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Tuesday in Washington. As Foothil]
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: McCarty, Danny </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DMCCARTY< X-To: Horton, Stanley </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Shorton< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \DMCCARTY (Non-Privileged)\McCarty, Danny\Sent Items X-Origin: MCCARTY-D X-FileName: DMCCARTY (Non-Privileged).pst Stan, Last week we coordinated with Steve Kean, Rick Shapiro, Joe Hartsoe and the Washington office, so that they would make sure that our objections (as outlined in Dennis's communication below ) to certain portions of Bingaman's proposed legislation would be heard. They've all been working on the issue this week and will continue through the Bingaman hearings. Williams, El Paso and Duke have all done the same. Dan -----Original Message----- From: Horton, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 5:09 PM To: McCarty, Danny Subject: FW: [Fwd: Bingaman HearingsJohn, as you probably are aware Senator Bingaman is holding hearings on the Alaskan pipeline situation next Tuesday in Washington. As Foothil] Please advise as to what you want to do. -----Original Message----- From: "Dennis McConaghy" <dennis_mcconaghy@transcanada.com<@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:34 PM To: Horton, Stanley Subject: [Fwd: Bingaman HearingsJohn, as you probably are aware Senator Bingaman is holding hearings on the Alaskan pipeline situation next Tuesday in Washington. As Foothil] Stan, this has the attachment I refer to in the prior email. Message-ID: <3BB21DF7.F3FECAAD@transcanada.com< Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 12:27:03 -0600 From: Dennis McConaghy <dennis_mcconaghy@transcanada.com< Organization: TransCanada X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en]C-CCK-MCD cal-v4512 (WinNT; U) X-Accept-Language: en,es MIME-Version: 1.0 To: stanley.horton@enron.com CC: mstewart@wei.org Subject: Bingaman HearingsJohn, as you probably are aware Senator Bingaman is holding hearings on the Alaskan pipeline situation next Tuesday in Washington. As Foothills and ANNGTC,John, as you probably are aware Senator Bingaman is holding hearings on the Alaskan pipeline situation next Tuesday in Washington. As Foothills and ANNGTC, Content-Type: multipart/alternative ; boundary="------------6F48C3C81BD869B11C84E2BC" Tom, as you probably are aware Senator Bingaman is holding hearings on the Alaskan pipeline situation next Tuesday in Washington. As Foothills and ANNGTC, Mike Stewart and I are going to be appearing before that committee. Other notables will be the producers and state of Alaska. We will be finalizing our prepared remarks on Monday and I will undertake to email a copy prior to our appearence. The basic messages will continue to be: a view that no legislative action is required at this time. In fact, any unsettling of the legislative status quo may actually slow down the overall commercial process pariticularly if two conflicting statutues were to be put in place. genuine commercial activity is progressing, both in terms of dealing with the liabilities issue within ANNGTC and a commerical proposal to the producers from a reconstituted partnership ANGTS continues to remain a viable and expeditious means of bringing this resource to market within decade, particularly from the broadest stakeholder perspective We have been advised by our Washington counsel that it would be extremely helpful if the Withdrawn Partners ,or "to be" re-enlisted Partners, would provide the Chairman will some communication on thier view of the need for any legislative initiative at this time. I understand Williams is intending to communciate to the Chairman in this manner. I offer you the following attachment drafted by our Washington counsel for your consideration as a basic framework if you see merit for Enron in providing a contribution to Senator Bingaman. However you wish to proceed, I dutifully provide you with a copy of our prepared remarks prior to our appearence. - VANDOC_109208_1.doc << File: VANDOC_109208_1.doc <<