Enron Mail

Subject:What's New for Blue from American Express?
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:30:43 -0800 (PST)

=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What's New for Blue from American Express [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] December 2001 =09=09
[IMAGE]=09 Dear Antonio Martinez, [IMAGE] American Express Cards We send=
this e-mail approximately once a month to help you get the most out of Bl=
ue from American ExpressSM. If you do not wish to receive these e-mails, p=
lease refer to our Customer Service information below. To keep up with Blu=
e's latest offers, go to americanexpress.com/igotblue right now. [IMAGE] T=
ime is Running Out?Use Blue for Holiday Shopping Today! What?s Up in this=
E-mail? [IMAGE] ? Enroll in Membership Rewards OptionsSM! ? 30% =
MEGASavings at Virgin Megastores with Blue! ? Share Blue with Friends?G=
et Cash! ? Manage Your Credit This Holiday Season! ? Enroll to Chec=
k and Pay Your Blue Bill Online! [IMAGE] Blue Rewards [IMAGE] logo =
Enroll in Membership Rewards Options! [IMAGE] Enroll today in Membership Re=
wards Options from American Express. You will earn one point for virtually =
every dollar you charge with your Blue. Join today and you will enjoy a hos=
t of exciting advantages: [IMAGE] ? No Annual Fee! ? Addi=
tional rewards categories, including airline, hotel, car rental, and other =
travel rewards ? More retail rewards choices ? Points have=
no expiration dates ? Access to points online or in your monthly =
billing statement ? Points can be redeemed online or by phone [=
IMAGE] Enroll and start earning points today! Blue For Music [IMAGE] =
logo 30% MEGASavings at Virgin Megastores with Blue! [IMAGE] Time is runni=
ng out! From now until December 26, 2001 your Smart Chip activates an autom=
atic savings of 30% on virtually everything at Virgin Megastores.* It's go=
od on all CDs, DVDs, videos, books, magazines, clothing accessories?and ev=
en on electronics, like portable CD players. Find holiday gifts for your f=
amily, friends, coworkers, and yourself. The only thing you need to bring i=
s Blue! [IMAGE] Click here for more details! [IMAGE] And, check out the la=
test Blue for Music headliner . [IMAGE] No Virgin Megastore nearby? You can=
still get great music and $3 off on everything GetMusic.com offers. [IMAG=
E] *Void where prohibited. Offer valid 11/22/01-12/26/01 at participating V=
irgin Megastores. Cafe and gift card purchases are excluded from the 30% o=
ff offer. Purchases in excess of $5000 maximum limit are not eligible for 3=
0% discount. Blue Opportunity [IMAGE] logo Share Blue with Friends?=
Get Cash! [IMAGE] Here's how it works?You will earn $20 for each friend (ma=
ximum limit of 5 friends) who applies and is approved for Blue?up to $100!!=
The plan also pays off for your friends as they will receive a credit of =
$10 following their first purchase with Blue. Your first step is to copy th=
e link below and send it to your friends (be sure to tell them all about Bl=
ue's outstanding advantages!). [IMAGE] Keep in mind that your friends must =
apply and be approved via the link below in order for you to receive credit=
. Hurry?the offer expires January 15, 2002. [IMAGE] Copy the following text=
and send it to your friends: [IMAGE] You're invited to apply for Blue fr=
om American Express(SM)! Make your first purchase of a minimum of $20 by 2/=
15/02 and you will receive a $10 credit in your billing statement! Please a=
llow six to eight weeks after 2/15/02 to receive your credit. Act now -- th=
is offer can only be found by applying through this link: [IMAGE] http://ww=
w.americanexpress.com/tmgmblue/?id=3D4889290166 Please allow six to eight=
weeks after 1/15/02 for your credit to appear on your statement. Applicati=
ons for Blue Additional Cards do not apply. This offer is not valid for Blu=
e for Students(SM) applications. Friends you refer must not be existing Car=
dmembers with Blue from American Express. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] lo=
go Manage Your Credit This Holiday Season! [IMAGE] You can help increase yo=
ur purchasing power this holiday season by taking control of your credit! =
With TrackstarSM from American Express, you can manage your credit on-line =
with over 20 financial management tools, find out how you can improve your =
credit score, and get unlimited access to your credit report from Experian?=
24/7. [IMAGE] Sign up for Trackstar today [IMAGE] Once you enroll, your Bl=
ue from American Express
Card account will be billed for the low annual fee of $79.99 until you cal=
l to cancel, that's less than 23 cents per day! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] logo Enroll to Check and Pay Your Blue Bill Online! [IMAGE] Not sure h=
ow much you've charged so far this month? Now you can find out in an insta=
nt, even when you're far away from home! By accessing your Blue account on=
line you can track charges and payments, pay your bill, make balance tran=
sfers, and more! It's secure, simple, and FREE! [IMAGE] Register your Blue =
in four easy steps: [IMAGE] 1. Go to the Blue Web site. 2.=
Click on "Manage Your Card Account." 3. Click on "Register Now"=
to create a unique User ID and Password. 4. Enter your Blue informat=
ion. [IMAGE] If you are already registered go to the Blue Web site and m=
anage your account today. Customer Service for Blue! NEW! Now you ca=
n change your billing address, change your e-mail address, request archived=
statements and more?all online with secure Customer Service on the Web. Y=
ou will be asked to log in to protect your privacy. If you are not register=
ed, please click the "Register Now" button. [IMAGE] Forgot Your Password? O=
btain a new password online . Please call Customer Service at 1-800-AXP-123=
4 if you have difficulty resetting your password online. If you forgot your=
User ID, please note that it cannot be changed online. If you want to chan=
ge your User ID, please call Customer Service at 1-800-AXP-1234. P.S. T=
his e-mail was sent to tmartin@enron.com. If you received this e-mail at a =
different address, this e-mail message was forwarded. If you do not wish to=
receive future e-mail offers from American Express, please hit the reply b=
utton and let us know by typing the word ?REMOVE? and indicate this e-mail =
address in the subject line. Please visit the American Express Privacy stat=
ement to set, review or change preferences regarding the type of e-mails y=
ou want to receive. Copyright ? 2001 American Express Company. All right=
s reserved. =09[IMAGE]=09