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Enron Mail |
ENA has acted as agent for Tenaska IV , a generation facility in Cleburne, = Texas, in which , Enron has ownership interest. Our role was to manage the= fuel requirements for the plant. This includes scheduling, invoicing, and= settling the natural gas supplies and transportation. In addition to the = daily activity, ENA has the responsibility to sale any excess fuel from the= baseload supplies and purchase an additional fuel needs. Any profits/loss= es are passed on to Tenaska IV. ENA is just paid a monthly fee for the ser= vice. Rick Hill is my contact person for the project. He is looking into f= inding another party to handle this fuel management responsibility. If he = can't find a party willing to do this under similar terms, we will need to = find some one with the Enron estate to handle this. The problem with Enron= continuing in the role is the inability to transact in the gas market (no = customers willing to trade with us). So, the project is losing value. Ple= ase give me a call when you get a chance. Or, maybe we can meet sometime n= ext week to go over this. My schedule is pretty flexible. Daren 3-6905