMA=
GE] *Market volume and volatility may cause system access and transaction d=
elays. **Some services provided by American Express financial advisors may =
involve separate fees. Brokerage services are made available through AMERIC=
services are made available through American Express Centurion Bank. Ameri=
can Express Company is separate from American Express Financial Advisors In=
c. and is not a broker-dealer. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo Call to=
Receive Your Year-End Summary! [IMAGE] The Blue from American Express Year=
-End Summary is an invaluable tool for keeping track of your yearly spendin=
g and for tax preparation and personal money management. Your charges are s=
orted into categories, such as Airline, Lodging, Restaurant and Retail Purc=
hases. The summary also provides spending activity for each Additional Card=
member you may have on your account. [IMAGE] You must call the number on th=
e back of your card by December 8, 2001 to receive the summary of your acc=
ount activity by March 2002. Please be prepared to give your account numbe=
r and mention code 008. If you have already enrolled last year, you will a=
utomatically receive the summary for this year. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] logo Earn Up To 10,000 Bonus SkyMiles
From Delta! [IMAGE] Fly round-trip on Delta-operated flights between the U=
.S. and Europe/Asia/Latin America from now through March 15, 2002, and earn=
bonus SkyMiles when you use Blue from American Express. Paid Economy Class=
travel earns 5,000 miles; Business Elite? or Business Class travel earns 1=
0,000 miles. [IMAGE] To qualify for the bonus, click here to enroll . To ma=
ke your reservation, visit www.delta.com , call Delta at 1-800-241-4141 or =
call your Travel Agent. [IMAGE] Offer Ends 3/15/02. One-time bonus only. To=
qualify, you must enroll before originating travel. Offer excludes S,T,U c=
lasses. All standard Delta Sky Miles program rules and conditions apply. =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo Check and Pay Your Bill Online! [IMAGE] W=
ant to see exactly how much you charged at the mall this weekend? Need to =
find out if your vacation charges have posted yet? You can do all of the a=
bove (and more), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?online. It?s safe, secure =
and FREE! [IMAGE] It only takes a few minutes and will help you take greate=
r control of your finances today! Register your Blue in four easy steps: =
[IMAGE] 1. Go to the Blue Web site. 2. Click on "Manage =
Your Card Account." 3. Click on "Register Now" to create a unique U=
ser ID and Password. 4. Enter your Blue information. Customer S=
ervice for Blue! NEW! Now you can change your billing address, change you=
r e-mail address, request archived statements and more?all online with se=
cure Customer Service on the Web. You will be asked to log in to protect =
your privacy. If you are not registered, please click the "Register Now" =
button. [IMAGE] Forgot Your Password? Obtain a new password online . Ple=
ase call Customer Service at 1-800-AXP-1234 if you have difficulty resetti=
ng your password online. If you forgot your User ID, please note that it =
cannot be changed online. If you want to change your User ID, please call =
Customer Service at 1-800-AXP-1234. P.S. This e-mail was sent to tmartin=
@enron.com. If you received this e-mail at a different address, this e-mail=
message was forwarded. If you do not wish to receive future e-mail offers=
from American Express, please hit the reply button and let us know by typi=
ng the word ?REMOVE? and indicate this e-mail address in the subject line. =
Please visit the American Express Privacy statement to set, review or chan=
ge preferences regarding the type of e-mails you want to receive. Copyri=
ght ? 2001 American Express Company. All rights reserved. =09[IMAGE]=09