Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Mentions -- 01/22/02-01/21/02
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:29:33 -0800 (PST)

Enron Attorney Says FBI Is Probing Shredding at Company's Headquarters
Dow Jones Business News, 01/22/2002

WSJ: Enron Says FBI Invited To Probe Document Shredding
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002

Paper Trail:
Shredded Documents Taken to Court
ABC News.com, 01/22/2002

Paper Chase:
Congress to Probe Destruction of Enron Documents
ABC News.com, 01/22/2002

Judge to hear request to halt shredding
Associated Press Newswires, 01/22/2002

Lawyers Ask Houston Crt Order To Stop Enron `Tampering'
Dow Jones Energy Service, 01/22/2002

The Boston Globe, 01/22/2002

Orlando Sentinel, 01/22/2002

Manager Says Enron Shredded Documents; Probe Allegedly Was Already Underway
The Washington Post, 01/22/2002

Enron Ex-Executive: Previous Warnings Fell On `Deaf Ears'
Dow Jones International News, 01/02/2002

New Accusations of Document Shredding at Enron
American Morning with Paula Zahn, 01/22/2002

USA: Enron says ordered staff to preserve all papers.
Reuters English News Service, 01/21/2002

Enron Notified Employees to Retain Documents
PR Newswire, 01/21/2002

Enron says it checking shredding report
The Globe and Mail, 01/22/2002

Enron Claims to Fire Andersen as Auditor.
The Oil Daily, 01/22/2002

SMARTMONEY.COM: Special Report: The Enron Papers
Dow Jones News Service, 01/21/2002

SMARTMONEY.COM: The Spreading Enron Stain
Dow Jones News Service, 01/21/2002

Worker's concerns about Enron accounting brushed aside
Associated Press Newswires, 01/21/2002

Enron Raised Funds In Private Offering; Shareholders in Dark, Documents Sho=
The Washington Post, 01/22/2002

Jesse Jackson to hold rally for laid off Enron workers
Associated Press Newswires, 01/21/2002

USA: Profiles of major figures in Enron saga.
Reuters English News Service, 01/21/2002

The Fall of Ken Lay
CNN: The Point with Greta Van Susteren, 01/21/2002

Role of Andersen lawyer probed.
Financial Times - FT.com, 01/22/2002

Enron's Law Firm Is in the Crosshairs; Vinson & Elkins' heavy reliance on t=
he work it did for the energy giant is now a potential liability for the la=
w firm
BusinessWeek Online, 01/22/2002

Enron a Boon to Short-Sellers / Skeptics correctly read signs of sudden col=
Newsday, 01/22/2002

Andersen says Enron failed on business merits.
The Saigon Times Daily, 01/22/2002

Orlando Sentinel, 01/22/2002

Federal Judge Approves Sale Of Enron's Energy Trading Ops
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002

UBS Pumps Life Into New Enron Unit
Newsday, 01/22/2002

Enron Creditors Express Skepticism About Proposed Sale of Trading Arm to UB=
The Oil Daily, 01/22/2002

Enron To Pay GE Capital $138,474/Mo For Furniture Leases
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002
Enron Trying To Keep $7.92M In Funds From Some Creditors
Dow Jones International News, 01/22/2002

USA: Lawmaker says set to subpeona Andersen in Enron case.
Reuters English News Service, 01/22/2002

Enron auditor says Andersen shares blame Congressional subcommittee rejects=
bid to delay public testimony set for Thursday
The Globe and Mail, 01/22/2002

New US Judge In Enron Cases No Stranger To Controversy
Dow Jones Energy Service, 01/22/2002

UK: UPDATE 1-Enron Europe creditors face $900 mln trading loss.
Reuters English News Service, 01/22/2002

Two More Enron Units File Chapter 11, Total Reaches 37
Dow Jones Energy Service, 01/22/2002

Dark humour and a line in T-shirts from Enron victim - Ex-employees' websit=
e reveals the real losses.
The Guardian, 01/22/2002

US Treasury Responds To Waxman Request For Enron Info
Dow Jones Capital Markets Report, 01/22/2002

SMARTMONEY.COM: Special Report: Enron Vs. Investors
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002

Tractebel bids for Enron's SKorean assets - report
AFX News, 01/22/2002

Electrabel In Talks With Enron Over Spanish Power Plant
Dow Jones International News, 01/21/2002

New BG Bid Soon For Enron's India Pete Fields' Stake -PTI
Dow Jones Energy Service, 01/21/2002

Gov't hopes to close Enron deal this month.
BusinessWorld (Philippines), 01/22/2002

INDIA PRESS: Dabhol May Be Sold In Two Parts
Dow Jones International News, 01/21/2002

Asia Pulse, 01/22/2002

Enron points to need for independent analysts
The Globe and Mail, 01/22/2002

Where are market cops when we need them?
The Globe and Mail, 01/22/2002

U.S. push on for independent auditors: Enron fallout
National Post, 01/22/2002

Enron case steals Bush limelight
Belfast News Letter, 01/22/2002

Politically Sensitive Enron Items Pulled Off EBay Friday
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002

ComPsych(R) Reports Rapidly Increasing Employee Stress Levels Caused by Rec=
ent Financial Events
PR Newswire, 01/21/2002

GETTING PERSONAL: 401(k) Woes? Might Be Your Own Fault
Dow Jones News Service, 01/22/2002

Enron: No Taxes . . .
The Washington Post, 01/22/2002

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 01/22/2002

Corruption festered in the dark
Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 01/22/2002

Putting the `public' back in CPA
Chicago Tribune, 01/22/2002

Bush Better See Enron Case as a Threat
Newsday, 01/22/2002

Wrapping Up Tough Questions With Foil
The Washington Post, 01/22/2002

Enron's Fatal Arrogance
Australian Financial Review, 01/22/2002

Get Tough On Corporate Crime
The Washington Post, 01/22/2002

...Poisonous Enron
The News & Observer Raleigh, NC, 01/22/2002

What a fall!
Business Standard, 01/22/2002


Enron Attorney Says FBI Is Probing Shredding at Company's Headquarters
By John R. Emshwiller

Dow Jones Business News
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal=20
HOUSTON-- An attorney for Enron Corp. says Federal Bureau of Investigation =
agents have been dispatched to the company's Houston headquarters to begin =
interviews Tuesday about possible document shredding.
The attorney said that following news reports of document shredding on the =
19th floor of the building, where some of the accounting operations are, En=
ron (ENRNQ) contacted the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Co=
mmission and invited them to investigate what happened.=20
He added that Enron officials last night went to the 19th floor to look for=
any evidence of shredding and located a "single trash can with shredded ma=
terial." He said the material was secured and bagged. Security guards have =
now been placed on the 19th and 20th floor of the building.=20
Three former Enron employees said Monday that they'd seen shredded document=
s in the accounting department after federal investigators had begun a prob=
e into possible illegalities at the energy giant.=20
Write to John R. Emshwiller at john.emshwiller@wsj.com=20
Copyright © 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.=20
All Rights Reserved.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

