Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Mentions (major papers only) -- 02/06/02
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 06:47:29 -0800 (PST)

Questioning the Books: Enron Official Failed to Warn Participants Of 401(k)=
The Wall Street Journal, 02/06/2002

The New York Times, 02/06/2002

Rich Employee, Poor Employee; Senate Panel Looking at Pensions Shown Both S=
ides of the Enron Coin
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

Execs say they tried to protect workers' money=20
Houston Chronicle, 02/06/2002

Enron CEO Felt 'Betrayed,' Panel Told; Head of Internal Probe Testifies on =
the Hill
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

Enron Officials Sought Lawyer's Dismissal Over Negotiations With Outside Pa=
The Wall Street Journal, 02/06/2002

The Financial Wizard Tied to Enron's Fall
The New York Times, 02/06/2002
Enron CEO Felt 'Betrayed,' Panel Told; Head of Internal Probe Testifies on =
the Hill
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

$270 Million Man Stays in the Background
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

Enron Execs Sold Stock as Losses Grew Probe: The $44-million sell-off came =
amid concern that problems at partnerships could become public. The action =
raises questions of possible insider trading.
Los Angeles Times, 02/06/2002

2 Officials Are Expected To Leave the Company
The New York Times, 02/06/2002

Investigators Buying Time For Inquiry
The New York Times, 02/06/2002

Enron Team Says Lay Took Some Blame Hearings: Former chief admits lapse in =
oversight, according to internal investigator questioned by lawmakers.
Los Angeles Times, 02/06/2002

Astros want out of naming-rights deal=20
Houston Chronicle, 02/06/2002

For Houston Astros, a Sponsorship Turns Sour
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

Astros Cry Foul and Try for an Enron Pickoff Play
The New York Times, 02/06/2002

Questioning the Books: Enron's Fall Spurs Desire to Revisit Laws
The Wall Street Journal, 02/06/2002

Former chairman of Enron to face lawmakers next week=20
Houston Chronicle, 02/06/2002

Creditors' committee can quiz auditor - COURT RULING.
Financial Times, 02/06/2002

Andersen chief urges change in accounting rules.
Financial Times, 02/06/2002

Populist Pitch -- Without the Punch; Both Parties Claim Title, but Neither =
Makes Full-Scale Attack on Moneyed Interests
The Washington Post, 02/06/2002

Enron Is Grist for Business School Courses
The New York Times, 02/06/2002

Lerach's Enron Gambit
The Wall Street Journal, 02/06/2002

Questioning the Books: Panel, in Enron's Wake, to Review Lawsuit Curbs
The Wall Street Journal, 02/06/2002

Enron equity fears fuel 'flight from risk'.
Financial Times, 02/06/2002

Barbie Loves Math
The New York Times, 02/06/2002


Questioning the Books: Enron Official Failed to Warn Participants Of 401(k)=
By Kathy Chen and Theo Francis
Staff Reporters of The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

WASHINGTON -- A top Enron Corp. human-resources executive who also served a=
s a trustee of the company's 401(k) plan said she became aware of serious a=
llegations about the company's financial practices in August, but did nothi=
ng to protect retirement-plan members.=20
Speaking at a Senate government affairs committee hearing, Cindy Olson said=
Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins approached her for advice before send=
ing her now well-publicized e-mail to former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay in =
August voicing concerns about the company's accounting practices. Ms. Olson=
said Ms. Watkins also sought out Jeffrey McMahon, currently Enron's chief =
operating officer, who was then its treasurer, for guidance at the time.
Enron's retirement plans, decimated by the collapse of the Houston energy c=
oncern, will come under further scrutiny in Congress this week. Today, Labo=
r Secretary Elaine Chao testifies before the House Education and Workforce =
Committee about whether retirement-plan rules should change in the wake of =
Enron's collapse; tomorrow the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor=
and Pensions will hear from former Enron workers.=20
In yesterday's hearing, Ms. Olson said she didn't share Ms. Watkins's alleg=
ations with the other 401(k) plan trustees because she didn't feel it was h=
er responsibility to repeat "hearsay." In addition, she said, Ms. Watkins h=
ad come to her in confidence. After Ms. Watkins took her concerns to Mr. La=
y and he ordered an investigation, "I felt it was all in good hands," Ms. O=
lson said.=20
Eli Gottesdiener, a Washington-based lawyer representing Enron workers, cou=
ntered those arguments. "She had information that affected the lives of 10,=
000 people and did nothing," he said, adding, "It's so clear that she breac=
hed her duty." He said Ms. Olson should have convened an emergency meeting =
of the trustees to inform them of Ms. Watkins's allegations so that they co=
uld launch their own investigation. The trustees immediately could have sto=
pped offering Enron stock as an investment option, and stopped using Enron =
stock as a matching contribution in the retirement plan.=20
Ms. Olson testified that the plan trustees felt that they didn't have the a=
bility to change the plan design without approval from the board of directo=
Ms. Olson herself sold much of her own Enron holdings, most before she knew=
of Ms. Watkins's concerns, but some afterward. Responding to sharp questio=
ning from lawmakers, including Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut Democra=
t who heads the Senate's Government Affairs Committee, Ms. Olson acknowledg=
ed she sold 83,000 Enron shares for $6.5 million, the bulk from December 20=
00 to March 2001. She said she decided to sell the shares after having a fa=
lling out with former Enron President Jeffrey Skilling over their different=
management styles. Thinking about leaving the company, she said, she went =
to a financial adviser who advised her to diversify her portfolio; at his s=
uggestion, she said, she put the proceeds from selling her Enron shares int=
o government bonds.=20
A few days before Enron filed for bankruptcy-court protection on Dec. 2, Ms=
. Olson said she sold an additional 3,000 Enron shares that were in her emp=
loyee stock ownership plan, for $2 each. She said she didn't have knowledge=
of the bankruptcy, but suspected the possibility.=20
During the hearing, Mr. Lieberman said he would issue subpoenas to gather m=
ore information about the alleged payment of $105 million in bonuses to man=
agement around the time Enron filed for Chapter 11, and the company's alleg=
ed failure to pay workers severance pay, beyond a one-time $4,500 payment.=
As Enron shares plunged last fall, the company also considered postponing a=
planned "blackout" during which time employees wouldn't be able to change =
their investments or sell Enron stock, said Ms. Olson and Enron benefits ma=
nager Mikie Rath. Ms. Olson said she finally decided against a delay after =
consulting with other Enron executives and an outside lawyer several days b=
efore the scheduled blackout that began on Oct. 26 last year and lasted for=
about 10 trading days. She said the lawyer had advised Enron to go ahead w=
ith the blackout, on the grounds that it wouldn't be able to notify in time=
all employees -- specifically about 11,000 retirees and other workers base=
d outside of the Houston headquarters -- about a potential postponement.=20
Executives from Northern Trust Retirement Consulting LLC and Hewitt Associa=
tes LLC, the companies that managed Enron's 401(k) plans, confirmed that th=
ey were contacted about the possibility of delaying the blackout period.=20
Ms. Olson said Enron hired counsel in early November to seek legal advice o=
n whether it "made sense" to advise employees on selling their Enron stockh=
This week's hearings are intended to generate more information for lawmaker=
s who will decide whether retirement plans ought to be more carefully regul=
ated. House Energy and Commerce Chairman W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R., La.) says=
a top priority this year will be legislation aimed at protecting workers s=
uch as those at Enron. "Clearly, we need pension reform," Mr. Tauzin, the l=
eading congressional investigator into Enron, said in an interview.=20
However, retirement-plan experts say any significant change will be an uphi=
ll battle, as employer groups, Republicans, and the Bush administration opp=
ose an overhaul -- in particular, any limits on company stock in retirement=
Somewhat less controversial are proposals, by Democrats and more recently b=
y President Bush and Rob Portman (R., Ohio) and Ben Cardin (D., Md.), that =
would provide employees greater ability to diversify out of stock contribut=
ed by their employer. Many employers now lock workers into such shares unti=
l age 50 or later.=20
On this issue, there may be more opportunity for compromise, since so far, =
all proposals still leave employers with the freedom to lock employees into=
company stock for long periods. Mr. Bush's proposal has the weakest divers=
ification provisions, as it exempts many defined contribution savings plans=
from proposed diversification rules, particularly ESOPs, which hundreds of=
large employers use. Consequently, employers could continue to lock worker=
s into company stock in many plans until age 55 and later.=20
Greg Hitt contributed to this article.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Business/Financial Desk; Section A

