Enron Mail

To:bdreese@duke-energy.com, byron.wright@elpaso.com, peter.lund@neg.pge.com,spatrick@sempra.com, tony_palmer@transcanada.com, mbirch@wei.org, cavan.c.carlton@williams.com, dennis_mcconaghy@transdcanada.com
Subject:RE: Dinner Meeting with ANS Producers
Cc:stark.mary@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com, robert.hill@enron.com
Bcc:stark.mary@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com, robert.hill@enron.com
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:37:50 -0800 (PST)


Unfortunately, due to current operating conditions at Enron, neither Bob Hill nor I are able to be in Anchorage for dinner with the producers. Please convey our regrets. I'd appreciate a debrief at your convenience.



-----Original Message-----
From: Brad D. Reese [mailto:bdreese@duke-energy.com]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:47 PM
To: byron.wright@elpaso.com; Gadd, Eric; peter.lund@neg.pge.com;
spatrick@sempra.com; tony_palmer@transcanada.com; mbirch@wei.org;
cavan.c.carlton@williams.com; dennis_mcconaghy@transdcanada.com
Cc: Mary G. Stark
Subject: Dinner Meeting with ANS Producers

Byron, Cavan, Dennis, Eric, Murray, Peter, and Steve:

Dinner with Joe Marushack, Ken Konrad and Robbie Schilhab is confirmed for
Thursday evening, Nov 29. We'll meet at Marx Brothers at 6:00pm (627 West
3rd Avenue downtown Anchorage; phone 907-278-2133). We've got a private
room set up for our meeting. Reservations should be in my name or since
Joe Marushack's assistant made them it may be in his name. Furthermore;
Tony Palmer - I've not included NiSource unless they've executed the MOU
- please advise of that status.
We shlould plan on meeting at Marx Bro's early, around 5:30pm for a
drink and a quick coordination effort.
Attendance is limited to one person per company - please forward this
email to the appropriate party if you cannot attend .
Also, please confirm with me who'll be attending so I can get a
definitive head-count.

Thanks - see you there.
Brad Reese