WSJ: Enron Says FBI Invited To Probe Document Shredding
By John R. Emshwiller

Dow Jones News Service
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

Of The Wall Street Journal=20

HOUSTON -(Dow Jones)- An attorney for Enron Corp. (ENRNQ) says Federal Bure=
au of Investigation agents have been dispatched to the company's Houston he=
adquarters to begin interviews Tuesday about possible document shredding.
The attorney said that following news reports of document shredding on the =
19th floor of the building, where some of the accounting operations are loc=
ated, Enron contacted the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Co=
mmission and invited them to investigate what happened.=20
(This report and related background will be available at the Journal's Web =
site, WSJ.com.)=20
He added that Enron officials last night went to the 19th floor to look for=
any evidence of shredding and located a "single trash can with shredded ma=
terial." He said the material was secured and bagged. Security guards have =
now been placed on the 19th and 20th floor of the building.=20
Three former Enron employees said yesterday that they'd seen shredded docum=
ents in the accounting department after federal investigators had begun a p=
robe into possible illegalities at the energy giant. -Jonathan Friedland; T=
he Wall Street Journal; 323-658-3820

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Paper Trail
Shredded Documents Taken to Court

Jan. 22 - An attorney handed over shredded Enron documents to a federal cou=
rt in Houston today, claiming they were important papers company workers ha=
d attempted to destroy as recently as last week.=20

The attorney, William Lerach, who has filed a class-action suit against the=
failed energy firm on behalf of employees and stockholders, said he though=
t the court should begin to take physical possession of evidence from the f=
irm and its now-fired auditor Arthur Andersen, and appoint independent expe=
rts to try to restore deleted e-mail.=20
"It may be necessary that we put a U.S. marshal or someone on the premises =
there at Enron to make sure these people behave themselves," argued Lerach =
on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America today.=20
Shredders Were 'Working Overtime'=20
Document-shredding continued at Enron's headquarters up until at least last=
week, former Enron executive Maureen Castaneda told ABCNEWS, despite feder=
al subpoenas and court orders since last October forbidding the destruction=
of documents.=20
Castaneda, the former director of Enron's foreign investments section, said=
the shredding was done in an accounting office on the 19th floor of the co=
mpany's Houston headquarters.=20
"I left the second week of January and the shredding was going on until the=
day I left, and I have no idea if it continues," said Castaneda, who worke=
d across the hall from the accounting office.=20
"After Thanksgiving, there was great interest in the accounting documents s=
tored," she said. "They pulled out all the boxes and people had to go throu=
gh every box."=20
Castaneda added in a Good Morning America interview this morning: "I think =
the accountants were probably working a lot of overtime. You could tell by =
the pizza boxes and trash cans."=20
The former executive says she had no idea what was going on - even used the=
shreddings to pack up her belongings - until she received an e-mail from t=
he corporate attorney reiterating company policy forbidding document shredd=
"That's when the light bulb went on," recalled Castaneda, "And I said, 'Wel=
l, wait a minute, if they're not supposed to destroy them, why are they des=
troyed?' "=20
'It Will Not Be Tolerated'=20
Enron attorney Bob Bennett said that all employees had been forbidden to sh=
red any documents as of Oct. 25.=20
"At a very early time, the legal team made all employees aware of the pendi=
ng litigation and that all documents should be retained," Bennett told ABCN=
EWS. "If anyone has disobeyed that policy or if anyone is discovered to hav=
e shredded documents, it will not be tolerated and severe action will be ta=
He also said the company was investigating the reports.=20
Castaneda said she discovered the shredded documents when she was cleaning =
out her office and looking for packing material. She showed ABCNEWS boxes f=
ull of shredded documents dated from November and December, which she found=
in the hallway.=20
"I got these when I was leaving work, to basically use for packing material=
," she said. "I only took one box."=20
The word "confidential" can be seen on the shredded papers, which were dens=
ely packed into the box she showed ABCNEWS.=20
"A lot are accounting documents," said Castaneda. "You can tell because of =
the colors yellow and pink."=20
Also, she said she found shreds with references to some of Enron's off-the-=
books partnerships, which the company used to mask its financial problems. =
Lawyers in the case regard this as likely evidence of a criminal act: Destr=
oying documents in the middle of a federal investigation is potential obstr=
uction of justice.=20
Enron's accounting practices have come under heightened scrutiny since the =
company's stunning October announcement that it lost $638 million in the th=
ird quarter of 2001 and was worth $1.2 billion less than it had previously =
ABCNEWS' Brian Ross contributed to this report.

Paper Chase
Congress to Probe Destruction of Enron Documents

By Pete Yost
The Associated Press

W A S H I N G T O N, Jan. 21 - A House panel plans to issue subpoenas if ne=
cessary to compel testimony from Enron's accounting firm and the auditor it=
fired for the destruction of thousands of documents.

