Enron Mail

Subject:RE: David Baumbach
Date:Wed, 9 May 2001 08:24:07 -0700 (PDT)

Maybe we should meet. I am not sure what Dave has told you but my intent i=
s for at least the near term that his responsiblities not change. My objec=
tive in moving him on the desk is to provide an opportunity for him to have=
a better perspective in what we do. I told him that as he has time I coul=
d utilize him for analysis or other projects but not at the expense of his =
current job. The bottom line is that Dave is very good at his current role=
and he has expressed interest in trading. I viewed this move as an opport=
unity to evaluate his trading potential while he is given the opportunity t=
o see what trading is really like; but I have no immediate plans to move D=
ave into trading. If the time ever comes that I would like bring him into =
trading I will certainly coordinate the transition with you. I was under t=
he impression that Dave cleared all this with you before he moved. It appe=
ars that he may have made this physical move more meaningful than it is and=
certainly more than I intend at this time. How do you want to handle this=


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Gossett, Jeffrey =20
Sent:=09Monday, May 07, 2001 8:36 AM
To:=09Martin, Thomas A.
Subject:=09David Baumbach


Can you let me know what your plans are for Dave? I understand that you wa=
nt him to move over to the desk and do special projects, but remain on my =
cost center. =20