The New York Times
Page 1, Column 1
c. 2002 New York Times Company

WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 -- Enron executives acknowledged today that before they =
temporarily prevented employees from selling company stock in their retirem=
ent accounts last fall, the executives had sharply debated delaying the mor=
atorium because employees could suffer heavy losses from a plunging stock p=
''We were concerned in the benefits department about the deterioration of t=
he stock price,'' Mikie Rath, a benefits manager at Enron, said in testimon=
y before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. But after the debate on=
the eve of the moratorium, they imposed the so-called blackout period to g=
ive themselves time to replace the administrators of the retirement plan.
Enron executives said they decided it would be too hard to notify the parti=
cipants in the company's 401(k) plan immediately. They also said they feare=
d they would open themselves to lawsuits by plan participants who were noti=
fied about the delay later than others for reasons like mail delays.=20
The disclosures on the pension plan came as other Congressional committees =
took up Enron matters.=20
House and Senate lawmakers issued subpoenas to compel the testimony of Enro=
n's former chief executive, Kenneth L. Lay, while Congressional and state o=
fficials broadened their investigations into why state pension funds and st=
ate agencies invested and did business with Enron as it spiraled downward l=
ast year.=20
The Senate Commerce Committee voted unanimously to issue the subpoena to re=
quire Mr. Lay's appearance next Tuesday. A similar subpoena was issued by R=
epresentative Michael G. Oxley, the Ohio Republican who is chairman of the =
House Financial Services Committee.=20
A spokeswoman for Mr. Lay, who had been scheduled to testify on Monday but =
bowed out, said his lawyers would work out details for his appearance, alth=
ough lawmakers said they expected that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment =
right against self-incrimination.=20
While Mr. Lay may not answer any questions, members of a House subcommittee=
on oversight and investigation focused on him today, trying to glean, by p=
roxy, what he might say.=20
Under questioning, William C. Powers, chairman of the special investigative=
committee of Enron's board that wrote a harshly critical report, said that=
in his four-hour interview with Mr. Lay, the former chairman understood th=
at off-the-books partnerships were set up to hide losses. ''But,'' Mr. Powe=
rs said, ''he didn't understand or appreciate that there was anything wrong=
with that. That's his story. The accountants signed off, and he was O.K. w=
ith that.''=20
President Bush brushed aside a demand by Senator Ernest F. Hollings, the So=
uth Carolina Democrat who heads the Commerce Committee, that a special coun=
sel should be appointed to supervise the criminal investigation of Enron. M=
r. Hollings cited Enron's ties to administration officials, including the a=
ttorney general.=20
Mr. Bush told reporters as he toured a research laboratory in Pittsburgh: '=
'This is a business problem, and my Justice Department is going to investig=
ate. If there's wrongdoing, we'll hold them accountable for mistreatment of=
employees and shareholders.''=20
Lawyers representing the employees have accused Enron of stock fraud for im=
posing the moratorium and for not disclosing the company's financial condit=
ion, resulting, the lawyers say, in losses of more than $1.2 billion for th=
e 15,000 participants in Enron's retirement plan. During the moratorium, em=
ployees could not sell stock in the retirement plan, but senior executives =
faced no restrictions in selling their stock.=20
The testimony prompted a new round of criticism of Enron's senior officials=
for looking out for their own interests while turning their backs on their=
''Management knew full well that their employees' 401(k)'s were overloaded =
with shares of Enron,'' said Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, the Connecticut D=
emocrat who is chairman of the governmental affairs committee. ''Shouldn't =
that have prompted them to postpone the lockdown when the company was reeli=
In response to the collapse of Enron, an administration task force is prepa=
ring recommendations to revise securities and corporate laws. Administratio=
n officials said that they were debating proposals to make it more likely t=
hat corporate executives and boards face personal liability for violating t=
he law.=20
Officials in Connecticut, one of several states considering whether to susp=
end or revoke the license of Arthur Andersen, Enron's accounting firm, said=
they had subpoenaed Andersen records.=20
Richard Blumenthal, the attorney general in Connecticut, said he was examin=
ing a state agency's decision last year to pay Enron $220 million for an en=
ergy contract that might never be fulfilled.=20
At a House committee hearing, Joseph F. Berardino, Andersen's chief executi=
ve, repeated earlier statements that important information about Enron's fi=
nances had been withheld from his firm.=20
Democrats and Republicans repeatedly complained that Mr. Berardino was evad=
ing the committee's questions about Andersen's involvement in Enron's colla=
''Maybe it's better to be dumb than culpable, but we want some answers,'' s=
aid Representative Gary L. Ackerman, Democrat of New York. ''Your not knowi=
ng what was going on, if that's the case, is basically saying that you have=
squandered the integrity of your company.''=20
Mr. Berardino said Andersen would establish new offices of audit quality an=
d ethics and compliance.=20
Before approving the subpoena of Mr. Lay, members of the Senate Commerce Co=
mmittee said that they had begun investigating losses that state pension fu=
nds sustained from the decline in Enron stock.=20
Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, said it was suspicious that an in=
vestment manager for the Florida retirement system bought millions of dolla=
rs in shares last fall, at prices ranging from $22.82 to $9.02, even after =
Enron had announced that it was being investigated by the Securities and Ex=
change Commission.=20
A few days before Enron filed for bankruptcy, the fund sold more than seven=
million shares at 28 cents each.=20
The investment management firm that bought the Enron stock for Florida's re=
tirement funds is Alliance Capital. Frank Savage, a recently retired senior=
executive at Alliance, sits on Enron's board.=20
Mr. Nelson said that if Mr. Lay had agreed to testify, he would be asked, '=
'Were they told to buy the stock to prop it up?''=20
John Meyers, a spokesman at Alliance Capital, said that the investments wer=
e reasonable at the time and that Mr. Savage ''had no involvement in the bu=
ying, holding or selling of Enron'' stock.=20
At the Senate governmental affairs hearing, Cindy Olson, Enron's executive =
vice president for human resources, said there had been a debate on the day=
before the trading moratorium about whether the company should postpone th=
e blackout, which was needed for a change in plan administrators.=20
But executives said they decided against delaying after concluding that it =
would be too hard to notify the participants in Enron's 401(k) plan immedia=
tely. The executives said they feared that if they delayed this blackout pe=
riod, they would open themselves to lawsuits by participants who were notif=
ied later than others for reasons like mail delays.=20
Though the company says the blackout began Oct. 26, it sent out conflicting=
bulletins. The confusion led many employees to think that the blackout beg=
an Oct. 19, when Enron stock traded at $26.05. By the time employees were a=
ble to sell shares on Nov. 13, the shares had plunged, closing at $9.98 tha=
t day.=20
Deborah G. Perrotta, a former senior administrative assistant, told the com=
mittee that the blackout hurt. ''A delay would have saved a lot of people,'=
' she said.=20
Several senators said it was unconscionable for Mr. Lay and other Enron off=
icials to tell employees that the stock price would continue to rise while =
some officials were raising tough questions about the stability of the comp=
any's finances.=20
Ms. Olson, who served as a trustee of Enron's retirement plan, testified th=
at in August, Sherron S. Watkins, an Enron vice president, had told her of =
concerns she had about whether Enron executives had engaged in some chicane=
ry that undermined the company's finances. Ms. Watkins raised many of those=
questions in a letter last summer to Mr. Lay.=20
Saying she was not convinced that Ms. Watkins's assertions were accurate, M=
s. Olson said that she, as a plan fiduciary, did not deem it necessary to i=
nform plan participants of the questions about Enron.