Arthur Andersen LLP chief executive Joseph Berardino criticized his firm's =
lead auditor on the Enron account, David Duncan, saying he displayed "at th=
e least ... extremely poor judgment" for his part in discarding documents i=
n October and November. Enron filed for bankruptcy Dec. 2.=20
Duncan has told investigators he was simply following the advice of Anderse=
n's legal department when he directed the shredding. The House Energy and C=
ommerce subcommittee on oversight and investigations has scheduled a hearin=
g for Thursday.=20
The tentative witness list includes Duncan, Andersen attorney Nancy Temple =
and Berardino or another top-ranking Andersen official.=20
It was uncertain whether Duncan would appear voluntarily.=20
"We have made it clear that we'll be prepared to subpoena any reluctant wit=
nesses," said committee spokesman Ken Johnson.=20
Johnson said "a number of people have approached the committee about immuni=
ty" from prosecution, "but we have not offered it to anyone, nor have we se=
riously considered it up to this point."=20
"We're very interested in finding out where Andersen is, in its internal in=
vestigation" of the Enron controversy, "and we want to examine administrati=
ve and disciplinary actions taken in the wake of the disclosure that docume=
nts were destroyed," Johnson said.=20
Focus on Stock Sales=20
A variety of federal law enforcement agencies and congressional investigato=
rs are looking into Enron's sudden collapse, the largest bankruptcy in U.S.=
history and one that cost many employees their retirement savings.=20
Among the avenues of interest: actions taken by Enron managers to sell some=
of their own stock in the company even as employees were encouraged to con=
tinue investing.=20
A lawyer for Kenneth L. Lay, Enron's chairman and chief executive, said Lay=
disposed of millions of dollars in Enron stock because he needed to raise =
cash to repay loans, not because of concerns about the health of his compan=
y, The New York Times reported today.=20
Attorney Earl J. Silbert said Lay had put up shares of his Enron stock as c=
ollateral for other investments. On at least 15 occasions between February =
and October of last year, Silbert told the Times, Lay returned shares in En=
ron to the company to repay $4 million he had received through a credit lin=
The House panel meeting Thursday hoped to get to the bottom of Andersen's s=
hredding of the documents.=20
Temple, a lawyer at Andersen headquarters in Chicago, e-mailed a copy of th=
e firm's document destruction policy to the Houston office where Duncan and=
other accountants worked on the Enron account.=20
Temple sent the e-mail just four days before Enron announced more than $600=
million in third-quarter losses. At the same time, the energy company took=
the first step to fully disclose details of partnerships that had kept hun=
dreds of millions of dollars in Enron debt off the company's balance sheet.=
E-mail Defended=20
Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Berardino defended Temple's sen=
ding of the e-mail, saying "Nancy just told people to use their judgment. S=
he did not instruct them to do anything, to my knowledge."=20
According to congressional investigators, Duncan said last week that genera=
l discussions began at Andersen in September about what Enron-related docum=
ents to discard.=20
"It was unusual" to emphasize the document-destruction policy, Duncan told =
the investigators, according to congressional sources familiar with what he=
said. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity.=20
Asked why Temple reminded the Houston office of the policy to do away with =
some documents, Berardino replied, "Because accountants are pack rats ... W=
e save lots of stuff that's not relevant."=20
Asked about the timing of Temple's e-mail, Berardino said "we were in the p=
rocess of putting our files together to make sure that all of the third-qua=
rter events were properly documented in our work papers."
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may=
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.=20

Judge to hear request to halt shredding
Associated Press Writer

Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2002. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

HOUSTON (AP) - An attorney representing shareholders suing 29 current and f=
ormer Enron Corp. executives and directors carried a box of shredded docume=
nts into federal court Tuesday, claiming employees of the fallen energy tra=
ding giant were destroying records through at least mid-January.=20
"This is the shredded evidence that we got out of Enron," attorney William =
Lerach said as he hurried into the downtown Houston courthouse, where he wa=
s prepared to ask a judge to ban any shredding by Enron or its former audit=
or, Arthur Andersen.
A state judge's order already prohibits Andersen's Houston office from shre=
dding Enron-related documents. Chicago-based Andersen acknowledged earlier =
this month its Houston office had destroyed a significant but undetermined =
amount of audit-related work.=20
Lerach's law partner, Paul Howes, released a court brief late Monday in whi=
ch a former Enron executive saw staffers in the accounting and finance depa=
rtment review and shred thousands of documents.=20
Maureen Raymond Castaneda, who was laid off as Enron's director of foreign =
exchange and sovereign risk, told Howes the "gather-review-shred" process s=
tarted Oct. 31, when the Securities and Exchange Commission announced a for=
mal investigation into Enron finances, and continued through at least Jan. =
In a statement released Monday, Enron reiterated that it has had a strict a=
nti-shredding policy in place since last autumn.=20
"Since Oct. 25, Enron has notified employees in no uncertain terms that the=
y are to preserve all documents and materials. The company has sent out fou=
r e-mails to that effect from Oct. 25, 2001, through Jan. 14, 2002," said t=
he statement.=20
Castaneda confirmed she saw at least two such e-mails from Enron general co=
unsel James Derrick.=20
Houston-based Enron cited Andersen's shredding issues when it fired the ven=
erable accounting firm last week.=20
Neil Rothstein, attorney for another plaintiff, the Archdiocese of Milwauke=
e Support Fund, said Tuesday morning that justice can be served only with i=
ntact evidence.=20
"We are entitled to see what they have," Rothstein said, referring to anyon=
e with pertinent Enron documentation. "No one should have destroyed documen=
Lerach said Castaneda took some boxes of shredded documents home, intending=
to use them as packing material in a move to a more affordable house. She =
gave Lerach's team the spindly documents, which Howes said were clearly mar=
ked as related to debt-laden partnerships that fueled the company's downfal=
"Enron's communications with its employees were very clear on the destructi=
on of documents, and any breach of the company's policy will be dealt with =
swiftly and severely," the company said. "Enron has been cooperating fully =
with congressional investigators and handed over to various government inve=
stigators 41 boxes of documents and materials."=20
Drowning in a sea of exposed questionable accounting methods, massive third=
-quarter losses and elimination of millions in profits since 1997 with rest=
ated earnings, Enron on Dec. 2 filed the largest bankruptcy in history.=20
Lerach's firm last month sued current and former top Enron executives and b=
oard members who sold $1.1 billion in stock from October 1998 through Novem=
ber last year, just before the company imploded.=20
The lawsuit differs from more than 60 filed on behalf of shareholders and i=
nvestors across the country because it names only the individuals as defend=
ants, not Enron Corp. Suits targeting the company are on hold until the ban=
kruptcy is resolved in a Manhattan court.=20
The suit alleges the defendants, including Enron chairman Ken Lay and Texas=
Sen. Phil Gramm's wife, Enron board member Wendy Gramm, engaged in a three=
-year pattern of fraud and deception that caused Enron shares to fall from =
a high of about $80 a year ago to less than a dollar.=20
Amalgamated Bank, the lead plaintiff, claims it lost more than $10 million =
in the meltdown, and the suit is seeking $25 billion in damages. Pension fu=
nds for several states have joined the suit since it was filed.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Lawyers Ask Houston Crt Order To Stop Enron `Tampering'

Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

WASHINGTON (AP)--Lawyers suing Enron Corp. (ENRNQ) say a massive number of =
company documents were shredded in the face of a federal investigation and =
want a court to step in to prevent more tampering.=20
"It was a major accounting fraud and now they have been caught destroying t=
he evidence," attorney William Lerach said Tuesday on NBC's "Today." "I'd s=
ay they've got trouble on their hands."
Robert Bennett, a Washington lawyer representing Enron, said the company to=
ld employees after coming under investigation that they were not to destroy=
relevant documents. He said the company is looking into charges papers wer=
e destroyed despite that directive.=20
Lerach told the Associated Press the shredding was "open and notorious and =
widespread," consuming "hundreds of thousands of documents" and taking plac=
e even on Christmas Day.=20
Former Enron executive Maureen Castaneda said on morning talk shows Tuesday=
that the shredding began after Thanksgiving on the 19th floor accounting o=
ffice of the company's Houston headquarters and continued at least until th=
e middle of this month.=20
Lerach was bringing some of the shredded documents to federal court Tuesday=
to seek court custody of relevant Enron papers, as part of a class-action =
lawsuit against the company by aggrieved investors.=20
"We're going to ask the court to take extraordinary measures...to prevent a=
ny further tampering or destruction," he said on ABC's "Good Morning Americ=
"It may be necessary that we put a U.S. marshal or someone on the premises.=
The reported shredding follows revelations over the past two weeks about do=
cument destruction at Arthur Andersen LLP, Enron's auditor.=20
Another attorney in the lawsuit, G. Paul Howes, said in court papers that s=
ome of papers destroyed at Enron headquarters were marked Jedi II and Chewc=
o - partnerships through which the energy giant concealed hundreds of milli=
ons of dollars in debts.=20
The partnerships, described by lawmakers as slick financial gimmicks, helpe=
d drive the company into the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.=20
The Securities and Exchange Commission began looking into Enron's accountin=
g practices in mid-October, after the company reported more than $600 milli=
on in third-quarter losses, and a congressional committee began asking for =
documents in mid-December. The SEC opened a formal investigation at the end=
of October, including demands for financial documents from Enron and Ander=
Enron said in a statement late Monday that it had issued four e-mails from =
Oct. 25 to Jan. 14 warning employees against destroying documents, specific=
ally those related to Enron's complex web of partnerships.=20
"We are investigating the circumstances of the reported destruction of docu=
ments," Bennett said.=20
Bennett said anyone who violated directives against destroying documents "w=
ill be dealt with appropriately."=20
Castaneda, who was laid off last week, said she did not know who ordered em=
ployees to do the shredding. "I think they were just doing what they were t=
old," she said.=20
She said she brought shredded paper home to use as packing material.=20
The Justice Department announced on Jan. 9 that it was pursuing a criminal =
investigation of Enron, which entered the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. histor=
y on Dec. 2 following a six-week downward spiral.=20
Andersen last week fired its lead Enron auditor for destroying Enron-relate=
d documents. The auditor, David Duncan, has told congressional investigator=
s he was just following the advice of Andersen's legal department when he d=
irected the shredding.=20
Lawyers for Duncan have been seeking to delay his public testimony, schedul=
ed for Thursday before the investigative panel of the House Energy and Comm=
erce Committee, saying Duncan needs more time to prepare.=20
But Rep. Jim Greenwood, R-Pa., the subcommittee's chairman, rejected the re=
quest, arguing that Duncan "doesn't really need to recall every detail of w=
hat he did for Enron. We're focused on the destruction of documents. We'll =
subpoena him if we have to."=20
Said Ken Johnson, spokesman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee: "T=
his whole sorry affair keeps getting uglier by the minute, and we're determ=
ined to get to the bottom of it. ... Making bad business decisions is one t=
hing, but trying to cover up bad business decisions is another."

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Pete Yost, Associated Press

The Boston Globe
(Copyright 2002)

WASHINGTON - Enron is looking into the reported destruction of documents th=
at allegedly took place at its Houston headquarters after the federal gover=
nment began investigating the company, an attorney for the bankrupt energy =
giant said last night.=20
In an on-air interview with ABC News, a former Enron executive, identified =
as Maureen Castaneda, said the shredding of documents took place in an acco=
unting office on the 19th floor.
Castaneda displayed one box of the shredded material which "I got . . . whe=
n I was leaving work to basically use . . . for packing material.=20
"There were . . . a lot more than this," she said, standing next to the box=
Castaneda said the destruction began after Thanksgiving. "I left the second=
week of January and the shredding was going on until I left. And I have no=
idea if it continues." Castaneda was identified as a director in the forei=
gn investments section at Enron's Houston headquarters.=20
"They even shredded on Christmas Day," Bill Lerach, an attorney who is suin=
g Enron's board and officers, said in an interview. He said he was taking s=
ome of the shredded documents to court today where he will demand court cus=
tody of all relevant Enron documents.=20
"From what we have learned, destruction of evidence at Enron was open and n=
otorious and widespread," Lerach said.=20
The Securities and Exchange Commission began looking into Enron in mid-Octo=
"We are investigating the circumstances of the reported destruction of docu=
ments," Washington attorney Robert Bennett, who is representing Enron, said=
in a statement.=20
"In October 2001 the company issued several directives to all Enron employe=
es worldwide that all relevant documents should be preserved in light of pe=
nding litigation," Bennett added. "If anyone violated those directives, the=
y will be dealt with appropriately."=20
The reported shredding at Enron follows revelations over the past week and =
a half about document destruction at Arthur Andersen, Enron's accounting fi=
Some of the shredded Enron paper displayed in the ABC story contained the w=
ord "Jedi," one of the entities involved in an array of off-the-books partn=
erships which kept millions of dollars in Enron debt off the firm's balance=
sheet for several years.=20
Enron's inquiry into shredding at its headquarters came as congressional in=
vestigators pressed for public testimony by an Andersen auditor fired over =
the destruction at the accounting firm.=20
"This whole sorry affair keeps getting uglier by the minute, and we're dete=
rmined to get to the bottom of it," said Ken Johnson, spokesman for the Hou=
se Energy and Commerce Committee, which has been investigating the destruct=
ion of papers at Andersen.=20
Fired Andersen auditor David Duncan told investigators that Andersen had am=
ple information when it evaluated the controversial partnership arrangement=
s at Enron that were a big factor in its bankruptcy.=20
Duncan's lawyers sought to delay his public testimony, scheduled for Thursd=
ay before the House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, arguing that=
Duncan needs more time to prepare.=20
But Representative Jim Greenwood, a Pennsylvanian Republican who chairs the=
subcommittee, rejected the request, saying Duncan "doesn't really need to =
recall every detail of what he did for Enron. We're focused on the destruct=
ion of documents."=20
In other developments:=20
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader said a special counsel should investigate Enr=
on rather than the Justice Department's criminal division. Nader also said =
Bush administration officials should have alerted the Justice Department an=
d the Securities and Exchange Commission last fall when contacted by Enron =
chairman Kenneth Lay about the company's growing problems.=20
The State Department disclosed that Secretary of State Colin Powell referre=
d to Enron's problems regarding a power plant in India in a discussion with=
India's foreign minister last April 6.

