Enron Mail

To:danny.mccarty@enron.com, michael.ratner@enron.com
Subject:FW: ANGTS Proposal - Executive Summary
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:44:50 -0800 (PST)

Eric asked that I forward this to you both.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ilnycky, Andrew [mailto:andy.ilnycky@foothillspipe.com]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:33 PM
To: 'dpentzien@nisource.com'; 'bdreese@duke-energy.com';
'skschroeder@duke-energy.com'; 'jay.holm@elpaso.com';
'byron.wright@elpaso.com'; Gadd, Eric; Reinecke, Bryan; Cohen, Rob;
Heeg, Marty; Ilnycky, Andrew; Hill, Robert; 'Peter.Lund@neg.pge.com';
'lauri.newton@neg.pge.com'; 'dave.vandriel@neg.pge.com';
'spatrick@sempra.com'; 'wpurcell@sempra-intl.com';
'vincent_lee@transcanada.com'; McConaghy Dennis;
'tony_palmer@transcanada.com'; 'mbirch@wei.org'; 'bscott@wei.org';
'jtaylor@wei.org'; 'cavan.c.carlton@williams.com';
'jim.c.moore@williams.com'; 'peter.c.thomas@williams.com'
Cc: Ellwood, John
Subject: ANGTS Proposal - Executive Summary

Attached we are forwarding electronic copies of the ANGTS Proposal and cover
letter sent via courier to Phillips, BP and Exxon Mobil. A hard copy was
also couriered to ANGTS members.

Please accept my best Season's Greetings.

Andrew M. Ilnycky
Manager, Commercial and Customer Relations
Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd.
Tel: 403-294-4434
Fax: 403-294-4174

<<Cover Letter.doc<< <<Final Executive Summary.doc<<