Enron Mail

Subject:What's New for Blue from American Express?
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:20:45 -0800 (PST)

=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What's New for Blue from American Express [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] November 2001 =09=09
[IMAGE]=09 Dear Antonio Martinez, [IMAGE] American Express Cards We send=
this e-mail approximately once a month to help you get the most out of Bl=
ue from American ExpressSM. If you do not wish to receive these e-mails, p=
lease refer to our Customer Service information below. To keep up with Blu=
e's latest offers, go to americanexpress.com/igotblue right now. [IMAGE] B=
eat the Rush with Blue?Get a Head Start on Your Holiday Shopping TODAY! W=
hat?s Up in this E-mail? [IMAGE] ? Enroll in Membership Rewards Optio=
nsSM?Earn Rewards! ? 30% MEGASavings at Virgin Megastores with Blue! =
? European Getaways & Free Gifts?Treat Yourself this Holiday Season! ?=
Add Someone to Your Blue Account! ? Call to Receive Your Year-End Sum=
mary! ? Receive and Pay Your Bill Online [IMAGE] Blue Opportunit=
y [IMAGE] logo Enroll in Membership Rewards Options?Earn Rewards! [IMAGE]=
Based on feedback from Cardmembers like you, we have upgraded the BlueLoot
rewards program to Membership Rewards Options from American Express. You =
will earn one point for virtually every dollar you charge with Blue from Am=
erican Express. Join today and you will enjoy a host of exciting advantage=
s: [IMAGE] ? No annual fee ? More retail rewards choices =
? Additional rewards categories, including hotel, car rental and airl=
ine rewards ? Points have no expiration dates ? Access t=
o points online or in your monthly billing statement ? Points can =
be redeemed online or by phone [IMAGE] Visit americanexpress.com/bluerew=
ards to enroll and start earning points today! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] logo 30% MEGASavings at Virgin Megastores with Blue! [IMAGE] From Nove=
mber 22 through December 26, 2001 your Smart Chip activates an automatic sa=
vings of 30% on virtually everything at Virgin Megastores.* It's good on a=
ll CDs, DVDs, videos, books, magazines, clothing accessories?and even on el=
ectronics, like portable CD Players. Find holiday gifts for your family, fr=
iends, coworkers, and yourself. The only thing you need to bring is Blue! C=
lick here for more details! [IMAGE] No Virgin Megastore nearby? You can s=
till get great music and $3 off on everything GetMusic.com offers. Take ad=
vantage of these savings . [IMAGE] *Void where prohibited. Offer valid 11/2=
2/01-12/26/01 at participating Virgin Megastores. Cafe and gift card purch=
ases are excluded from the 30% off offer. Purchases in excess of $5000 maxi=
mum limit are not eligible for 30% discount. CoolBlueOffers [IMAGE]=
logo European Getaways & Indulgent Gifts? Treat Yourself this Holiday Seas=
on! [IMAGE] Get 10% off every Virgin Atlantic vacation package purchased wi=
th Blue from American Express. Virgin Altlantic offers incredible travel p=
ackages to Britain and beyond at GREAT prices. Give yourself and that spec=
ial someone a trip of a lifetime this holiday season! Book your trip today=
. [IMAGE] logoGet a free packette of Salt Rub? Smoothing Body Scrub from =
Origins. Just purchase $50 or more with Blue from Origins.com and you'll r=
eceive your free gift! Treat yourself today . [IMAGE] Check out more grea=
t CoolBlueOffers for this holiday season from merchants such Gap, Sharper =
Image, and Bluelight.com. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo Add Someone =
to Your Blue Account! [IMAGE] One of the greatest privileges of Blue is t=
he ability to share it?with family members, friends, or anyone you choose.=
Add someone to your account, with no annual fee, and let them share the c=
onvenience, security, and benefits of Blue. [IMAGE] Apply now to add an A=
dditional Card to your Blue account [IMAGE] Increase your earning power! En=
roll your Blue and any Additional Cards into Membership Rewards Options and=
start earning points for every dollar anyone on your account spends. Just =
call 1-800-AXP-EARN today! [IMAGE] The Additional Cardmember must be 18 or=
older, and must never have had a defaulted account with American Express.=
Any account you have with American Express must not be in default. =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo Call to Receive Your Year-End Summary! [IMAG=
E] The Blue from American Express Year-End Summary is an invaluable tool fo=
r keeping track of your yearly spending and for tax preparation and persona=
l money management. Your charges are sorted into categories, such as Airlin=
e, Lodging, Restaurant and Retail Purchases. The summary also provides spen=
ding activity for each Additional Cardmember you may have on your account. =
[IMAGE] You must call the number on the back of your card by December 8, 20=
01 to receive the summary of your account activity by March 2002. Please be=
prepared to give your account number and mention code 008. If you have alr=
eady enrolled last year, you will automatically receive the summary for thi=
s year. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] logo Receive and Pay Your Bill Onlin=
e! [IMAGE] If you want a simple and efficient way to manage your Blue acco=
unt, sign up to receive your Blue bill online. You'll have access to your =
account information anytime, anywhere. We'll even send you an e-mail remind=
er each month when your statement is ready so you can view it right away, i=
nstead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail. [IMAGE] And, paying your =
bill has never been easier. With this fee-free service, simply decide how m=
uch to withdraw from your enrolled checking account each month to pay your =
Blue bill. It's safe, secure and ready whenever you are. [IMAGE] Visit =
americanexpress.com/paperless to sign up for Online-Only statements and Pa=
y by Computer. [IMAGE] Note: Please allow up to two days to have payments =
posted to your account. When you sign up for either Pay by Phone or Pay by =
Computer, you are automatically enrolled in the other. Only some Consumer C=
ards are eligible to receive the Online Statement. Customer Service f=
or Blue! NEW! Now you can change your billing address, change your e-mail=
address, request archived statements and more?all online with secure Custo=
mer Service on the Web. You will be asked to log in to protect your privac=
y. If you are not registered, please click the "Register Now" button. [IMAG=
E] Forgot Your Password? Obtain a new password online . Please call Custome=
r Service at 1-800-AXP-1234 if you have difficulty resetting your password =
online. If you forgot your User ID, please note that it cannot be changed o=
nline. If you want to change your User ID, please call Customer Service at =
1-800-AXP-1234. P.S. This e-mail was sent to tmartin@enron.com. If you =
received this e-mail at a different address, this e-mail message was forwar=
ded. If you do not wish to receive future e-mail offers from American Expre=
ss, please hit the reply button and let us know by typing the word ?REMOVE?=
and indicate this e-mail address in the subject line. Please visit the Ame=
rican Express Privacy statement to set, review or change preferences regar=
ding the type of e-mails you want to receive. Copyright ? 2001 American =
Express Company. All rights reserved. =09[IMAGE]=09