Caption: Ralph Nader said yesterday a special counsel should investigate En=
ron. / AP PHOTO=20
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

William Neikirk, Washington Bureau

Orlando Sentinel
(Copyright 2002 by The Orlando Sentinel)

WASHINGTON -- A former Enron Corp. executive said Monday that company docum=
ents were destroyed at its Houston headquarters even after the federal gove=
rnment issued subpoenas for the bankrupt company's records last fall.=20
The startling accusation of document shredding prompted Enron's attorney, R=
obert Bennett, to say that the company would immediately look into the alle=
gation made by former executive Maureen Castaneda in an ABC News interview.
Displaying a box of shredded material, Castaneda, identified by ABC as the =
former director of Enron's foreign-investments section, said the document d=
estruction began after Thanksgiving and continued as late as last week in t=
he 19th-floor accounting office of the company's Houston headquarters.=20
She said she got the box of paper to use for packing material and that ther=
e were "a lot more" boxes like the one she showed on the air.=20
Federal authorities and congressional committees are already investigating =
the shredding of documents by Enron's auditor, Arthur Andersen LLP, in conn=
ection with Enron's failure. The revelations that Enron may have done the s=
ame thing added a new dimension to the burgeoning scandal.=20
"It's one thing to make bad business decisions; it's another thing to cover=
up bad business decisions," said Ken Johnson, spokesman for Rep. Billy Tau=
zin, R-La., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the=
panels investigating the firm. "If it's true, this is an even bigger mess =
than we thought."=20
Johnson said the committee undoubtedly would look into the new allegation a=
nd probably call Castaneda to testify. Meanwhile, the panel will hold a ses=
sion Thursday to hear evidence on the shredding of documents at Andersen, a=
nd is threatening to force a former Andersen auditor, David Duncan, to test=
ify. Duncan has sought a postponement.=20
Castaneda told ABC she found shredded paper with references to some of Enro=
n's controversial businesses partnerships, such as "Jedi," which the firm u=
sed to hide millions of dollars in debt.=20
"A lot are accounting documents," she added. "You can tell because of the c=
olors yellow and pink."=20
"I left the second week of January, and the shredding was going on until th=
e day I left, and I have no idea if it continues," said Castaneda.=20
Bennett issued a statement after the broadcast, saying that "we are investi=
gating the circumstances of the reported destruction of documents. In Octob=
er, the company issued several directives to all Enron employees worldwide =
that all relevant documents should be preserved in light of pending litigat=
ion. If anyone violated these directives, they will be dealt with appropria=
The Securities and Exchange Commission began investigating Enron in mid-Oct=
ober and this month the Justice Department said it had opened a criminal in=
vestigation. Other federal agencies are looking into various aspects of Enr=
on's collapse.=20
The shredding of documents also is becoming a major issue in a suit against=
Enron's board and its officers. William Lerach, attorney for plaintiffs wh=
o have sued the firm's board and its officers, said he plans to take the bo=
x of shredded documents to federal court, according to The Associated Press=
"They even shredded on Christmas Day," Lerach said.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

A Section
Manager Says Enron Shredded Documents; Probe Allegedly Was Already Underway
Peter Behr
Washington Post Staff Writer

The Washington Post
Copyright 2002, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved

An Enron project manager has told attorneys suing the company that she saw =
evidence of widespread shredding of documents at Enron Corp.'s Houston head=
quarters, beginning after the start of a former federal securities investig=
ation was announced Oct. 31 last year.=20
Maureen Castenada, a manager in Enron's foreign-investments section who was=
laid off in mid-January, said the names of outside partnerships that are a=
t the center of ongoing investigations of Enron are legible on scraps of sh=
redded paper. The shredding took place inside offices on the 19th floor of =
the headquarters building, where she worked, she said.
Castenada's allegations are contained in a sworn affidavit by attorney G. P=
aul Howes, whose firm is suing Enron's top officials and directors on behal=
f of Enron shareholders and investors whose retirement savings were devasta=
ted by the company collapse and bankruptcy filing in December. She repeated=
the allegations in an interview yesterday on ABC News.=20
Howes said that according to Castenada, boxes of documents from throughout =
Enron's headquarters were gathered on the 19th floor beginning about Thanks=
giving. She said she saw Enron employees going through the boxes' contents =
page by page and removing documents, Howes's account states.=20
At the end of the day, trash bags and boxes full of shredded documents were=
stacked up in the hallway, she said, adding that the shredding was continu=
ing as recently as the second week of January.=20
One scrap described a division of revenue between Enron and one of the off-=
balance-sheet entities the company created named Raptor, attorneys said.=20
"We are investigating the circumstances of the reported destruction of docu=
ments," Washington attorney Robert S. Bennett, who is representing Enron, s=
aid in a statement.=20
"In October 2001 the company issued several directives to all Enron employe=
es worldwide that all relevant documents should be preserved in light of pe=
nding litigation," Bennett added. "If anyone violated those directives, the=
y will be dealt with appropriately."=20
Enron reported on Oct. 22 that the Securities and Exchange Commission had b=
egun an inquiry into the company's financial dealings. A week later, the SE=
C upgraded the probe to a formal investigation.=20
The destruction of documents by Enron's outside accounting firm, Arthur And=
ersen, already is a key issue for investigators. Andersen fired David B. Du=
ncan, its top Houston auditor on the Enron account, last week after learnin=
g he ordered the shredding of documents related to the Enron audit.=20
Attorney William Lerach, a senior partner in Howes' firm, said last night t=
hat he will take a box of shredded material obtained by Castenada into fede=
ral court in Houston today to back up his demand that relevant Enron docume=
nts be put under the court's control.=20
"You just have to conclude, based on what we know to date, this was a delib=
erate, coordinated effort to destroy evidence," Lerach said.=20
Castenada told ABC News she could tell that a lot of the shredded papers we=
re once accounting documents. "You can tell because of the colors -- yellow=
and pink," she said. She took one box of shredded paper away with her to g=
ive to attorneys. "There were . . . a lot more than this," she said.=20
Congressional investigators said yesterday that they are still negotiating =
with Duncan's attorney to secure his testimony at a hearing on the document=
destruction at Andersen scheduled for Thursday before the House Energy and=
Commerce Committee's oversight and investigations subcommittee.=20
Duncan's lawyers sought to delay his public testimony, arguing that Duncan =
needs more time to prepare.=20
The subcommittee chairman, Rep. James C. Greenwood (R-Pa.), turned down tha=
t request. He said the committee will subpoena Duncan if necessary.=20
Andersen's chief executive, Joseph F. Berardino, appearing Sunday on NBC's =
"Meet the Press," criticized Duncan and defended Andersen attorney Nancy Te=
mple, who sent an Oct. 12 e-mail to Andersen's Houston office as a reminder=
of the firm's document-destruction policy.=20
Berardino said Duncan displayed "at the least . . . extremely poor judgment=
" for his part in destroying the documents in October and November. He said=
Temple sent the reminder "because accountants are pack rats. . . . We save=
lots of stuff that's not relevant."=20
Staff writer David S. Hilzenrath contributed to this report.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Enron Ex-Executive: Previous Warnings Fell On `Deaf Ears'