Photo: Joseph F. Berardino, chief executive of Arthur Andersen, the former =
Enron auditor, testifying yesterday before a House committee. Both Democrat=
s and Republicans complained that he evaded the panel's questions. (Paul Ho=
sefros/The New York Times)(pg. C8) Chart: ''Buying as the Ship Went Down'' =
On the advice of Alliance Capital Management, one of its investment manager=
s, the Florida state pension fund bought Enron stock even as the company's =
troubles became known. A former Alliance executive, Frank Savage, is also a=
member of Enron's board. Enron's daily closing stock price PURCHASES OF EN=
: $22.82 PRICE PAID (MILLIONS): $7.1 DATE: OCT. 24 NUMBER OF SHARES: 302,50=
CE: 9.02 PRICE PAID (MILLIONS): 1.9 OCT. 17 -- Enron reduces shareholder eq=
uity by $1.2 billion to account for transactions involving certain partners=
hips. OCT. 22 -- Enron discloses that the Securities and Exchange Commissio=
n has opened an inquiry into the partnerships. NOV. 8 -- Enron says it over=
stated profits for the previous five years by $586 million. NOV. 30 -- Pens=
ion fund sells its entire Enron holdings, 7.6 million shares, at 28 cents a=
share. DEC. 2 -- Enron files for bankruptcy protection. (Sources: Dow Jone=
s Interactive [stock price]; Office of Senator Bill Nelson) (pg. C8)=20
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Rich Employee, Poor Employee; Senate Panel Looking at Pensions Shown Both S=
ides of the Enron Coin
Albert B. Crenshaw
Washington Post Staff Writer

The Washington Post
Copyright 2002, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved

Two Enron employees told a Senate committee yesterday what happened to them=
before and immediately after the collapse of the giant Texas energy-tradin=
g company.=20
Their stories were very different.
Deborah G. Perrotta, an administrative assistant, broke down in tears as sh=
e described losing her job, $40,000 in retirement savings and all but a fra=
ction of her severance pay.=20
The other, Cindy Olson, executive vice president of Enron's human resources=
department and one of the people in charge of the company's ill-fated 401(=
k) plan, still works for Enron. She matter-of-factly described how a year a=
go, when Enron stock was near its peak, she cashed in options on 83,000 sha=
res, netting about $3 million.=20
Their testimony again highlighted the devastation that can befall employees=
who tie their jobs and their retirement security to a single company. But =
it also showed how much difference professional advice and investment insti=
ncts can make for workers in a situation like Enron's, and how workers caug=
ht up in a company's collapse can be affected very differently.=20
Perrotta and Olson testified before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committ=
ee, which is trying to determine what changes might be needed in federal pe=
nsion and employment laws to improve worker protections should their employ=
er fail.=20
The hearing highlighted several issues that are common in 401(k) and other =
retirement savings plans known as defined-contribution plans, which, unlike=
old-fashioned defined-benefit pensions, place the market risk and reward o=
n employees.=20
* Fiduciary responsibility. Who is responsible for sharing information with=
employees and retirees, and how and when?=20
Former Enron Chairman Kenneth L. Lay encouraged workers to keep their retir=
ement money in company stock. Perrotta recalled that in August she was awar=
ded a block of shares, and an accompanying e-mail from Lay said that "one o=
f my highest priorities is to restore investor confidence in Enron. This sh=
ould result in a significantly higher stock price. I hope this grant lets y=
ou know how valued you are to Enron."=20
Olson, however, had a higher position at the company and access to more inf=
ormation than Perrotta. Indeed, Olson actually spoke with whistle-blower Sh=
erron Watkins before Watkins sent her anonymous letter to Lay, in which she=
said she worried that the company's accounting practices could lead to a m=
ajor scandal. Olson said Watkins was fearful that she was overlooking somet=
hing or that there was some other reason her conclusions might be incorrect=
. Olson took no action to inform other employees about the concerns, howeve=
r. "She went to speak to Mr. Lay, and Mr. Lay kicked off an investigation,"=
Olson said. ". . . I felt like it was in good hands."=20
* How tough it is to separate loyalty from investment decisions.=20
Enron's restrictions on employees selling stock they received as matching c=
ontributions to their 401(k) plans have been well chronicled. But, by some =
accounts, 89 percent of the Enron stock in the plan was there because worke=
rs invested in it voluntarily.=20
Olson, however, had been granted options that did not have the same restric=
tions against selling as the Enron stock matches in the 401(k) plan. Olson =
said she cashed in her options only because she had a run-in with then-chie=
f executive Jeffrey Skilling that motivated her to seek professional invest=
ment advice. The adviser told her she was too emotionally involved with the=
stock, and she agreed to sell.=20
Olson said she held on to another 3,000 shares in her retirement account un=
til two days before the company went into bankruptcy.=20
The panel is looking at proposals to limit the percentage of company stock =
permitted in a 401(k) account. But employer groups argue that retirement pl=
ans are often designed to align the interests of workers and companies, and=
they are urging Congress to be careful not to discourage companies from of=
fering retirement plans or matching worker contributions to plans.=20
* Investment advice. Most companies are reluctant to provide it for fear of=
exposing themselves to liability if the advice doesn't work out.=20
Pending legislation would permit them to provide advice or to pay for it fr=
om third parties.=20
The potential benefits for employees seem clear in retrospect. Olson went t=
o an adviser while Perrotta did not. "When it started to fall apart, we jus=
t sat there -- watched it," Perrotta said.=20
But critics say that the issue is more complex than it seems and that any l=
egislation should be careful to eliminate conflicts of interest among advis=
ers and employers.=20
* "Lockdowns" of 401(k) plans. These freezes on account activity occur when=
a company changes plan administrators, and can last up to several months. =
Enron changed administrators last fall and employee accounts were frozen fo=
r several weeks. The exact duration is in dispute.=20
* Severance in bankruptcy. Laid-off workers are generally limited to paymen=
ts of about $4,500. Severance owed beyond that is usually treated as a gene=
ral unsecured debt, though some courts have been more lenient.=20
It has become routine, however, for companies entering bankruptcy to pay la=
rge "retention bonuses" to keep certain workers while the newly unemployed =
get little. Enron paid out $55 million in such bonuses.=20
Enron benefits manager Mikie Rath, who testified with Olson, drew snickers =
in the crowded hearing room when she said she had gotten a retention bonus =
but could not remember exactly how much it was. Pressed, she said it was "a=
bout" $20,000.=20
Enron workers who were laid off would have been entitled to about $150 mill=
ion total, and Olson said "we thought we could give employees the full seve=
rance" but "at the 11th hour we found we could only give $4,500." Company l=
awyers said the limit was set by law, she said.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Execs say they tried to protect workers' money=20
Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau=20
Feb. 5, 2002, 9:17PM
WASHINGTON -- Two Enron executives told a Senate panel Tuesday that they sc=
rambled to protect employees' retirement savings and severance pay as soon =
as they realized the company was collapsing last year.=20
"We did the best we could with a difficult situation," said Cindy Olson, ex=
ecutive vice president for human resources for the Houston energy trader.=
Olson and Enron benefits manager Mikie Rath told members of the Senate Gove=
rnmental Affairs Committee that they had considered, then rejected, putting=
off a planned change in the company's investment administrator last fall w=
hen they realized the transition would take place as Enron's stock was fall=
ing. Employees were prevented from selling the stock in their 401(k) retire=
ment accounts during the transition.=20
Later, as the company was headed for bankruptcy, Olson said she had several=
conversations with then-Chairman Ken Lay to try to salvage employees' seve=
rance pay. She quickly concluded, she said, that employees would get only a=
nominal payment of $4,500 each if Enron declared bankruptcy. The realizati=
on was devastating, she said.=20
Several former Enron workers, who are suing Olson and other top executives,=
criticized the executives' testimony.=20
Debbie Perrotta, a laid-off senior administrative assistant who had worked =
at Enron for five years, testified Tuesday that 4,500 Houston Enron employe=
es lost their jobs, their retirement savings and an estimated $150 million =
in severance and vacation pay after the company filed for bankruptcy on Dec=
. 2.=20
But two days before that filing, Perrotta said, "Enron cut $105 million in =
retention bonuses for a small number of executives."=20
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., who heads the Senate committee, said he wou=
ld subpoena records on the retention bonuses.=20
Perrotta broke down and cried several times as she told of losing $40,000 i=
n retirement money and struggling to pay for her family's health care and h=
er daughter's wedding. She said she and other laid-off employees now must w=
ait in line behind Enron's creditors in bankruptcy court to recover whateve=
r they can.=20
"It may be the law," she said, "but it's wrong."=20
Lieberman asked Olson to explain why she failed to warn employees to sell t=
heir Enron stock as the price was sliding.=20
"We didn't have a crystal ball," Olson said. "We didn't know where the stoc=
k was going to go."=20
She added that federal law limits what investment advice employers can give=
their employees. Besides, she said, the company's top executives put their=
faith in Lay and hoped he could save the company.=20
But Lieberman pointed out that something must have motivated Olson to sell =
$6.5 million of her own Enron stock months earlier.=20
Olson -- who served on Enron's executive committee from 1999 until she and =
then-Chief Executive Officer Jeff Skilling had a falling out and he removed=
her in early 2001 -- said she sold most of her company stock in late 2000 =
and early 2001.=20
Olson said she was thinking of leaving Enron after Skilling demoted her fro=
m the executive committee and took away some of her human resources duties.=
She said she and Skilling "did not see eye to eye" about how employees sho=
uld be treated.=20
Olson said she and her husband hired their own financial adviser, who urged=
her to diversify her stock portfolio so she would not be so reliant on her=
company's stock.=20
Olson also testified that Sherron Watkins, a former Enron executive, had co=
me to her last summer, asking Olson's advice on whether she should approach=
Lay with concerns about accounting problems she believed threatened to bri=
ng down the company.=20
Olson said Watkins was unsure whether a memo she had written to Lay on Aug.=
15 was technically or legally accurate. Olson said she encouraged Watkins =
to talk to Lay.=20
Even after her conversation with Watkins, however, Olson said she did not w=
arn her colleagues. Her talk with Watkins had been confidential, she said, =
and she trusted Lay to act if Watkins' fears were on target.=20
Both Olson and Rath told lawmakers that they had considered halting the tra=
nsition to a new retirement fund administrator last fall, but concluded tha=
t it would take longer to stop the process than to go through with it.=20
In the midst of last fall's anthrax scares and the resulting delays in mail=
service, they said, it would have been impossible to notify the 11,000 ret=
irees invested in Enron's retirement plan if the company had decided to cha=
nge the schedule for the transition. Notifying current Enron employees via =
e-mail would have treated current and former Enron employees differently an=
d that would have been unfair, they said.=20
Instead, they decided to speed up the transition process and were able to s=
have one week off of the lockdown period so that employees would have acces=
s to their accounts sooner, they said.=20
At the time, Rath testified, she was still hoping the stock price would go =
back up.=20
In the hallway outside the hearing later, several laid-off workers criticiz=
ed the two executives' testimony.=20
"She cashed out six and a half million dollars in her own Enron stock," Gwe=
n Gray said of Olson. "She knew (the company was failing)."=20
Gray, who also worked in Enron's human resources department before she was =
laid off, said she was disturbed by Rath's remark that she couldn't remembe=
r the amount of her own retention bonus.=20
When Rath's former colleagues in the audience laughed at her statement, sen=
ators pressured Rath. She said the bonus was "in excess of $20,000." (Olson=
testified that she had received nothing to stay with the company.)=20

