Enron Mail

Subject:RE: business recovery question
Date:Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:39:52 -0800 (PST)

SOOOO--Is it really too late to consider a disaster recovery site that would be safer than Ardmore in the event of flood, bio-terrorism, or other crazy attack, that would be marketable to other companies?? I think that this a question that one should ask one's self if one was just promoted to a lofty position of authority.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hotte, Steve
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:59 AM
To: McCarty, Danny
Subject: FW: business recovery question

I participate in the Southern Gas Association and am asked questions as related to IT topics. If the early discussions you and I had regarding the provision of disaster recovery by ETS would have taken a different turn I could have provided an interesting answer to this one...

-----Original Message-----
From: Magan S Yarbrough [mailto:msyarbrough@cmsenergy.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:40 AM
To: ittalk@southerngas.org
Subject: business recovery question

We are doing our annual review of disaster/recovery procedures and
expecting to make revisions in light of the Sept. 11 attack. Our current
plans are based on the potential of a fire damaging the building or a
hurricane in the region. We are interested in knowing what other options
companies are planning for: the building being gone? toxic chemicals in
the area causing a whole area to be evacuated? other ideas?

We are also interested in any references on companies that have been a
resource for helping to decide what to plan for and how to manage the

Thanks for your help,
Magan Yarbrough
IS Manager, Operations
CMS Panhandle Pipe Line Companies
e-mail: msyarbrough@cmsenergy.com
phone: 713-989-7330

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