Dow Jones International News
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- The former executive who first disclosed document-sh=
redding at Enron Corp. (ENRNQ) said Tuesday that she hadn't informed her su=
periors because her previous warnings about risky deals had fallen on "deaf=
Interviewed on ABC's "Good Morning America," Maureen Castaneda said she did=
n't know the names of those who had shredded the documents and didn't know =
who had ordered the shredding.
Castaneda, former Enron director for foreign exchange and risk management, =
said she wasn't surprised by the destruction of documents because she had "=
seen a lot" over the past three years - "things that weren't forthright."=
She referred to deals that she called "incredibly risky," citing countries =
that she said "nobody in the world would lend capital to" but where Enron d=
evelopers wanted to go into.=20
Castaneda, who was separated from Enron earlier this month, said she had se=
en "accountants" looking through documents after Thanksgiving on her way to=
her office on the 19th floor, which housed the accounting and research dep=
Repeating remarks to ABC on Monday evening, Castaneda said she realized wha=
t had happened when she took home shredding to use as packing material afte=
r being separated.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

News; Domestic
New Accusations of Document Shredding at Enron
Jack Cafferty, Ed Lavandera

American Morning with Paula Zahn
© Copyright eMediaMillWorks, Inc. (f/k/a Federal Document Clearing House,=
Inc.). All Rights Reserved.

new accusations of document shredding at Enron have surfaced just as a fede=
ral judge in Houston is set to hold hearings this morning on an injunction =
to get accounting firm Arthur Andersen to stop destroying Enron related doc=
JACK CAFFERTY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The other big story, of course, new accus=
ations of document shredding at Enron have surfaced just as a federal judge=
in Houston is set to hold hearings this morning on an injunction to get ac=
counting firm Arthur Andersen to stop destroying Enron related documents.
According to a former Enron employee, documents were being systematically s=
hredded at the company as late as last week. Maureen Castaneda, who's part =
of a shareholder lawsuit against Enron, told ABC News the shredding began i=
n late October after the SEC began their investigation into the company's a=
ccounting practices.=20
CNN's Ed Lavandera joins us now with more in a live report from Houston -- =
The attorneys in this case sat down with reporters late last night inside a=
19th floor posh downtown Houston hotel room, showing off what they say are=
those shredded documents that Maureen Castaneda witnessed being shredded i=
nside the Enron building. They say that over the last 12 weeks they've talk=
ed with several dozen witnesses here at Enron who say that they did witness=
this shredding of documents in the finance and accounting department. Maur=
een Castaneda worked in an office just across the hallway from this departm=
They say the shredding started heavily after Thanksgiving and it continued =
in through Christmas and into, as you said, last week. And this, of course,=
if this indeed is true, happened well after the federal investigators star=
ted taking over in this case and issued subpoenas in efforts to claim much =
of these documents.=20
Enron spokespeople say that they have issued several e-mails telling all em=
ployees not to tamper with any documents whatsoever and to preserve every m=
aterial that they can get their hands on, as well. But the attorneys in thi=
s case aren't convinced by what Enron is saying.=20
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is an absolute smoking gun. You've got, the auditor s=
aid we destroyed thousands of pages of documents. They've admitted that. Th=
e company now can't get around the fact that in the face of three directive=
s not to do it, personnel were directed to do it because the personnel that=
were doing this clearly wouldn't have acted unilaterally.=20
LAVANDERA: We spent some time last night looking at some of those shredded =
documents and trying to find any kind of evidence ourselves. The attorneys =
say that in many of these slices of paper that you can see the names of Rap=
tor and Jedi, which, of course, are the names of these partnerships that ha=
ve become infamous for bringing down Enron.=20
We were only able to find one slip of paper that had Raptor on it, but they=
, indeed, say that this is the only box that they do have but that they do =
fear that hundreds of thousands of documents, there are witnesses that say =
that they saw this as a systematic shredding of documents over the course o=
f the last month and a half and they say that they're, even though this is =
the only box that they do have, that there is much more out there that has =
been shredded -- Jack, back to you.=20
CAFFERTY: Ed, thank you.=20
Ed Lavandera live in Houston this morning.=20
Coming up in the next hour of AMERICAN MORNING, the woman who blew the whis=
tle on Enron. Maureen Castaneda says the company was shredding documents ri=
ght up until last week. Also, a family struggling to survive after Enron le=
ft them out in the cold.=20
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Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

USA: Enron says ordered staff to preserve all papers.

Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2002.

NEW YORK, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Bankrupt energy trader Enron Corporation said =
on Monday it had repeatedly ordered all its employees since October 25, 200=
1 to refrain from destruction of any official documents.=20
The company said this after a Monday news report on ABC Television quoted a=
former employee as saying that she saw shredded documents in an accounts o=
ffice at the company's Houston headquarters.
A company spokesman said Enron, which is facing a string of investigations =
into its demise, would probe into the interview given by the former employe=
e identified as Maureen Castaneda.=20
Enron, which has already handed over 41 boxes of documents and materials to=
federal investigators said it had sent four emails to all employees betwee=
n October 25 and January 14 asking them to preserve all documents regarding=
Enron's activities and also with regard to the partnerships which Enron ha=
d set up outside the company's main operations.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Enron Notified Employees to Retain Documents

PR Newswire
(Copyright © 2002, PR Newswire)

HOUSTON, Jan. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Enron Corp. released the followi=
ng statement in response to an ABC News story broadcast today:=20
Since October 25th Enron has notified employees in no uncertain terms that =
they are to preserve all documents and materials. The company has sent out =
four emails to that effect from Oct. 25, 2001 through January 14, 2002.
Specifically, Enron employees were warned on October 25th to "Please retain=
all documents (which include handwritten notes, recordings, emails, and an=
y other method of information recording) that in any way relate to the Comp=
any's related party transactions with LJM1 and LJM2 ... You should know tha=
t this document preservation requirement is a requirement of Federal law an=
d you could be individually liable for civil and criminal penalties if you =
fail to follow these instructions."=20
In subsequent messages sent on October 26 and October 31, 2001, employees w=
ere specifically instructed that the requirement to preserve and retain all=
documents extended not only to LJM documents but included all documents re=
lating to: the Broadband Services Division, Chewco, Azurix, New Power, the =
accounting for any Enron investments, and Enron public statements to invest=
ors, the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory bodies.=20
Enron's communications with its employees were very clear on the destructio=
n of documents, and any breach of the company's policy will be dealt with s=
wiftly and severely. Enron has been cooperating fully with congressional in=
vestigators and handed over to various government investigators 41 boxes of=
documents and materials.=20

/CONTACT: Mark Palmer, +1-713-853-4738, or Steve Lipin of Brunswick, +1-212=
-333-3810, both for Enron/ 21:37 EST=20
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

International News
Enron says it checking shredding report
Associated Press

The Globe and Mail
"All material Copyright © Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. and its licenso=
rs. All rights reserved."