A Section
Enron CEO Felt 'Betrayed,' Panel Told; Head of Internal Probe Testifies on =
the Hill
Jackie Spinner and David S. Hilzenrath
Washington Post Staff Writers

The Washington Post
Copyright 2002, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved

Former Enron Corp. chairman Kenneth L. Lay told investigators for the Enron=
board that he should have paid more attention to his company's bookkeeping=
but felt "betrayed" by others at the company who kept information from him=
, the board's lead investigator testified yesterday.=20
Lay, in four hours of interviews with the special board committee investiga=
ting the company's collapse, indicated that he knew the company was using E=
nron stock to protect investors in its off-the-books partnerships, said Wil=
liam C. Powers Jr., chairman of the committee, which issued its report Satu=
That unusual strategy helped Enron hide large debts and losses.=20
"When we interviewed Mr. Lay . . . he didn't understand or appreciate there=
was anything wrong with it," Powers, dean of the University of Texas Law S=
chool, told the House Government Reform subcommittee on oversight and inves=
tigations. Lay's story was that "the accountants had signed off on it," Pow=
ers said. "It was a credible device."=20
Powers also disclosed that the Enron board's investigative committee spent =
"a couple of hours" interviewing former Enron vice chairman J. Clifford Bax=
ter, who was found dead on Jan. 25 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Power=
s said Baxter gave no hint that he was "a person . . . in danger."=20
House members asked Powers for notes or recordings from that interview. Pow=
ers said he could not turn the records over without permission from the com=
pany, but he said he would support their release. Enron attorney Robert Ben=
nett later said the company "certainly will provide the materials requested=
Committees in the Senate and House yesterday subpoenaed Lay to appear on Ca=
pitol Hill on Feb. 12 and 14. Lay, who withdrew from a scheduled appearance=
Monday, is expected to invoke his constitutional right against self-incrim=
ination and refuse to testify, but the subpoenas mean he will have to do so=
in person in the full glare of publicity.=20
Meanwhile, members of a Financial Services subcommittee unleashed their wra=
th on Arthur Andersen chief executive Joseph F. Berardino, blasting the big=
accounting firm's audits of Enron and voicing exasperation when Berardino =
said he didn't know the answers to many of their questions about Andersen's=
"Maybe it's better to be dumb than culpable, but we want some answers," sai=
d Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D-N.Y.).=20
"I mean, your ship is going to go down and you're going to be lashed to the=
mast unless you start talking to us about what happened."=20
Berardino, who headed Andersen's audit practice before becoming its chief e=
xecutive about a year ago, said Andersen was still trying to gather the fac=
"I don't know, with authority, what we knew and when we knew it," he told t=
he Financial Services subcommittee on capital markets, one of several congr=
essional panels investigating Enron's collapse.=20
Separately, a spokesman for Andersen said yesterday that its auditors went =
to Enron's board earlier than was previously known with concerns about poss=
ible illegal activity.=20
The first approach was in August, after the emergence of a letter from exec=
utive Sherron Watkins to Lay warning of widespread accounting irregularitie=
s, spokesman Charlie Leonard said.=20
Federal law requires auditors to alert the SEC when they suspect illegality=
and the board or management does not address it. In this case, Andersen pe=
rsonnel went to the board but not to the SEC because they were assured the =
board was investigating the matter, Leonard said.=20
Andersen previously said it had alerted the board to possible illegal activ=
ities last fall as Enron unraveled.=20
As lawmakers search for ways to prevent future Enrons, Rep. Richard H. Bake=
r (R-La.), chairman of the House subcommittee, floated what would be a fund=
amental change in the auditing business -- having stock exchanges hire the =
auditors. Currently, auditors are hired by the companies they are responsib=
le for auditing -- an arrangement that some lawmakers say deters them from =
challenging dubious corporate accounting.=20
In other developments yesterday, President Bush rejected a call by Sen. Ern=
est F. Hollings (D-S.C.) for a special prosecutor to investigate Enron, say=
ing his Justice Department could do the job. Enron was a major contributor =
to the Bush presidential campaign and has ties to a number of administratio=
n officials.=20
The House Energy and Commerce Committee yesterday subpoenaed former Enron c=
hief financial officer Andrew S. Fastow to appear at a hearing tomorrow. Fa=
stow's attorneys originally told the committee he would appear voluntarily,=
but they later informed the committee he had "a change of heart," committe=
e spokesman Ken Johnson said. Fastow, who organized some of Enron's largest=
partnerships and earned at least $30 million from running them, intends to=
assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, Johnson said,=
but he will be required to do that in front of the committee.=20
Fastow has hired criminal lawyer John Keker of San Francisco, who prosecute=
d Oliver L. North in the Iran-contra affair, to represent him in the Justic=
e Department's criminal investigation.=20
Andersen's chief executive yesterday made his second voluntary appearance b=
efore the capital markets subcommittee, and lawmakers praised him for testi=
fying. But that was one of the few things they gave him credit for during a=
bout four hours of stern questioning and speechifying. It was a much more s=
keptical reception than Berardino received from the same lawmakers in Decem=
ber, when he faced few if any probing questions. That appearance, however, =
took place before Andersen acknowledged that it had destroyed numerous docu=
ments pertaining to its work at Enron, and before the Powers report said it=
"did not fulfill its professional responsibilities" in its Enron work.=20
Berardino said auditing is "a hard job" and Andersen personnel "are trained=
to do the right thing."=20
"But we are human beings, and we may not get it right every time. I'm not a=
pologizing for that," he said.=20
Rep. Max Sandlin (D-Tex.) asked Berardino to consider "the people whose liv=
es . . . you helped destroy," a reference to Enron employees who lost their=
jobs and the bulk of their retirement savings when Enron collapsed. Rep. M=
ichael E. Capuano (D-Mass.) said Andersen "blew it so badly."=20
The report commissioned by Enron directors accused Andersen of failing in i=
ts responsibilities and helping Enron create a web of transactions designed=
to hide debts and losses. In the process, the report said, Andersen accoun=
tants "had to surmount numerous obstacles presented by pertinent accounting=
For example, the report said Andersen advised Enron each step of the way ab=
out transactions with a group of off-the-books partnerships known as the Ra=
ptors, which "had little economic substance."=20
The Raptor transactions accounted for about $1.1 billion of the $1.5 billio=
n of pretax income Enron reported during the five quarters that preceded En=
ron's December bankruptcy filing.=20
Berardino said Andersen approved deals involving the partnerships but didn'=
t come up with the ideas for them. The accounting firm was reacting to plan=
s developed by Enron personnel, investment bankers and others, he said.=20
"Suffice it to say that we were very much involved, as the company was, set=
ting up these transactions, giving our advice on whether they would pass th=
e rules," Berardino said. That was part of Andersen's job as auditor, he sa=
"The point I would like to emphasize is, at the end of the day, these are t=
he company's financial statements," Berardino told the committee. "We canno=
t make a company report any more than what the rules require," he said.=20
Berardino called for a major overhaul of accounting and auditing, saying th=
at simply tinkering with the system would fail to prevent further financial=
debacles. He said stronger discipline is needed because today "punishment =
is not sufficiently certain to promote confidence in the profession."=20
The Andersen chief said auditors should rate the quality of a company's acc=
ounting instead of just issuing a pass or fail grade, as they now do. He to=
ld lawmakers that Andersen will no longer serve as both internal and outsid=
e auditor for the same company -- as it did at Enron -- and will stop consu=
lting to audit clients on the design and implementation of their financial =
information systems.=20
Berardino said such activities accounted for "very, very little" of the $52=
million Andersen received from Enron in 2000.=20
Some lawmakers called on Berardino to stop consulting to audit clients alto=
Meanwhile, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, the global parent of accounting firm D=
eloitte & Touche, said it will announce today that it intends to split off =
its $3.5 billion management-consulting business, following a similar announ=
cement last week by fellow Big Five accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.=
Staff writer Susan Schmidt contributed to this report.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Enron Officials Sought Lawyer's Dismissal Over Negotiations With Outside Pa=
By Tom Hamburger and John Emshwiller
Staff Reporters of The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal
(Copyright © 2002, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

