Enron Mail

Subject:FW: System Security - November 1
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 08:19:51 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Grace Landrum <lan-link@swbell.net<@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:11 AM
To: Armstrong, Julie
Subject: System Security - November 1

Here is the updated announcement with confirmed presenters and underwriters. I will let you know as soon as we hear from Stan's assistant. We have asked Jerry Halverson for an alternate, if Stan is unavailable. Vicky Bailey will speak about DOE expectations and concerns. Glynn Blanton will address expectations and concerns from a state perspective.

Mary Landrum

CTN Live

"A Heightened Look at the Security of Our System"
November 1, 2001
8:30-10:00 a.m. MT, 9:30-11:00 a.m. CT, 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon ET

"Now that we know what the 'new normal' is, we have work to do"
Earl Nye, Chairman, TXU Corp.

Target Audience:
Senior Executives, Team Leaders and management from Operations, Human Resources, Engineering, Safety, Environmental, Communications, and Regulatory
Persons viewing this Special Program will have a better understanding of the following:
Can the industry effectively secure the massive infrastructure within the United States? If we cannot, what methodology do we utilize to determine and address our greatest risks?
What is the REAL threat to the gas infrastructure? Do we understand what companies are trying to protect against?
How to effectively evaluate your current system security.
Proactive steps in creating alliances with homeland security, law enforcement and trade associations
Our 'new normal' will not be like the last?but what is the proper level of awareness we should have? Should we look to foreign companies as our 'new normal' what may already be their standard operating procedures?
We may need to sacrifice "convenience" for the benefit of better security, but what does that mean?
To increase security we will need to share less system information as widely?what information should we begin to hold more closely?

The broadcast will be aired in three segments. Each segment will follow the model:
Preparedness, Prevention, Protection, Response & Recovery

Physical Assets Human Assets Regulatory Response & Expectation
Risk Assessment Existing System Security Proactive Measures The Pre-Event Process During the Crisis or Event Post Event Process Increased Facilities Security New Guidelines Rate Relief

Panelists include:
Mr. Earl Nye, Chairman, TXU Corporation
The Honorable Linda Breathitt, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Invited)
Ms Vicky Bailey, Assistant Secretary, Policy & International Policy, Department of Energy
Ms. Stacy Gerard, Office of Pipeline Safety (Invited)
Mr. Glynn Blanton, Chief of Pipeline Safety, Tennessee Regulatory Authority
Dr. Karl Seger, Author & Terrorism Expert, Associated Corporate Consultants
Mr. Mike McGonagill, Vice President-U.S. Operations, Alliance Pipeline
Mr. David Jones, Vice President-Eastern Operations, El Paso Pipeline Group
Mr. Bill Burton, Senior Vice President-HR, Williams Gas Pipeline
Mr. Lewis Griffith, Director-Corporate Security, Reliant Energy
Mr. Gary Forman, Chief Security Officer, Columbia Gas Transmission, a NiSource Co.

Underwriting Sponsors:
Alabama Gas Corp Duke Energy Corp.
AGL Resources Reliant Energy Entex
Columbia Gas Transmission Southern Natural Gas Company
Columbia Gulf Transmission

SITE registration Fees:
CTN Subscribers $495.
SGA Members $595.
Non-SGA Members $695.

To register for this Broadcast, contact:
Nadine Fred
CTN, the Energy Network
972-620-4017 nfred@southerngas.org

Mary Landrum
CTN, the Energy Network
713-722-8307 mlandrum@southerngas.org


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