Washington -- Enron is looking into the reported destruction of documents t=
hat allegedly took place at its Houston headquarters after the federal gove=
rnment began investigating the company, a lawyer for the bankrupt energy gi=
ant said last night.=20
In an on-air interview with ABC News, a former Enron executive identified a=
s Maureen Castaneda said the shredding of documents took place in an accoun=
ting office on the 19th floor.
"We are investigating the circumstances of the reported destruction of docu=
ments," Washington lawyer Robert Bennett, who is representing Enron, said i=
n a statement. AP

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Enron Claims to Fire Andersen as Auditor.

The Oil Daily
© 2002 Energy Intelligence Group. All rights reserved.

Enron tried to restore some of its badly tarnished image late last week by =
claiming to fire outside auditor Andersen for destroying Enron financial do=
The firing, however, is about as credible as Capt. Louis Renault's statemen=
t in the classic movie Casablanca that he was "shocked" to learn that gambl=
ing was taking place in Rick's Cafe Americain, just as he was handed his ev=
ening's winnings.
In fact, the relationship with Andersen terminated last month after Enron m=
ade its Chapter 11 filing in the US Bankruptcy Court (OD Dec.4,p1). Bankrup=
tcy rules require that a new auditor be named, so Andersen has been out for=
more than a month.=20
Still, Enron Chairman and Chief Executive Kenneth Lay indicated that the pr=
oblems at Andersen were news to him and that action on the matter couldn't =
await the outcome of an internal investigation the company initiated in lat=
e October.=20
"While we had been willing to give Andersen the benefit of the doubt until =
the completion of that investigation, we can't afford to wait any longer in=
light of recent events," he said in a statement.=20
Andersen disclosed on Tuesday that employees had shredded some paper docume=
nts and deleted electronic files after it was aware of a Securities and Exc=
hange Commission investigation of Enron (OD Jan.16,p1). The company fired t=
he head of the Enron account in its Houston office, put three others on adm=
inistrative leave, and demoted another four executives.=20
The fired auditor, David Duncan, apparently doesn't plan to fall on his swo=
rd to protect others. He was already talking to the US House Committee on E=
nergy and Commerce before his termination by Andersen and continued his tes=
timony in what a committee spokesman described as a cooperative manner.=20
Enron's shares continue to be traded actively in the over-the-counter marke=
t since going off the New York Stock Exchange last week. Shares now are lis=
ted in the National Quotation Bureau "Pink Sheets." The price has ranged be=
tween 22? and 57.5? since making the move.=20
"This is purely a penny stock now," said analyst John Olson of Sanders, Mor=
ris, Harris in Houston. He said he is becoming less confident that UBS Warb=
urg can resurrect the company's trading business soon enough to satisfy Enr=
on's multitude of creditors and salvage any vestige of the company.=20
Olson noted that Enron owes about $15 billion just to banks and has another=
$19 billion in derivative exposure - and creditors will want whatever they=
can get as soon as possible.=20
Another regulatory figure walked the plank last Friday after admitting to a=
n Enron taint. Max Yzaguirre, who once headed Enron's operations in Mexico =
and served in other Enron jobs, resigned as chair of the Texas Public Utili=
ty Commission.=20
Yzaguirre succeeded Pat Wood, now chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Co=
mmission, last summer.=20
Barbara Shook.=20
© Copyright 2002. The Oil Daily Co.=20
For more infomation, call 800-999-2718 (in U.S.) or=20
202-662-0700 (outside U.S.).

