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Enron Mail |
Thanks for the email. It was great hearing from you. This job will be fun and it will be odd to return to the energy business after my last year in technology and the new economy. I am glad to hear that all is well with you and your family. I don't have a trip planned currently but I am sure I'll be in London at some point during the year. I'll give you a call. Cheers, mike "LaMaster, John (London)" <jlamaster@velaw.com< on 08/01/2000 12:22:55 PM To: "'mike.mcconnell@enron.com'" <mike.mcconnell@enron.com< cc: Subject: FW: Enron Organizational Announcement < Mike - < < Congratulations on this exciting promotion! This is really a credit to < the hard work you have put in over the years, and you must really be doing < a great job. This looks like another great opportunity for you. < < Everything is fine here in London. Still occasional J-Block flare-ups < (which are being dealt with by others in our office these days, not me). < And still raining. < < Please give me a call if you are ever in London. < < Best regards, < < John C. LaMaster < Vinson & Elkins L.L.P. < Regis House, Eighth Floor < 45 King William Street < London EC4R 9AN < Telephone: 020 7618 6000 < Direct dial telephone/voicemail: 020 7618 6012 < Fax: 020 7618 6001 < Email: jlamaster@velaw.com <mailto:jlamaster@velaw.com< < Mobile telephone: 0410 650 900 < < < < < From: Office of the Chairman on 31/07/2000 18:07 CDT < < To: All Enron Worldwide < < Subject: Organizational Announcement - Introducing Enron Global Markets < < As evidenced by an exceptionally strong performance in the second quarter, < Enron's wholesale energy businesses in North America and Europe continue < to < experience tremendous growth. The opportunities to continue to grow our < natural gas and power businesses have never been better and it is critical < to Enron's future success that we remain focused on expanding these < businesses and maintaining the strong momentum we have in these markets. < < It is equally important that we continue to develop new businesses outside < of gas and electricity, which can make significant contributions to our < earnings growth. We have made significant progress in developing these < businesses in North America, Europe, and most recently in our new Net < Works < business unit. Included in these global businesses are our efforts in < crude and products, coal, emissions, insurance, currency, equity trading, < interest rates, credit trading, paper and pulp, and metals. < < While significant progress has been made in these efforts we need to < accelerate the growth of these new businesses while continuing to < aggressively expand our core gas and electricity businesses in North < America and Europe. In order to accomplish these two objectives and to < capitalize on the increasingly global opportunities in these new < businesses < we are today announcing the formation of a new business unit ? Enron < Global < Markets. This new business unit will focus on markets and commodities < which are global in scope, but outside our traditional gas and power < markets. This new core business unit will operate in parallel with and in < close coordination with the North American and European businesses. < < Enron Global Markets will be headed by Mike McConnell, President and Chief < Executive Officer, and Jeff Shankman, Chief Operating Officer. They will < report to Mark Frevert who will be Chairman of Enron Global Markets. < Mark, < Mike and Jeff will comprise the Office of the Chairman for Enron Global < Markets. < < Included in this new business unit and reporting to the Office of the < Chairman will be the following businesses and their leaders: < - Global Crude and Products: < John Nowlan < - Coal: < George McClellan < - Currency, equities, interest rate and agricultural trading: < Gary Hickerson < - Insurance and weather: < Jere Overdyke < < Enron's metals business and Enron Credit.com will remain the < responsibility < of Enron Europe. The Paper and Pulp business will continue to reside in < North America. < < With the departure of Mike McConnell from Enron Net Works, we are pleased < to announce the following appointments in that business unit: < - Jeff McMahon: President and Chief Operating Officer < - Louise Kitchen: Chief Commercial Officer < - Philippe Bibi: Chief Technology Officer < < Jeff, Louise and Philippe, along with Greg Whalley, will comprise the < Office of the Chairman for Enron Net Works. < < With Jeff Shankman's departure from Enron North America's natural gas < operation, all of Jeff's direct reports will report to John Lavorato. < < We are also pleased to announce the following changes to the Enron North < America Office of the Chairman. John Lavorato will join the ENA Office of < the Chairman as Chief Operating Officer. Dave Delainey will assume the < role of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mark Frevert will retain < his role as Chairman of Enron North America in addition to his role as < Chairman of both Enron Global Markets and Enron Europe. < < Please join us in congratulating everyone in their new assignments and in < supporting the new Enron Global Markets organization. < <