Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Update on Gaza Project Developments
Cc:dan.leff@enron.com, keith.dodson@enron.com, omar.aboudaher@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com
Bcc:dan.leff@enron.com, keith.dodson@enron.com, omar.aboudaher@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com
Date:Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:56:00 -0800 (PST)

I will be happy to talk to Keith about this, but I am not ready to put Enron
employees in harm's way in Gaza. The situation is still very unstable and
until there is a clear sign that the Palestineans and Israelis are willing
and able to control the violence, as evidenced by clear government statements
and a reasonable period of time with zero violent incidents, we are not going

I am advising Mike McConnell of my position on this via voicemail and via
copy of this email. I will let you know if he wants to do anything different
from what I have outlined above.



Richard Leibert@EES
01/23/2001 06:57 PM
cc: Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES

Subject: Update on Gaza Project Developments


I'm sure that you are aware that Larry Izzo announced his retirement
effective 1 Feb. As a result EE&CC and NEPCO now report directly to Dan Leff
in Global Energy Services, EES. I am working with Dan and Keith Dodson to
move all of the construction actions forward.

Gaza Project: My contacts in DC indicate that the situation in Gaza will
probably remain much the same for the next 12 months. As such it would
appear that we have two general options: 1.) Do nothing and maintain
care-taker status of the construction site; or 2.) Conduct a partial
mobilization as discussed below in paragraphs 3 & 4 and move the project
forward. Have asked Keith to give you a call to discuss same.

---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Leibert/HOU/EES on 01/23/2001
06:49 PM ---------------------------

01/23/2001 06:34 PM
cc: Keith Dodson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Richard Leibert@EES, Omar
Subject: Update on Gaza Project Developments

Dear Dan,

1. Following the intervention of the US Ambassador with Gov't of Israel
(GOI) which we requested on behalf of the Owner, we were able to lift the
Israeli embargo on sending plant goods to the site in Gaza. We have brought
to the site 30 trailers this month. All in-gauge equipment in now onsite.

2. We got the restrictions on the import of aggregate to Gaza lifted, and we
can now stockpile it to finish civil works.

3. I am heading back to TA to work on getting approvals to bring the out -of-
gauge equipment (GTs, STs, Transformers, condensers,etc.) to the site. This
requires the use of Israeli convoys, cranes, and personnel (truck drivers,
operators) which is very difficult because the Israelis would not want to
entrust the safety of their citizens to Palestinian forces. We'll suggest as
an alternative the use of Jordanian and /or Egyptian trucks, cranes, and
personnel and see if the Israelis will go for it. (Jordan and Egypt are the
only Arab countries that have signed peace with Israel.) Or, the use of
Israeli equipment and Israeli Arab personnel.

3. We directed AP today at the London mtg to submit a partial resumption of
work program to a) finish civil works, b) do as much electromechanical work
as possible with the recently arrived materials, and c) achieve mechanical
completion of GT 1 and 2. We also told them that in restaffing they should
assume that the current situation of intermittent violence will continue for
perhaps one year, and to send construction and startup personnel willing to
work in such circumstances.

4. We recommended to Enron Middle East (EME) obtaining corporate approval (
from Enron Global Markets and Enron Corp) to send the OE Arabic speaking
engineers (Egyptian and Palestinian engineers) back to Gaza once AP is ready
to return. If Enron does not approve the return of the 2 expats (site mgr and
startup mgr), then we may have to a) transfer them to the payroll of the
Palestinian partners at PEC, or b) replace them with Arabic speaking mgrs to
be hired and placed on our payroll. Omar Aboudaher of EME will be briefing
Bergsieker in Dubai.

I presented this info at the project review teleconference today, and I am
copying some of the attendees for ease of access to these details.

Best regards,

Ed Husami