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

SMARTMONEY.COM: Special Report: The Enron Papers
By Matthew Goldstein

Dow Jones News Service
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

(This report was first published late Friday.)=20

MANY VOICES on Wall Street have professed bafflement at the sudden collapse=
of Enron (ENRNQ). According to the many investment bankers and trading par=
tners who did business with the company, the commercial banks that lent it =
money, and the securities analysts who followed it, the accounting maneuver=
s Enron allegedly used to inflate its profits and hide its debts were so co=
mplex and so hidden from view that no one could have foreseen the outcome.
It turns out, however, that some of the biggest names in American finance w=
ere active participants in Enron's strategy. SmartMoney.com has obtained a =
number of financial documents and partnership records related to LJM2 Co-In=
vestment partnership, one of the key entities relied on by Enron. The docum=
ents - four books altogether measuring more than two inches high - reveal t=
hat a virtual Who's Who of financial institutions invested in the $394 mill=
ion fund established in 1999 by former Enron Chief Financial Officer Andrew=
Fastow. The documents provide a breakout of the estimated rates of return =
on the more than a dozen investments made by LJM2. They even offer an expla=
nation for how those mysterious Raptors worked - the subsidiaries LJM2 esta=
blished to carry on hedging activities with Enron. We're making selections =
from the documents available for download in PDF format.=20
The documents make one thing clear: LJM2 was anything but an arm's-length e=
ntity for Enron - as it would've had to be for Enron's accounting treatment=
of it to have been legitimate. "The Partnership expects that Enron will be=
the Partnership's primary source of investment opportunities and that the =
Partnership will co-invest with Enron," according to one document. As the d=
ocuments state, the partnership was created and managed by then-CFO Fastow =
and was "focused on acquiring energy and communications assets primarily ow=
ned by Enron." And while Jeffrey Skilling, Enron's former chief executive w=
ho suddenly resigned last August, told the New York Times in December that =
he didn't have many details about partnerships like LJM2, the records show =
Skilling was a guest speaker at LJM2's annual partnership meeting on Oct. 2=
6, 2000.=20
Some highlights from the documents:=20
"LJM Rationale": LJM2 was formed in October 1999 with the stated goal of ac=
quiring assets primarily owned by Enron and generating a 30% average annual=
return for its limited-partner investors. Why focus on Enron assets? The d=
ocuments explain that some of those assets were diluting Enron's earnings a=
nd harming the ratios on which its credit ratings were based. It wanted to =
"deconsolidate" those assets and "create structures which accelerate projec=
ted earnings and cash flows."=20
A selling point to potential investors in LJM2: "The Partnership expects to=
benefit from having the opportunity to invest in Enron-generated investmen=
t opportunities that would not be available otherwise to outside investors.=
Investors: The papers contain a partial list of the biggest companies and f=
inancial institutions that are known to have invested in LJM2, either direc=
tly, through subsidiaries or on behalf of third parties: American Internati=
onal Group (AIG), AON (AOC), Citigroup (C), CIBC, Credit Suisse First Bosto=
n, Dresdner Bank, General Electric (GE), J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM), Lehman Br=
others (LEH), Morgan Stanley (MWD), Merrill Lynch (MER) and Wachovia Bank (=
Smaller institutional investors were also involved, including pension funds=
and private equity funds. These included Aero Capital, Alpine Investment P=
artners, C&I Partners, Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, Fort Washington Private Eq=
uity, Freidenrich Family Trust (associated with Bay Partners, a big Califor=
nia venture-capital firm), Lakeview Capital Management, Mousse Partners, Rh=
o Management, the State of Arkansas Teachers Retirement Fund, Ulysses Partn=
ers and Weyerhaeuser Employee Retirement Trust (WY).=20
LJM2 Key Employees: As of early 2000, LJM2 was being managed by Fastow; Mic=
hael Kopper, former managing director of Enron's Global Equity Markets Grou=
p; and Kathy Lynn, a former Enron vice president. Fastow, during his tenure=
at LJM2, earned roughly $30 million in management fees.=20
Advisers: The partnership employed Big Five accounting firm Pricewaterhouse=
Coopers and Chicago-based law firm Kirkland & Ellis, where Whitewater prose=
cutor Kenneth Starr is a partner.=20
Bankers: Two banks were LJM2's main lenders: Chase Manhattan Bank, part of =
J.P. Morgan Chase, and Germany's Dresdner Bank, a division of Dresdner Klei=
nwort Wasserstein. On Nov. 30, 2001, just days before Enron would file for =
bankruptcy, Dresdner Bank sent LJM2 a letter informing it that it had defau=
lted on a provision of its loan agreement.=20
Working Capital: As of April 2000, LJM2 had raised $394 million. Of that am=
ount, 42% came from top-rated financial institutions and insurance companie=
s, 36% was invested by individuals and private equity funds and the remaini=
ng 22% came from employee pension funds. The value of the assets held by th=
e partnership as of Sept. 30, was $156 million, down 39% from Dec. 31, 2000=
Investments: LJM2 invested in a total of 23 investments - most of them invo=
lving Enron-related entities - with odd-sounding names like Bobcat, Osprey =
Trust, Apex, Rawhide and Talon. The five biggest investments were: NewPower=
Holdings (NPW), $50 million; Bobcat I, $30 million; Osprey Trust, $26 mill=
ion; Apex, $25 million and Zenith Telecom Trust, $21 million.=20
NewPower is a deregulated electrical power company that Enron spun off in O=
ctober 2000. Bobcat is a so-called special entity, like the Raptors that En=
ron and LJM2 used to hedge investments. Osprey Trust is an investment vehic=
le set up by Enron and another limited partnership, Whitewing, which sold $=
1.4 billion in corporate bonds. Apex is a collaterized loan obligation - a =
derivative security whose underlying instrument is a commercial loan - that=
LJM2 has with First Union, which since has been acquired by Wachovia Bank.=
Zenith is one of the few non-Enron investments made by LJM2. It was an inv=
estment in an off-balance-sheet partnership established by TXU (TXU) called=
Pinnacle One Partners.=20
The Raptors: These are a structured finance vehicle - usually capitalized w=
ith Enron stock and an investment from LJM2 - that enters into derivative, =
or hedging, transactions all designed to reduce the risk associated with En=
ron's own investment portfolio. There were at least six Raptors created by =
LJM2. The Raptors helped manage the impact of price volatility of Enron's s=
tock investments by purchasing put and call options on those shares. (A cal=
l option is a bet a stock will rise in price, while a put option is a bet i=
t will fall.) But the Raptors posed a problem if Enron's stock dropped belo=
w $48 a share - something that first occurred in early August, around the t=
ime Skilling suddenly resigned. In the event of such a drop, Enron would ha=
ve to give the Raptors more of its stock in an attempt to keep them solvent=
, and this would be potentially dilutive to the stock.=20
For more information and analysis of companies and mutual funds, visit Smar=
tMoney.com at http://www.smartmoney.com/

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

SMARTMONEY.COM: The Spreading Enron Stain
By Robert Hunter

Dow Jones News Service
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

(This report was first published late Friday.)=20

ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, my editor and I got together to think of a fresh wa=
y to approach the Enron (ENRNQ) scandal for my column this week. We wanted =
to try to offer investors some guidance as the sordid details of Enron's of=
f-balance-sheet activities continue to unfold.
I decided that I would argue that while the Enron blowup is a shocking exam=
ple of greed, cunning and guile, it was an isolated incident. The underpinn=
ings of our financial system are still fundamentally sound.=20
Now, I'm not so sure.=20
It's true that Enron was unlike any company that makes its living - or a bi=
g chunk of it - in the derivatives markets. Derivatives? Wasn't Enron prima=
rily an energy trader? Yes, but many energy trades involve forward sales (a=
kin to futures) and options. And Enron dealt in dozens of other, more exoti=
c derivatives markets, from credit to weather to advertising. Derivatives w=
ere a bigger part of Enron's revenue stream than they are at any other publ=
icly traded company that deals in them, even powerhouses like Goldman Sachs=
(GS), Lehman Brothers (LEH) and Morgan Stanley (MWD).=20
Yet Enron didn't resemble other derivatives dealers in the least. Wall Stre=
et firms that are active in these highly sophisticated, highly lucrative an=
d highly risky markets have elaborate risk-management systems in place to p=
revent Enron-like disasters from happening. Ever notice that most of the de=
rivatives blowups you've heard about in the past - from Orange County to Pr=
octer & Gamble (PG) to Gibson Greetings - involved relatively unsophisticat=
ed investors being burned by Wall Street bandits? (The delicate term for th=
at on the Street is ripping someone's face off.) Yes, Barings Bank and Kidd=
er Peabody were brought down by derivatives - but those cases involved rogu=
e traders circumventing their company's risk-management systems for fun and=
profit. Because derivatives can blow up in their faces, dealers pay slavis=
h attention to the risk they undertake. Risk managers are some of the best-=
paid people on Wall Street. Their job is to keep their companies from going=
boom - and by and large, they succeed.=20
Some years ago, as scandals started becoming more common, derivatives becam=
e something of a four-letter word. Wall Street came up with an ingenious fi=
x, one that just happened to add some safety to the derivatives world: In t=
he early 1990s, dealers began creating AAA-rated offshore subsidiaries that=
do some of their bidding for them. (No big investment bank carries that ra=
ting, or anything close.) To get those ratings, the subs had to be incredib=
ly well capitalized and maintain impeccable books. That helped allay certai=
n nervous counterparties, as well as institutional investors permitted to d=
eal only with triple-A-rated entities. Even in the unlikely event that, say=
, Goldman Sachs imploded, its triple-A sub would still have the cash on han=
d to settle its bets, which often mature far into the future. Nowadays, big=
banks and insurers often have several of these entities. And that helps th=
em lower their overall risk profiles. Everyone wins: The corporate trader g=
ets to deal with a safer partner, while the bank's positions, on an aggrega=
te level, are less risky. In the derivatives world, subsidiaries exist sole=
ly in the service of the corporate parent.=20
Enron was an entirely different story. While many of the infamous