Enron Mail

Subject:are you experienced?
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 01:29:53 -0700 (PDT)

are you experienced?

=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] October 22nd - 28th in association with Microsoft Windo=
ws XP [IMAGE] | flights | hotels | holidays | going out =
| sport | half-term [IMAGE] This week we're celebrating the launch of=
Microsoft Windows XP with an adrenaline-fuelled experiences special. Windo=
ws XP makes it easier than ever before to take control of your digital worl=
d - to share stories, relive memories, arrange adventures and experience po=
ssibilities... which sounds to us like the perfect excuse to do something =
lastminute.com [IMAGE] hotel deals 70% off London Hotels country house=
s from ?45 60% off hip hotels weekend breaks Barcelona from ?199 Pari=
s from ?99 Brussels from ?129 flight deals British Airways offers flig=
hts under ?99 massive flights sale half-term specials 50% off London Du=
ngeon beat the queues at Legoland The London Eye Order your copy =
of Microsoft Windows XP Windows XP unlocks the power of your PC to bring t=
he possibilities of the digital world to your fingertips. Store, share, edi=
t and enjoy music, pictures and video as never before; talk to friends and =
family all over the globe and enjoy a new era of speed, reliability and sec=
urity. Find out how Windows XP can empower your imagination - for a demo a=
nd to order your copy, click here [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Great =
music without the big performance get your own back on Nasty Nigel - a day=
in a recording studio just ?100 Sharp micro hi-fi - save ?20 on this se=
riously stylish sound system dozens of CDs from ?11 including delivery b=
id for a top-of-the-range Sony Mini Disc player Kylie, Travis, Orbital, W=
heatus, Pulp, Stereophonics and more... click here Royal Philharmonic cl=
assical gala at the Royal Festival Hall - save ?5 bid for some spooky para=
normal paraphernalia from the Sci-Fi channel [IMAGE] Share =
memories with none of the negatives Muhammad Ali v Sonny Liston - bid for=
a signed print of this iconic image snap yourself with the stars (well, n=
early...) Madame Tussauds makeover and photoshoot save ?200 see the all=
-stars of world rugby take on the world champions - Barbarians v Australia =
holidays from ?99 - the perfect excuse to take more holiday snaps take =
part in a real photo shoot - archery, shooting and air-rifle weekend Sydn=
ey return from ?635 inc tax catch a snap of the Opera House exp=
eriences of a lifetime a night at the Savoy London helicopter flight =
drive a Ferrari - ?230 dive with sharks the Orient Express dinner at =
Asia de Cuba Man Utd v Leeds Tiger Moth flight "...what we are de=
aling with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It's really a mira=
cle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sha=
rks and that's all" Jaws You've done the bungee, bought the video and got=
the t-shirt to prove it - maybe it's time to consider something just a lit=
tle bit... scarier? To mark the launch of Windows XP we've teamed up with M=
icrosoft to give you the chance to come face-to-face with a Great White Sha=
rk in South Africa. For your chance to take a dip with a predator the size =
of a small family car, click here [IMAGE] Some things are too good =
to keep to yourself our best restaurant deals - as chosen by our customer=
s get very close to a stranger on this tandem skydive family weekend for=
four - dinner, hotel and breakfast just ?130 romantic escapes to Paris a=
nd Brussels from ?99 Alton Towers Halloween Spooktacular half-term famil=
y fun the ultimate house party - a thirteenth-century Manor House for the=
weekend order pizzas all round from our unique online food delivery servi=
ce [IMAGE] Work doesn't have to be a four-letter word esse=
ntial office entertainment - table football game with ?100 off four-star =
Millennium Copthorne hotels from ?40 let us organize your office Christma=
s party leaving you to concentrate on the scandal England v Romania offi=
cial Twickenham hospitality packages he's the model employee for your desk=
top: I-Man, just ?13.99 business class flights from just ?215 including =
tax for awaydays with a difference, check out our corporate experiences se=
ction Are you ready for Microsoft Windows XP? Get ready fo=
r Thursday October 25th - get ready for Windows XP. To check your PC is rea=
dy to run Windows XP, a free PC Ready program is available on CD or for dow=
nload. To order your free PC Ready check and for more information about abo=
ut upgrades and Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition, click =
here [IMAGE] [IMAGE] For weekends really worth shouting =
about quip classic quotes from magical movies the way they're supposed to=
be seen Antarctica at The Savoy Theatre - 50% off Conran's Cantina del =
Ponte - two courses only ?10, three courses ?12.50 deals worth shouting a=
bout - Kenya, India and more for under ?500 once-in-a-lifetime luxury hol=
idays New York, Boston and Florida - US and Canadian city breaks from ju=
st ?199 leave him speechless - 65% off Ultimo lingerie [IMAG=
E] Direct yourself towards your cut of the action book your ski holiday =
now and get ready for those You've Been Framed moments DVDs from just ?12=
.99 including delivery tee up your weekend at St Andrews Golf Resort & Sp=
a Toshiba multi-region DVD player - just ?149.99 including three free fi=
lms get your DVD rentals delivered to your door Boston return from ?196 =
inc tax - film your own episode of Cheers you'll want to preserve this fo=
r posterity: introduction to paragliding ?129 do something lastm=
inute.com next week: make the most of the two days that matter with our wee=
kend special We're sending this newsletter to dmccarty@enron.com because y=
ou requested it. If you'd like to change the format you receive this newsl=
etter in, click here . If you'd like to change this address, send an email=
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tered and operates under UK data protection legislation. For more informati=
on and to view our privacy policy, click here . If you have any comments pl=
ease drop us an email - click here . Message-Id: <20011024032953.73A5.4334=
91-12568@news.lastminute.com< [IMAGE]=09