WASHINGTON -- Enron Corp. executives tried to get one of the company's in-h=
ouse lawyers fired in 2000 after their boss expressed unhappiness with the =
way the lawyer was negotiating with a partnership in which the boss had an =
interest, congressional investigators said.=20
The disclosure underlined the conflicts of interest that apparently existed=
with outside partnerships set up and run by some Enron executives. For Enr=
on, which is now in bankruptcy proceedings, the partnerships allowed the Ho=
uston energy-trading company to enhance its profits and to move debt off it=
s books. But the partnerships also were used by some senior Enron executive=
s to enrich themselves, according to an internal company report released th=
is weekend.
The investigators' statements came as several congressional committees push=
ed forward with probes into Enron's collapse. A House and Senate panel each=
voted to issue subpoenas to force appearances by Kenneth Lay, Enron's form=
er chairman and chief executive. Meanwhile, the head of Arthur Andersen, En=
ron's former auditor, was aggressively questioned before a House panel and =
outlined additional steps the accounting firm is taking to restore its repu=
At issue in the case involving the Enron lawyer was one of the outside part=
nerships known as LJM2. Enron attorney Joel Ephros was negotiating with att=
orneys for LJM2 from the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis in 2000, when he rece=
ived an expletive-laced angry voice mail about his handling of the negotiat=
ion from Enron's Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Fastow, according to an ac=
count given to congressional investigators. Mr. Fastow at the time ran and =
had an ownership interest in LJM2, which eventually earned him substantial =
Later, in the fall of 2000, two of Mr. Fastow's subordinates, Ben Glisan Jr=
. and Michael Kopper, approached Mr. Ephros's boss to accuse the lawyer of =
being unresponsive and incompetent and to urge his dismissal. The boss, Jor=
dan Mintz, general counsel of Enron Global Finance, had just started his ne=
w job and said he wasn't prepared to make any personnel moves, so he declin=
ed. Informed of the decision, Mr. Fastow didn't object. Mr. Mintz later dec=
ided to keep Mr. Ephros on staff and praised his performance.=20
The attempt to fire Mr. Ephros will be aired at a hearing tomorrow before t=
he House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel, Billy Tauzin, cha=
irman of the full committee, said in an interview. The Louisiana Republican=
offered the episode as an example of what he called a corrupt culture with=
in Enron as it sought to inflate revenue and conceal losses using entities =
such as LJM2.=20
"They literally became sham operations," said Mr. Tauzin, who is leading th=
e most aggressive probe of nearly a dozen now being conducted on Capitol Hi=
ll into Enron. "One purpose was to fool investors into believing that debt =
had moved, that risk had moved. And the other purpose was to create phony i=
ncome. This is an old game. This is nothing new. This is insider theft."=20
Mr. Mintz will be a chief witness at tomorrow's hearing and is expected to =
detail his recollections about the effort made to muzzle Mr. Ephros. A spok=
esman for Mr. Fastow declined to comment. A lawyer for Mr. Glisan didn't re=
turn a call for comment. Mr. Ephros and Mr. Kopper couldn't be reached. Mr.=
Tauzin said he expects Messrs. Fastow and Kopper to invoke their Fifth Ame=
ndment rights against possible self-incrimination to avoid testifying at to=
morrow's hearing.=20
The Ephros episode is an example of a problem addressed cryptically in the =
internal report by a special committee of Enron's board that was released l=
ast weekend. Mr. Fastow "was in a position to exert great pressure and infl=
uence. . . . We have been told of instances in which he used that pressure =
to try to obtain better terms for LJM," the report said. "Simply put, there=
was little of the separation and independence required to enable Enron emp=
loyees to negotiate effectively against LJM2."=20
Mr. Tauzin said that tomorrow's hearing will also feature details of what h=
e called "literally a sweetheart deal" involving another partnership. Accor=
ding to Mr. Tauzin and his investigators, one of the partnership deals was =
cut by two Enron employees who were engaged to be married, one representing=
Enron and one representing LJM2.=20
Congressional investigators said that the agreement netted huge profits for=
the couple, Trushar Patel, an Enron attorney, and his fiancee, Anne C. Yae=
ger, who worked with Mr. Fastow and later left Enron. Ms. Yaeger signed a $=
30 million agreement on behalf of LJM2, listing herself as an "authorized p=
erson," documents shows. Her husband signed representing Enron.=20
Committee spokesman Ken Johnson said investigators have learned Ms. Yaeger =
entered into the transaction by initially providing just $10 as a down paym=
ent, later kicking in an additional $2,913. "We believe she walked away fro=
m the deal with a profit of half a million dollars," Mr. Johnson said. "Tha=
t's not a bad return for a $10 initial investment."=20
Messages left at the home of the couple weren't returned.=20
In other action, the Senate Commerce Committee and the House Financial Serv=
ices Committee approved subpoenas for Mr. Lay to appear before their panels=
on Feb. 12 and 14, respectively. Mr. Lay had agreed to appear at hearings =
this week, but backed out in response to scathing criticism from Capitol Hi=
ll prompted by revelations in the Enron board's internal report. Though he =
will be forced to appear, he can refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Am=
endment, and several senators and House members predicted he would do so. K=
elly Kimberly, Mr. Lay's spokeswoman, said he and his lawyers haven't yet d=
ecided whether he will testify.=20
In his second appearance before the House Financial Services panel, Anderse=
n CEO Joseph Berardino outlined new steps the accounting firm will take to =
restore confidence in its work, including creating offices for audit qualit=
y, ethics and compliance. Mr. Berardino came under heavy criticism from pan=
el members for Andersen's role in the Enron affair, including a document-de=
struction effort undertaken by Houston-based employees, one of whom was sub=
sequently fired. He said he was "embarrassed" by the shredding. On Andersen=
's role in reviewing questionable partnership transactions, which later led=
to Enron's collapse, he reiterated his assertion that "information was wit=
hheld" by Enron as Andersen was reviewing them.=20
The difficulty Mr. Berardino faces in restoring confidence in his company w=
as made clear in Connecticut yesterday as the state's Board of Accountancy =
escalated its investigation of the firm, issuing a subpoena for Enron-relat=
ed documents. The state could revoke Andersen's license to practice in Conn=
ecticut and levy a fine. State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says his=
staff is searching for common policies between Andersen's activities in Ho=
uston and Hartford. He added that other state attorneys general have been i=
n contact with him and could pursue similar actions.=20
Judith Miller and Russell Gold contributed to this article.

Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

Business/Financial Desk; Section A
The Financial Wizard Tied to Enron's Fall

The New York Times
Page 1, Column 2
c. 2002 New York Times Company

HOUSTON, Feb. 5 -- Before the financial shell games; before Chewco, Raptor =
and LJM; before the partnerships that earned him $30 million, Andrew S. Fas=
tow had his first setback at the Enron Corporation.=20
The setback came in 1996, when Mr. Fastow, a rising young star in corporate=
finance, was nearly fired for the poor job he did running a retail unit th=
at aimed to put Enron into competition with local utilities around the coun=
Mr. Fastow, whose surname rhymes with how, was simply out of his element am=
ong the intricacies of the retail market, colleagues said and his spokesman=
, Gordon Andrew, acknowledged. Yet while Enron was notorious for its cutthr=
oat corporate culture, its succeed-or-leave ethic, Mr. Fastow had enough in=
fluence to return to his old department, finance.=20
''What the guy knew was numbers and finance,'' a longtime colleague said. '=
'He knew how to close a deal. No one did that better than Andy.''=20
Today, investigators think that Mr. Fastow's financial wizardry, his abilit=
y to wrap the company's assets and debts into complicated off-balance-sheet=
deals, was a central cause of Enron's undoing. What Mr. Fastow presented a=
s an arrangement intended to benefit Enron, according to a report released =
on Saturday by a special committee of the board, ''became, over time, a mea=
ns of enriching himself personally, and facilitating manipulation of Enron'=
s financial statements.''=20
No one yet knows how much of the blame for Enron's collapse should fall upo=
n Mr. Fastow. On Thursday, Mr. Fastow, 40, a father of two who was Enron's =
chief financial officer until he was forced to resign in October, is expect=
ed to invoke his Fifth Amendment right rather than give potentially self-in=
criminating answers to questions from members of Congress.=20
The crucial question is whether Mr. Fastow was the mastermind behind Enron'=
s most suspect financing deals. Or was he, as Mr. Fastow has maintained thr=
ough a spokesman, merely doing, with the board's knowledge, the bidding of =
his superiors at Enron, the former chief executives, Kenneth L. Lay and Jef=
frey K. Skilling?=20
Even before Mr. Fastow's appearance on Capitol Hill, Representative James C=
. Greenwood, Republican of Pennsylvania, called him the ''Betty Crocker of =
cooked books.'' And today, in one Congressional hearing, William C. Powers =
Jr., an Enron director who led the committee that wrote the internal report=
, said Mr. Fastow had been plagued by dual loyalties. ''Fastow couldn't min=
d the store,'' Mr. Powers said, ''because he was involved in the transactio=
For now, Mr. Fastow is not telling his story. He declined to be interviewed=
for this article, and he refused to cooperate with a special investigative=
committee for Enron's board. He also invoked his right against self-incrim=
ination at a meeting a few weeks ago with the Securities and Exchange Commi=
But the portrait that is emerging of Mr. Fastow, from interviews with forme=
r colleagues and details from the Enron special report, is that of a brilli=
ant, ambitious and hard-charging executive who, it appears, grew obsessed w=
ith using complex financing techniques to supercharge Enron's earnings whil=
e inflating his own paycheck.=20
Besides the $30 million he made in the LJM partnerships, Mr. Fastow earned =
a hefty salary and stock options at Enron. In 1999 and 2000, he sold about =
$23 million in Enron stock.=20
It was not as if he needed the money, his friends say; his wife, the former=
Lea Weingarten, is the heiress to a Houston real estate fortune. But Mr. F=
astow was adamant, friends say, in his belief that the amount of money a pe=
rson made was the only meaningful measure of success in business.=20
Even after Mr. Fastow retreated into seclusion last fall, he continued buil=
ding an 11,500-square-foot house in Houston's wealthy River Oaks neighborho=
od. The Fastows also maintain an art collection, some of which has been dis=
played at the Contemporary Arts Museum and at the Menil Collection, both in=
He also had a prominent role in Houston's Jewish community, taking charge o=
f fund-raising for the city's new Holocaust museum.=20
''The work was significantly greater than the reward,'' said Bobby Lapin, a=
lawyer who has known Mr. Fastow for years. ''The person I know bears absol=
utely no relation to the person who has been characterized, in some reports=
, within the walls of Enron.''=20
But the focus on Capitol Hill is not on good deeds.=20
According to the internal report, Mr. Fastow and a group of other top execu=
tives secretly invested in a series of partnerships that benefited from swa=
pping assets with Enron. Mr. Fastow used some of those partnerships to conc=
eal losses at Enron. He used others to inflate profits, by about $1 billion=
in a 12-month period in 2000 and 2001. And in one instance, he invested $2=
5,000 in Southampton Place, a partnership that in a matter of two months ma=
de $4.5 million from a deal with Enron, the special report said.=20
That transaction, and many others, were never disclosed to Enron's director=
s, the report said. The $4.5 million would eventually reach Mr. Fastow thro=
ugh a family foundation he had set up as a charity.=20
The collapse of Enron is a dramatic reversal of fortune for Mr. Fastow. Unt=
il last August, when Mr. Skilling resigned as chief executive, Mr. Fastow w=
as at his side constantly, a crucial player in winning Enron acclaim as one=
of the world's most innovative companies.=20
He arrived at the company in 1990, at age 29, a handsome, talented and ambi=
tious man who would eventually assume the job of chief financial officer in=
1998 at the age of 36.=20
A graduate of Tufts University and the Kellogg School of Management at Nort=
hwestern, Mr. Fastow was helping to refashion a gas pipeline company into s=
omething more akin to a Wall Street trading house.=20
Those who knew Mr. Fastow at Enron described a man with twin personalities.=
They say he could be charming yet aggressive, quiet yet mercurial, and phi=
lanthropic yet bent on accumulating the trappings of wealth.=20
''He was very smart and very good at what he did,'' one former executive sa=
id. ''He could be nice, but he could also be quite volatile and short-tempe=
red. He didn't have a lot of patience with people who weren't as smart as h=
Andrew Stuart Fastow was born in Washington but grew up in New Providence, =
N.J., the son of a buyer for supermarkets and department stores. His career=
started in Chicago in the 1980's, at Continental Bank, where he worked on =
''troubled loans,'' and more complicated deals, like leveraged buyouts.=20
At Enron, he started by trying to arrange financing for Mr. Skilling's inno=
vative plan, the creation of a ''gas bank'' that would help struggling ener=
gy companies by providing them with loans in exchange for their oil and gas=
reserves, which Enron could hedge and trade against in its growing derivat=
ives unit.=20
Enron later began supporting energy producers by creating partnerships that=
allowed the company to keep the debt off the balance sheet. The first of t=
hose partnerships was named Cactus.=20
By 1993, the partnerships Mr. Fastow helped set up were so successful that =
Calpers, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, approached Enr=
on about a joint venture. The partnership was called JEDI, or the Joint Ene=
rgy Development Investments.=20
Later, there were hundreds of other partnerships, with names like Obi 1, Ch=
ewco and Raptor.=20
In recent years, as Enron pushed to build power plants and to develop new m=
arkets, the company needed huge amounts of capital, and partnerships were o=
ne way to pay for the projects without having the debt accumulate on Enron'=
s balance sheet.=20
In 1999, CFO magazine honored Mr. Fastow for creating an innovative financi=
ng structure. In a rare interview, he told CFO that he would use off-balanc=
e-sheet transactions to avoid weakening Enron's credit rating. And he would=
do this while operating in the shadows.=20
''This guy was never anything but low profile,'' said John E. Olson, an ene=
rgy analyst at Sanders Morris Harris. ''He rarely, if ever, showed up at an=
alyst meetings. He was a loan consolidator.''=20
By 1999, there were small fissures in Mr. Fastow's labyrinthine financing e=
mpire. As early as 1997, Enron had difficulty finding a partner to buy out =
Calpers's interest. So, apparently to skirt disclosure rules, Mr. Fastow pr=
oposed listing his wife's family as outside investors. When he was rebuffed=
, Michael Kopper, who worked under Mr. Fastow at Enron, was selected. Becau=
se he was a lower-level employee, Enron would not have to disclose his inte=
rest in S.E.C. filings. Mr. Kopper would eventually make at least $10 milli=
on in profit from the venture.=20
Later, Mr. Fastow dealt with partnerships that involved at least four other=
Enron employees.=20
Mr. Fastow, the board report said, often played dual roles as an Enron exec=
utive and a partner of LJM. Once, he found himself at odds with Enron Broad=
band Services. ''Fastow's involvement caused great distress for the E.B.S. =
team,'' the special report said. ''They understood that their job was to ge=
t the best deal possible for Enron but driving a hard bargain for Enron dre=
w the ire of Enron's C.F.O.'=20
Others, who worked closely with Mr. Fastow, say he was not a rogue operator=
. ''I think there's too much focus on Andy,'' one longtime colleague said. =
Mr. Fastow, the colleague said, did not do anything on his own.=20
Other colleagues say it is quite possible Mr. Fastow took charge himself, t=
hat he got wrapped up in a series of complex transactions that ultimately d=
oomed him. And even when it was all falling apart, Mr. Fastow was reluctant=
to acknowledge what was happening.=20
In October, after the company was forced to restate its earnings but before=
he left, Mr. Fastow appeared at an employee meeting at the Hyatt Regency h=
otel here. His remarks were brief and mysterious. ''The Enron Corporation's=
balance sheet,'' one employee recalls him saying, ''has never been in bett=
er health.''

Photos: Andrew S. Fastow, Enron's former chief financial officer, at his la=
wyer's office last month in Houston. (James Estrin/The New York Times)(pg. =
A1); Andrew S. Fastow is said to have been a hard-charging executive obsess=
ed with using complex financial techniques to bolster profit. (F. Carter Sm=
ith for The New York Times); After Andrew S. Fastow went into seclusion las=
t fall, he continued work on his 11,500-square-foot new home in the River O=
aks area of Houston. (James Estrin/The New York Times)(pg. C9)=20
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. =09

A Section
Enron CEO Felt 'Betrayed,' Panel Told; Head of Internal Probe Testifies on =
the Hill
Jackie Spinner and David S. Hilzenrath
Washington Post Staff Writers

The Washington Post
Copyright 2002, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved

Former Enron Corp. chairman Kenneth L. Lay told investigators for the Enron=
board that he should have paid more attention to his company's bookkeeping=
but felt "betrayed" by others at the company who kept information from him=
, the board's lead investigator testified yesterday.=20
Lay, in four hours of interviews with the special board committee investiga=
ting the company's collapse, indicated that he knew the company was using E=
nron stock to protect investors in its off-the-books partnerships, said Wil=
liam C. Powers Jr., chairman of the committee, which issued its report Satu=
That unusual strategy helped Enron hide large debts and losses.=20
"When we interviewed Mr. Lay . . . he didn't understand or appreciate there=
was anything wrong with it," Powers, dean of the University of Texas Law S=
chool, told the House Government Reform subcommittee on oversight and inves=
tigations. Lay's story was that "the accountants had signed off on it," Pow=
ers said. "It was a credible device."=20
Powers also disclosed that the Enron board's investigative committee spent =
"a couple of hours" interviewing former Enron vice chairman J. Clifford Bax=
ter, who was found dead on Jan. 25 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Power=
s said Baxter gave no hint that he was "a person . . . in danger."=20
House members asked Powers for notes or recordings from that interview. Pow=
ers said he could not turn the records over without permission from the com=
pany, but he said he would support their release. Enron attorney Robert Ben=
nett later said the company "certainly will provide the materials requested=
Committees in the Senate and House yesterday subpoenaed Lay to appear on Ca=
pitol Hill on Feb. 12 and 14. Lay, who withdrew from a scheduled appearance=
Monday, is expected to invoke his constitutional right against self-incrim=
ination and refuse to testify, but the subpoenas mean he will have to do so=
in person in the full glare of publicity.=20
Meanwhile, members of a Financial Services subcommittee unleashed their wra=
th on Arthur Andersen chief executive Joseph F. Berardino, blasting the big=
accounting firm's audits of Enron and voicing exasperation when Berardino =
said he didn't know the answers to many of their questions about Andersen's=
"Maybe it's better to be dumb than culpable, but we want some answers," sai=
d Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D-N.Y.).=20
"I mean, your ship is going to go down and you're going to be lashed to the=
mast unless you start talking to us about what happened."=20
Berardino, who headed Andersen's audit practice before becoming its chief e=
xecutive about a year ago, said Andersen was still trying to gather the fac=
"I don't know, with authority, what we knew and when we knew it," he told t=
he Financial Services subcommittee on capital markets, one of several congr=
essional panels investigating Enron's collapse.=20
Separately, a spokesman for Andersen said yesterday that its auditors went =
to Enron's board earlier than was previously known with concerns about poss=
ible illegal activity.=20
The first approach was in August, after the emergence of a letter from exec=
utive Sherron Watkins to Lay warning of widespread accounting irregularitie=
s, spokesman Charlie Leonard said.=20
Federal law requires auditors to alert the SEC when they suspect illegality=
and the board or management does not ad